Favorite band or artist of all time?

1st of all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at Audiogon!
I've Have been thinking about it(hundreds of choices)and lately  just wondering, If you had to pick just one, what would be your favorite band or artist of all time???
 Extremely hard decision!, but Mine would be Elton John.
(deeply rooted since I was 10 or 11) Old fart now😎
Steve, the story Eric tells (in The Last Waltz, I believe) is that his reaction upon hearing Music From Big Pink was "Music had been heading in the wrong direction for a long time. When I heard MFBP, I thought, well, someone has finally got it right." He told Ginger and Jack Cream was over, and headed to West Saugerties (the upstate New York hamlet in which the Big Pink house is located) to hang with The Band, waiting, he says, to get up the nerve to ask them to join. He then says it finally dawned on him---they neither required nor desired his services!
All great choices! No one is right or wrong.
Queen would probably be a close second for me (especially old Queen) -1st 5 or 6 albums😎
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Favorite? Captain Fantastic. Oh and his lyricist the Brown Dirt Cowboy.
Tull. What can you say. So much great music and lyrics.   Missed them in their hey day, but have attended two recent performances at the Palace theatres in Greensburg Pa. Great venue.
I cannot select one favorite, but JT is right up there.  Why are they not in the R&R Hall of fame?
Loved Little Feat when Lowell George was alive. 
I don't have one favorite at this point, over the years, I was very attached to one particular band for a period of time, from LZ1 or early Tull, to The Band or Allmans from the Duane era. Now, I love 'em all! :)
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I have to put in a vote for Mozart in the classical realm.  And while I am adding to my list that began with Duane Allman, the best female  singer for me (apologies to Janis who I saw and loved) is Eva Cassidy.  Her voice touches me every time I hear her sing.
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I'm not a rabid Beatles fan, but I realized the other day that, when they finished recording "Abbey Road", their last recording, the oldest of them, Ringo, was 29.
Harrison was only 26.

And just 6 1/2 years had passed since their first album.

Decry them all you want, but I can't think of anyone else in 20th century contemporary music who accomplished so much musically and culturally in so short a time.
"the Beatles Changed The World"- Netflix Documentary. I wholeheartedly agree,
but unfortunately they were unable to stay together.
The Rolling Stones OTOH just kept on rolling, and any band that could write a great song like "Sympathy for the Devil" and so many others too numerous to mention deserve a ton of credit. I have never given them the credit they deserve. "Sticky Fingers" is one of my personal favorites
but that doesn't fully express my point- I just get lost in it.

"There can be only one"

crap. well, OK.

based on the idea I'd be listening to just this group forever without  any other musicians I'd opt for The Beatles.

Huge catalog. varied presentations and styles.  definitely an easy listen.

A good argument could be made for the 'Stones' & Sir Elton on that note as well.
Gustav Mahler.  David Bowie. 

Ihasaguy -- Sorry to report but I walked out of the Allman Bros Band/Duane Allman concert they put on in Santa Barbara in '71, during the same tour you certainly saw.  It got to the point where I decided that if I hear Duane do that whoop-dee-doodle-do guitar lick one more time, I'd leave.  About ten seconds later, he did it again.
johnto. The Beatles definitely changed the landscape of Rock&Roll! Probably wouldn't have been the same without them. GENIUS 😎
Talk about Influenciaal!!!
So many great artists. Hard to pin down even the top ten, I do think that Chuck Berry deserves to be very high on the list. Mostly overlooked, for some unknown reason.

Impossible question, but it has to be Joni Mitchell. She got me through my teenage angst, just, with "Blue", my all time favourite LP and I'm 71 now. That's an awful lot of years.
For those folk who think Jimi Hendrix wasn't a good lyricist or a great guitar player or?..and his Strat didn't sound good! All I can say was he was a genius in all areas of music...period. IMHO...and apparently in most others as well!