Food: What does the typical audiophile eat?

Here's an interesting question. What does the typical audiophile eat? Does the type of food reflect on the type of audiophile?
Taking bagels for example, I may like an occasional onion or cinnamon but always go back to the plain old plain bagel for long term eating. But a plain Ray's Bagel from NYC sure is better than the Lender's variety. Hard to go back after that.
What would I do for an Indian curry?
'The Standard', Islington N1, London.
The best.
Kal's right. They cease to be bagels after about 6 hours. After that they are just dough.
"On 08-28-08, Cdc wrote:
Kal, the package says "made from scratch in NYC". Then they import them to New England. Guess you guys are missing out ;-)" Probably not, we usually keep the good stuff and only ship out the seconds. :-) Bagels have to be made and eaten fresh.

First you have to find a typical audiophile. Then you can ask him what he eats.

I don't think the Classical/Chamber/Choral/Opera member's know what you mean.
Fresh road-kill, in order to save money to purchase more lp's. If the critters are lucky, and I'm hungry, I'll raid the neighbors fruit trees, and put it on my cereal. Another great find is to get to the grocery store before they open, but after the deliveries have been made. Usually a big rack of doughnuts there.
i am an amateur psychologicst. i have been thinking about how behvior in one area affects or is affected by behavior in another area. personality is the key factor.

being in the mejority with respect to food choices may be associated with equipment choices. it's a stretch, perhaps.
throw in politics too. its all about our needs and how they are manifested in our behavior.
I ate so many salads last year that I can barely stand to eat one anymore. In the past month or so I have been craving junk food and have dined on Burger King, KFC and chinese food. I think it has something to do with the state of the economy as I have been seeking comfort food for emotional gratification. I do agree with the original post that there is something special about a fresh out of the oven plain bagel. I specifically ask the waitress not to toast mine as this ruins the chewy texture of the bagel. A little butter on top and I am in heaven. Gotta go, the fresh donut light just went off at Krispy Creme.
i smile everytime i see the front license plate down here in the south that says "eat more possum"
Kal, the package says "made from scratch in NYC". Then they import them to New England. Guess you guys are missing out ;-)

Launche, I liked your post.
"Sweet Jesus, I haven't laughed this hard in a couple of days."
Back at you. I guess I see some irony in your comment about absurd questions and audio.
And bagels are boring? Well, you will have to try Rays bagels, imported from NYC.
Currents, tubers, anjou pears, beets chopped into Bits and fried in Snake Oil.
"I'm eating a slice of lemon pound cake right now with some grape-cranberry juice. I had cornflakes for breakfast, pasta with marinara sauce for lunch and a Boca Burger with curry rice and veggies for dinner."

No meat. You must have panel speakers then according to Mr. Tennis!

>>> Nope, cone speakers at the moment. I've owned panels in the past though and hybrids too.<<<

No meat?

>>>I worked in a slaughter house for one day, Hell no I don't eat meat (well not red meat, maybe every now and again a burger.) If I have other options I feel no desire to eat meat at all.
Why do you think that audiophiles are different than everybody else ?

Taking bagels for example, I may like an occasional onion or cinnamon but always go back to the plain old plain bagel for long term eating

Its called variety.
As a slightly-left-of-center meat-eater, with (at the moment) 4 pairs of cone(head) speakers in my house, I seem to fall squarely into the Mr. Tennis theorem, or postulate, of speaker-type prediction regarding diet and politics.

Now, I'm curious, Mr. Tennis--how long have you been working on this theory?
Pepperidge Farm Cookies - Mint, Orange, Rasberry Milanos, and my favorite, Tahiti cookies. I go through a bag a day/night. crumbs are a problem however.
"I'm eating a slice of lemon pound cake right now with some grape-cranberry juice. I had cornflakes for breakfast, pasta with marinara sauce for lunch and a Boca Burger with curry rice and veggies for dinner."

No meat. You must have panel speakers then according to Mr. Tennis!
i have a hypothesis that those who prefer panel speakers to cone speakers are either more likely to be vegeterians, libertarians or conservatives, while those who prefer cone designs are more likely to be meat eaters or liberals or somewhat to the left of center.

hmm, where do the hybrid-speaker owners fit in ?
Looks like somebody ran out of things to tweak.

I would assume they eat what other people eat.
No offense but this is the most absurd question I've come across. Then you kick the thread off with the most boring food, bagels. You're telling us you eat raisin bagels sometimes but always go back to plain bagels for long term enjoyment. Sweet Jesus, I haven't laughed this hard in a couple of days.

BTW, I'm eating a slice of lemon pound cake right now with some grape-cranberry juice. I had cornflakes for breakfast, pasta with marinara sauce for lunch and a Boca Burger with curry rice and veggies for dinner.
Uhr, I have been force fed crow on occasion by fellow Audiogoners. . . but can't claim to be especially partial to the corvine diet. . . must be an allergic reaction to raw black quills. . . . . I do so love fava beans in any form and all sort of other highly [uhr] 'reactive' legumes, and their tofoish derivatives, particularly if spicy hot!
I am a Vampire that lives on the Mapletree by the Granite tombstone. I enjoy the Red Wine with Apple and Blueberry.
I'm working on a hypothesis based on the fact that bats exhibit no high freq. hearing loss as they age. I'm thinking there may be some benefit from a guano based tea, or perhaps salad dressing.