Glare with Qobuz…

Noticed glare and slight edginess especially in the midrange and lower treble with Qobuz lately. Going on for about 6 days now. 

No such issues with Tidal or my analog front end. No changes in the system or network. 

Anyone noticed this or is it just me?


I hear only a minimal difference between Qobuz and local files. No glare Dere.


My Qobuz sounds fine -- same answer as fuzztone -- no change in Qobuz as compared to my local collection.

Question -- what other souces do you routinely use? Have you done a direct comparison?  It is possible that there is something going on with your streamer or DAC.

Forgot to mention…this glare is mostly heard on high res albums. Redbook version sounds more or less fine. 

I’ll start troubleshooting. Rebooted roon core. No difference. 

Buz is sounding good here just listened to the new The Smile album (Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood from Radiohead) and sounded most excellent. Innuos Zenith MKIII and I use the Sense app. 

Thanks for the album recommendation @jerryg123 will check it out. 

We had a power outage last week. I bounced my Bricasti DAC but didn’t bother rebooting network components. Something must’ve pooped and never recovered. We’ll see what it is. Rebooting all network components.


Have you tried Qobuz native app bypassing the ROON altogether. Trying to isolate the problem, it could be one of those notorious update from ROON that screwing with sound.

@lalitk I can’t really use native Qobuz with my Bricasti DAC. I don’t have a streamer. My options are just Roon or MConnect.
rebooted all access points. The gateway and the one my Bricasti is hardwired to are really the most critical ones. It sounds better! So it looks like EERO pooped and never recovered. I’ll reboot the main router tomorrow and do another round of mesh restarts. I’ll see if it’s fully back to normal after that.


Thanks all!


@OP Not necessarily right on your thread, but from your last post, if you are using wifi to connect to Roon, if feasible, using a hardwired connection back to the wi fi router will sound better. [That's guessing that the Bricasti is hardwired to a wireless access point. It it's not - ignore this message.]

Using bluos to get Qobuz so my experience is worthless to the op's problems. Once again the os proves to be of major importance in streaming.

I do not find any glare what so ever on Qobuz. No changes what so ever. I listen to Qobuz about three hours a day. I listen to about one vinyl album a day… so, I constantly have that ruler.

I recently read where the said a 16 bit sounded better than streaming.  I played one of my CD’s about 2 months ago and I didn’t want to admit it sounded better than Tidal.  For me streaming is convenient,

Just started my 30 day with Qobuz on Monday and so far so good.
We had a power outage as well. A bird in a transformer and BOOM, out went the power for a few hours. Haven’t noticed any change in the sound.

@yoyoyaya you got it right. But unfortunately my router is on another floor in the house. I use mesh. And an access point is what the Bricasti is wired too. To hardwire to router I need to drill holes, run wires etc.

Rebooting the eero access points remediated the issues. Qobuz is back to sounding good! Thanks again everyone!!!