Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?

Is there are anyone out there who has compared the Esoteric DV-50 to a number of dedicated red book only players (or other universal's) and found one that is SIGNIFICANTLY better?

I stress significantly because in my humble opinion the redbook playback (if comparison unit is just a cd cd player only )must be significantly better to justify losing DVD-A, SACD and DVD-Video capability.

I keep hearing there are better one box solutions and being a die hard 2 channel fan I would sell my DV-50 if I found a player in the same price range that sounds significantly better. But every time I do an AB comparision to other well respected units the DV-50 has slayed each and every one.

So far, it has eaten the lunch of the Classe CDP-10, Ayre CX-7, Linn Ikemi, Cairn Fog Vers. 2, Cary 306/300, Arcam DV 27A and CD 33T, Myryad CD 600, etc. It even betters a Sony SCD 777ES/MF Tri-Vista 21 transport/dac combo that I previously owned. I'm only comparing the DV-50 to single box cd or universal players, but I just wanted to mention the Sony/MF combo. I'm sure there are some dac/transport combo's that will handily beat the DV 50.

Some may say that the DV 50 should beat all the above because the of price point ($5,500 vs. average price of $3,000 for the above players). But I disagree since conventional wisdom says that stand alone players (especially with the pedigree of those mentioned above) should produce better redbook than a universal player trying to be a jack of all trades. Only the DV 27A does video plus audio. By the way, I was very impressed with the 27A as just a cd player. Of all the above I would say the Ayre was the best.

Next on my list is the Electrocompaniet EMC 1UP and the Resolution Audio Opus 21. However, I must tell you I am really impressed with the DV 50 and all the great reviews are absolutely true. I've noticed that many people who are using it or comparing to other players are using the RCA analog outs instead of the balanced outs. There is a significant improvement in sound if you use the balanced outs and I'm only interested in hearing comments from people who have compared it against other players using the balanced outs on the DV-50.

My system components are as follows:

B&W N803's speakers & HTM-1 center
Cary Cinema 5 (5 x 200) amp
Anthem D1 Statement pre/pro
Esoteric DV 50
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun speaker wire
Nirvana SX balanced interconnects from DV-50 to Anthem
Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II interconnects from D1 to Cary
No after market power cords or isolation equipment

My system sounds great! Those who comment please make sure to specify what specific improvements you heard over the DV 50 and what cdp were you comparing it against.

It must be nice if you live in a major metropolitan area, where serious audiophiles are abundant, many high-end dealers flourish, and one can audition rare modified players and the best money can buy at leisure. In my part of North Carolina serious audiophiles can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Guess I'll keep my DV-50.
AVGuru, unfortunately, I will not be available on Saturday to partake. I will be in San Antonio until Friday, 12/17.

I will plan to join you guys on 12/19 though, so count me in with the Audio Aero Dac (along with Stereovox HDXV and VH Pulsar Gold Nextgen digital cables).

Avguru,the Sony has no problem with RCA,If the
preamp is blowtorch, It will improve the performance,
of the Sony, so far the Sony mod like it without,
preamp,we can try with or without preamp.Thanks
Avguru, I have two preamps: a CTC Blowtorch (single ended inputs) and an Atma-Sphere MP-3 (balanced inputs, single ended adaptors available). I just do two channel the best I can :-)

I wish I could make the get together this Saturday but have another commitment.

My house and room are of limited size. We probably have reached maximum capacity for this session. There can be more. Next week I'll email directions to those of you participating.

Mark, you gotta get here early! :-) Seriously, anywhere is great; the middle is a little better. No beaming. You guys can play musical chairs if you like.

I think everyone would prefer to hear one of Alex's latest mods...which would be the APL 3910. I think that's only fair to Alex. It's my understanding that you have already sent that unit to Alex for the upgraded that correct? Are you suggesting Jactoy or I pick up your older APL 1000 for inclusion in the shoot-out? If so, I'd prefer to wait until you get the 3910 back. When we did our last audition at your home I thought both the Exemplar and the APL 3910 were superior to the 1000.


First of all, I think we should probably conduct the shoot-out at David's house (the guy who owns the Meitner gear). Or, over Brian's at Essential audio. I too have doubts that QA will allow us to do a massive test on their showroom floor. Plus, QA does not have an XO1 nor will they in the very near future. In the case of the Meitner (since its such an exceptional piece of gear) I'd prefer to put it up against Esoteric's very best. The UX1 is not quite at the level of the X01.

We probably could get away with taking a couple of the modded units up to QA to compare against the UX1 which (I'm keeping my fingers crossed) is supposed to arrive this week. That would be a separate, smaller shoot-out that would not draw the ire of QA. Plus, they already know I'm waiting for them to get the UX1 to compare against a couple of modded units so it shouldn't be a problem. As a matter of fact, I'm hoping we can do that this Saturday. 1Markr, Jactoy, Brian, 711, David...are you guys up to it?

Regarding single-ended vs. balanced, I agree that we should hear each player as it sound best. But the other problem we will run into is Jactoy's modded Sony sounds best going direct to the amp (bypassing the pre). My understanding from Jactoy is there's a pretty big drop-off in performance in going out from the rca's.

711's APL sounds pretty good thru the single-ended rca's (it beat my DV 50 handily in this configuration) but I think (not sure) his unit also can go direct to the amplifier and sounds better this way. In the past 711 has been so confident in his machines ability to beat others he really didn't care how it was configured so for him it may not be an issue. I don't know what configuration would be more advantageous for the Kern modded Sony. To thge owner of the Kern please let us know.

Some of you may feel differently but my system serves a dual purpose for both HT and 2 channel music. Additionally, I've already invested in a top notch pre-pro that I'm very happy with and not inclined to get rid of anytime soon. Therefore, I'm not interested in using a cdp that produces its maximum performance going direct to an amp.

Furthermore, I am a fan of multi-channel music (Jactoy's unit does not do multi-channel) and I want a unit that sounds glorious in both 2 channel and multi-channel.
I would hope that either Brian or David has a pre-pro that accepts both single ended and balanced inputs. Being a dealer I can't imagine that Brian doesn't have such a pre-pro and for that matter an amp that handles both.

I guess the point I'm making here is that its going to be very difficult to to a completely fair and apples-to-apples comparision that appeases everybody because everyone's music priorities may not be the same.

Personally, I don't feel the use of an amp with balanced inputs is that critical. For those machines that are clearly mfg'ed to sound better balanced (Esoteric and Meitner) I'm more concerned about making sure we have a pre-amp or pre-pro that has balanced inputs. The connection to the amp is of less importance (unless the amp is also fully balanced). I will also make sure the same balanced intrconnects are used for each unit.

Should Brian or David not have a pre that accepts both configurations I have no problem bring my Anthem D1 Statement pre-pro to the party. It is generally considered to be one of the most transparent and top-notch units availabletoday. It accepts balanced digital (AES/EBU),XLR, optical (Toslink), single-ended rca's, digital coaxial...basically any connection known to man! My amp (Cary Cinema 5) also has both single ended and blalanced connections and I could bring that if necessary.


Yes, we always have a spot for serious audiophiles! Additionally, the Audio Aero is very well respected as both a stand-alone cdp and a dac and I would love to see how it fares in our shoot-out. We could audition your dac using either the Meitner or my DV 50 as the transport. The Meitner will probably be the better pairing.

I can join you guys on the 19th if there's a spot available. I can add the latest Audio Aero 24/192 DAC to the mix if there is any interest to hear it. Anyways, I am certainly interested in the performance of the modded units if nothing else. Hey Brian, how big is your "sweet spot"??!

Brian & others involved in the upcoming shootput. (really don't like the term shootout since we have a common goal, hopefully). Anyway, I've been watching this thread with much interest. Besides myself there'll be many waiting for your results to be reported.
I should mention that I'm a big fan of both the EMM and APL products. I own some of both with plans for more.
I would like to make one suggestion if you have the Emm gear there.
Since some are balanced and some are single ended designs, would it be possible to have balanced and single ended systems to compare the various machines?
For instance, Alex tells me the 3910 is a single ended design and sounds better hooked up that way. On the other hand the EMM gear is a balanced design and may (or may not) sound better hooked up with XLR's. I run mine balanced and havent't really tried RCA's as even my Gryphon amp is balanced and XLR's are recommended.
It's possible that the APL might win in a single ended system and losing in a balanced and visa versa for EMM.
This would help all of us make a more educated decision for our particular systems.
I know this complicates things more and will take more time but it will give clearer more defining results.

Steve, I will probably be able to pick your APL,
,I might ask AVguru also, because it would be nice,
to have more players there.There will be more ears
too,If plan change, I will let you know.
Avguru, if and when there's a shootout between the Meitner and others, I'm all for it. I don't know if QA will want some of that gear coming in the door, but who knows. Looking forward to hearing 711's APL 3910, Jayctoy's Modwright'd Sony, Tim's Kern'd Sony 777, and any others that come to mind. Probably should get a headcount on those interested in coming over on the 19th, so would appreciate RSVPs.


Still haven't been able to demo the X01 or UX1 directly against Jactoy's Dan Wright modded Sony, the Exemplar 3910 or the APL 3910. I don't know if we'll ever be able to demo the X01 vs. the Exemplar since I believe 711 just sold it and I'm not aware of any plans he has to obtain another one. I know he's also waiting to receive his APL 3910 with the new clock back from Alex sometime next week.

711 has indicated that he's still willing to purchase a X01 for demo purposes when time permits, however we will have to find another dealer as I don't think that particular dealer will have his demo unit much longer.

Regarding the Meitner, if Jactoy's next door neighbor is agreeable I see no reason why we won't be able to demo it against 711's and Jactoy's modded units against the Meitner at his home...but I don't know if he'd be willing to bring his unit to an Esoteric dealer to do a direct demo. That's a question I now pose to Brian at Essential Audio and Jactoy...will your associate be interested in bringing his Meitner to Qunitessence? And right now Quintessence is only scheduled to get a UX1 not an X01 so we really wouldn't be able to go up against Esoteric's best unit...although the UX1 is supposed to achieve 85-90% of the XO1's performance.

You should also know that Alex is in the process of modding a DV 50 (no tube output stage) so I'm excited to hear what that's going to sound like. Could he possibly bring it to the level of an X01? It will be interesting to hear Alex's comments about the before and after performance. It will be a couple of weeks before Alex finshes with that mod.

We'll keep you informed!!

Avguru, Brian (Essentialaudio), that would be nice,
I know Brian and David they both own Blowtorch.
This will be really fun.Its too bad, 711(Steve)
cant make it,Anyway maybe Mark from Northbrook
is also interested.Thanks
I will be back the 22nd, I had offered to give my APL to someone for the shootout at essentials place on the 19th..

I will be around, I gotta hear these other units, and you need to hear the APL.
AVGURU, Would a 6-way shootout be a possibility? X-01, DV-50, Mightner, ModWright, APL Exemplar? By the way have you been able to A/B the X-01 directly already with some of the other units?
If I asked real nice, do you think one of you guys could bring in a Stravinsky “Rite of Spring”, Mussorgsky “Picures....”, Mozart (any of the Symphonies) and let us know what you heard.

Would be very kindly appreciated.

Best regards.
Jactoy and Essential,

Now that I've heard the Esoteric X01 on several occassions and have a good feel for how it sounds I would love to hear the Meitner gear. I expect the Meitner gear to sound similar but better. I'm sure it will blow away my DV 50 but I can certainly bring it. Anytime before or after the 19th is good for me!


Agreed, but over the years I've gotten lazy in terms of collecting and taking care of vinyl. Lots of maintenance and lp's are expensive. Additionally, its hard to find a pre/pro with a great phono stage. My system must do double-duty for HT as well as 2 channel. Finally, as you mentioned the pricing for a really high end cartridge is ridiculous.

But Reb 1208 I may have to revisit vinyl as at least with turntables its much easier look at the internals, mechanical mechanisms, platter, etc and actually "see" some of the technology at work!

Next door? David and I corresponded, and he is interested in a shootout although he won't be able to attend on the 19th. We know each other as he used to own a Blowtorch preamp. Very likeable, charismatic fellow.
Avguru, there is a guy who live next door to me who
own Meitner, I hope, He will give me and you a chance
to hear your DV50 and my Sony Mod in his system,It
would be very interesting.I gave my number and email Him.
If indeed , He is willing to have fun, I would really
appreciate it.I agree on everything you said Avguru.
Have you thought about trying out a turntable again? Much less smoke and mirrors in that side of the industry. Although there still is the 3,000% mark-up on cartridges.
To All:

The information that Alex revealed about the master clock is exactly the type of information audiophiles need to know and more importantly understand. We (as audiophiles) don't stand a chance against these marketing behemoth's as they are pro's at disimenating technical information that at first glance look seems extremely impressive but later we find has very little impact on the actual performance.

We've seen this stuff over the years. I remember in the 70's when THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) was the big buzzword and everyone obsessed over what the percentage was for their unit. Then power delivery (# of watts per channel for amplifiers) was big with many people believing more Watts meant more power. We later came to find out the amperage (current)is more important than Watts. Also, mfg's can play game with wattage ratings similar to those played with THD.

Then when Sony (and now Esoteric) came out with these massive, over built transports (Sony's SCD-1 and now Esoteric's X01/UX1) we all get giddy and happy again because they'd like us to believe that their transport's are unique and sets a new level of performance that other companies can't reach.

Now power conditioners are the big thing and everybody wants a Richard Grey, PS Audio, etc.

Guys, its time to wake up, sift through the marketing bs and become a better, more informed audiophile who really knows his stuff. In my quest to find Digital Audio Nirvana I have also found it necessary to learn the electronics/technical side so I can determine what's really important. I've been reading books and talking to audio engineers who know the "real deal". Let me share my findings with you:

We found out years ago that THD is easy to manipulate through the use of negative loop feedback. Normally THD figures are given at a fixed frequency (say 2K as an example). By applying negative feedback at a fixed frequency you can lower the output impedance, raise the frquency response and at the same time lower the THD.

However, in real "life" we don't listen to music at fixed frequencies. The frequency range is quite variable. That's why Intermodulation Harmonic Distortion is much more important figure to know. Unfortunately, there is no real reliable way to measure that. So my point is THD is not a reliable figure to meausre performance.

The quality of the internal clock on a cd player is extremely important. The clock synchronizes the timing between the DAC and the transport. The more accurate the clock the more accurately the laser pick-up can read the disc at the required 44.1K frequency and the more accurately the DAC can interpet the digital information (1's and 0's)and complete the digital to analog conversion.

Although the mechanical coupling and physical build quality of the transport is important (hence the fame of TEAC's VRDS), the accuracy of the clock and the way in which it sychronizes the DAC and laser pick up is more MUCH MORE IMPORTANT. That has a direct effect on "timing jitter" in terms of delay in reading information. Though these delays are measured in pico seconds they do have a cumulative effect on the flow and musicality of the information you hear.

Power supplies are also extremely important. Mfg's love to throw around the term "we use a torroidal transformer" in our units. What's really important in a power supply is whether its a "switch mode" or "true linear power supply". A linear power supply is much more desirious and will improve the performance of the unit immensely. It also has the ability to provide "reserve power" when your system or the music demands it better than switch mode power supplies. Finally, switch modes power supplies are much noisier than linear power supplies.

Furthermore, its even better to have a power supply that's not only linear but also fully balanced. A fully balanced power supply will truncate (knock off) the asymetric part of the sine wave that produces noise from the power line. In truth, if you have high quality components (amps, cdp, pre-amps) that are fully balanced and utlize the better power supplies and transformers YOU DO NOT NEED external power conditioners. You do need surge protection. And better outlets (PS Audio/Hubbell) are helpful.

This whole industry of power conditioners came about because many mfg's (in an effort to save money and increase their profits) stop using high quality power supplies and transformers..especially on their lower end units. They've all sold us on the idea that the electricy coming off of your neighborhood transformer is dirty and noisy and can hurt the performance of your system. That is true...but the beauty of fully balanced power supplies with high quality transformers is they internally clean up the AC BEFORE it hits the internal circuitry of your unit and has a chance to degrade the audio performance. Keep in mind I'm strictly talking audio here. I don't know enough about the video side.

The point I'm trying to make here is don't ever take to much stock in the technical merits the mfg's advertise to you upfront. Worry more about what they're NOT TELLING YOU. Take time to learn about the components and parts in a cdp that are truly crucial and important and why. Guys like Alex and some of these other modders..they do know.

The sad truth is some of these higher quality parts are not even that expensive. Alex can buy a really high quality dac for $15. Or a high quality clock for $30. Which makes it even more disgusting and unacceptable as to how these mfg's can charge $3,000-$15,000 for a cdp and still not include the very highest quality parts available in the market. These modders can give you better units at much lower prices.

I'm not saying don't buy from a mfg. I still like many of the products on the market. What I am saying is do your research and find out what you're "really getting" in terms of quality of the components that really matter. The better companies will answer your questions and tell you the quality of parts used. If they can't tell you maybe you should have a modder check it within the return time frame to make sure its a quality piece. But whatever unit I by to replace my DV 50 you can be sure I'm going to be well informed in regards to exactly what did I buy. I'm tired of this "audio carousel". I want value and quality, value and quality, value and quality". It's not about how much money you spend...its about how smart you are in spending it!
For those who own a machine which allows connection to an external clock, here are two other devises to look at:

I Clock by MUTEC
Big Ben by Apogee
That's very interesting Alex, pls tell me more. Is this an internal or external clock? With an accuracy of 0 ppm are you saying that your clock has achieved absolute accuracy? Can the clock be apply to an arbitrary CDP having an external word synch? You stated 'the secret is elsewhere'. Where exactly? And of course I am dying to hear a report on 711's reclocked player. Guido
Guidocorona, the Master Clock I am going to install tomorrow in 711s Denon 3910 is ZERO (0) ppm stable in wide temperature range with 50 ps of jitter. It clocks the entire machine with its 4 outputs of various frequencies.

In any case, this turns out not to be as important, believe it or not. Low jitter is important, but the frequency stability over temperature is not. You would not hear even 100 ppm. Higher figures will result in audible speed fluctuations, but not in decreased audio quality. The secret is elsewhere...:-)

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My intentions are both nepherious as well as multipherious. Or, in other words, I am both planning to acquire Teac X-01 in the not so distant future, and to poke the aforementioned nest of buzzing audio-bugs with a most handsomely wrought baton! In the latter vein, I am rather disheartened that manufacturers such as Teac have opted to withhold a substantial portion of their Esoteric product catalogue from the US marketplace, thus treating this country as a somnolent digital backwater. not only the G-0 and G-0S clock generators are not listed on the Teac America site, but neither is the P01/D01/D01 triplet, nor the upcoming X-03 and UX-3 players. Considering ultra high end brands such as DCS are easily found throughout the United States and sold for approx 38K for the entire stack, I find it hard to understand why Teac is being so terribly coy. End of soapbox.
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Just because I wanted to give the gang more food for thought, I decided to stirr the pot by researching the Teac Esoteric G-0 and G-0S external clock generators, which naturally are not available in the USA.
The Teac Esoteric G-0 external clock generator has an accuracy of ±0.1ppm. It is said to be:
a. ten times more accurate than the DCS Verona, rated at 1ppm.
b. 30 times more accurate than the internal clock of the X-01 and X-03, which are rated at 3ppm.
c. 100 times more accurate than the internal clock of the DCS Verdi, apparently rated at 10ppm.

The list price of G-0 in Japan is relatively reasonable: equivalent to $4500.
The Rubidium-based Teac Esoteric G-0s clock generator is yet another entire kettle of fish: a staggering accuracy of ±0.05ppb(=±0.00005ppm)!! List price in Japan approx equivalent to $11000!!
Both clocks appear to be compatible with X-01 and UX-1, and will likely also work with X-03 and UX-3. They are also said to be compatible with DCS gear. As the relatively low-accuracy DCS Verona is said to make a world of difference to the DCS stack, it would be very enlightening to apply a G-0, or even better G-0S to an X-01.
It is worth mentioning that I have seen these clocks listed for less than list price.
I suspect audiogoner LAYFISH may be able to source them. I have seen them listed on:
and more specifically at:
It's been that way since the very first machines that used tube output stages. That was almost 20 years ago.
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that's what I don't get....a lot of the universal players including the X01 covert DSD back into PCM. If so, what's the point? Meitner and Sony obviously don't. APL, Exemplar have no idea.

I suspect as someone said earluer Av guru has bit the tube bug. Of course, nothing wrong with that either! Such are the trade offs.

However I think once can get the "tube" quality via using tube amplifiers. My current system is comprised of Meitner transport + DCC2 + Linn Klimax Solos + Kharma 2.3F speakers....and for above reason considering to go for tube amplifiers, or at least experimenting when I get the time....ahh: the most valuable and scare resouce: time. Time to appreciate music itself!
OK gang, I did some research. Did some automated translation of Japanese pages and some manual translation of Italian pages. I came up with the following stilted little paragraphs on the new UX-3 and X-03 players:

Teac Japan has announced two new players derived from the UX-1 and X-01, with January 2005 Japan availability. The two players, named UX-3 and X-03 respectively, employ a simplified version of the VRDS transport mechanism: reduced thickness in the bridge from 20 mm in X-01 to 10mm in X-03, DurAluminum instead of Magnesium for the clamping mechanism, in the VRDS-NEO transport.
The D2A conversion process seems similar to that implemented on UX-1 and X-01:
DAC Burr-Brown/Texas PCM1704 with
DSD to PCM conversion for SACD. Furthermore, for the front channels the machines utilize 2 PCM1704 chips per channel in a differential design.
The quartz clock generator has been mounted as close as possible to the DACs to minimize jitter.
There is also a Sony-standard digital iLink output: it is my understanding that this is what is also known as IEEE-1394.
Mechanically the machines appear very well built; The loading tray is also made from Aluminum. The weight of these machines is 23.5 Kg, that is 51.7 Lbs.
X-03 is a 2-channel CD/SACD pure audio player, while the UX-3 is a 2-channel universal audio/video player instead, whose video circuitry employs a ADV7314 DAC and a Faroudja DCDi processor.
Multi-channel capability can be achieved only utilizing external processors connected to the iLink digital output.
The price in Japan for the X-03 is 45% less than X-01, while the price of UX-3 is 40% less than UX-1.
Further information (in Japanese) and photographs can be found at the following uRL:

I was tempted to post the raw automated techno-Japlish machine translations of the otherwise excellent Teac Japan pages, but just trying to read them makes my head hurts, so I will spare you the brain-swelling.
It is very difficult to tell if these devices will sound as good as the X-01 and UX-1. They seem to have been cost-reduced. But will the cost engineering affect sound? As usual, only a future shootout will tell.
I thought the gang would be interested to know that an X-01 appeared on AGON for sale today. See the following url:
1 to 2 year delay in introducing a new product worldwide? What's wrong with Teac? Instant worldwide deployment is key to any global marketing strategy. The alternative is continuous localized sales Bulimia. Hope our friends at Teac America follow this thread.
Vvrinc this are the CDs I remember, the rest you can
email AVguru,and 711,Terry Evans Puttin it Down,
XRCD #10.Willie Nelson Across the Borderline,Eva
Cassisdy "Imagine",Don Bennet, Sleeping Giant.Diane
Shurr, Mark Levinson Herb Pomeroy " Live At Sandy"
Pure DSD SACD,Cantate Domino SACD Proprius Level.Chris
Botti, Thanks.
I have owned the UX-1 for several months now; it replaced a DV-50. The UX-1 is not only outstanding in SACD and DVD-A playback, but is the best CD player I have owned.

I suspect that you will find the UX-1 to be significantly better sounding than the DV-50. I compared the 2 units on Audio Asylum ( Mercman ). The UX-1 also has no trouble with DualDisc.
Wow! What a thread, congratulations to all the main participants. Could I possibly beg for a mention of what music (if not all, then just some) are you listening to when performing these player comparison sessions. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you again for the passion and best wishes,
often companies "fudge" release dates so as not to affect sales of existing(ux1,x01).I dont know the actual U.S.release date. I read 1Q 06.Technicaly this would be 2 "years" away.My strategy will be to keep my powder dry for now and see how stock units and mods progress over the next year.Big progress is being made by both.

Thnaks. When I listen to the UX1 tomorrow I will bring a couple of DVD-A discs to see if its performance is on par with my DV 50.

By the way, there's supposed to be a big increase in video performance(effects both componentand DVI outputs)between the 50 and 50S. Do you use 50 for video as well as DVD-A? If so, did you consider getting your unit upgraded by Teac?

Avguru: I never found anything further on the DVD-A performance of the UX-1, because I switched my attention to the X-01, and I really have to believe there was something off with the demo machine for two foremats to sound so good and one to be so questionable. I would actually be very (intellectually) interested in anyone else's experience of DVD-A on the UX-1. I don't know anything about multichannel output on the X-01. All I can tell you is that the front channel only output sounds far better than the 5.1 downmix, whether I'm listening to the front channels only or, as usual, with four channels in delay/ambience mode through my '80s SONY rear channel unit.

Spoke to Teac in California this morning. The two units you mentioned will not be introduced in the U.S. for at least two years. Strictly made for the Japanese and European market. Too bad as the price points were very attractive.

I believe pictures/information on those units can be seen at


I forgot to ask you what you thought of the multi-channel performance of the X01 (in SACD) vs the two channel SACD performance? My experience on the DV 50 with SACD is that the multi-channel performance was far behind that of the two channel.

It seems to have nothing to do with the engineering of the disc or the surround mix because when I flipped back and forth between the two on the fly the 2 channel just always sounded better. I'm sure part of the reason for this is the manual says the dac's on the front two channels are superior to those connected to the 5.1 rca's.

Do you find the same type of disparity on the X01? I am hoping they significantly improved the mulit-channel performance over the DV-50? Regarding DVD-A, did you ever pinpoint why you felt DVD-A on the UX1 (the new universal) sounded less spectacular than the DV-50?


Great news! I also received an e-mail from Brian and he will join us tomorrow morning for our UX1 listening session.

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There will be more Shootout on CDP,Brian from Essential
Audio is opening His House for us Chicago boys, who
is willing to have fun,A guy who own the Rich Kern,Sony
Mod is requesting to compare his sony mod,I already
Email Brian, the invitation is accepted,in two weeks,
.His system is very good, Iam excited to hear,
the Sony with Soundlab, blowtorchh pre amp,and JC1,
TGaudio cables.This time the SonyModright involved in the
shootout is equip with upgrade unbilical cord, its silver,
its not burn in yet. Fun..Fun...Here we go again.Thanks