Enjoy your quarantine listening while you can

It may not last for as long as we thought. HCQ has cured 100% of China virus in a top study, and Trump is expediting FDA approval. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtXWKAVNSvE

Skip to 2:13 for the report.
Thanks Doc, American docs are limited by the cloud of  fear called  litigation. People by big pharma who could give lessons to the Mafia .
I was on German system for over a decade . Very rarely is a German
Physician sued .

An honest mistake. Lucian Truskott, the America hater. Don’t be a hater, be a lover. Running can sometimes dissipate hate and anger. 🏃‍♂️
My mistake, frankly I dont know him... But his Trump analysis is spot on...By the way I dont hate anybody....Life is too short, but I hate the situation where some place us all....

I will go my 5 miles tomorrow thanks for the advice ….
An honest mistake. Lucian Truskott, the America hater. Running five mikes can sometimes dissipate hate and anger. 🏃‍♂️  Don’t be a hater, be a lover. 💕
Empires fall but some survive by the cultural legacy, Greek cities, Roman and Christian empire, for example gives us something that always live in us....Others, Mogol empire for example gives much less to nourish the soul....Chinese empire span 3 thousand years and is going on ….Cultural value is all, weapons means nothing except  by accident...
Some people never entertained the thought, all empires fall it's the nature of the beast. It's how well the decline is managed before the fall that determines the longevity. 
"And yes , a country that cover an entire continent , stretches from the equator to the north pole..."
Huh, I would fail on this quiz. Not even Russia.
US has some great hospitals . Here in Minnesota an elder , like me, has the best  medical deal in the country .
But US docs are no better than the ones in most of the world nor are they worse . People are People .
I have been in hospitals in Germany, Poland and Japan and they are as
good as the one I go to here in St.Paul that is a Level 1 trauma , top 50 hospital .Anyone who thinks the Chinese are not 1st class scientists is a fool .
The Problem in USA is the same one that has allowed every Empire
in human history to fall . The people never entertained the thought
it could ever fall .

And yes , a country that cover an entire continent , stretches from the equator to the north pole , from Maine to Guam and has bases in a hundred lands is an Empire .

P.S . When I was in an Army Field Hospital  in Vietnam the nurses kept  you alive .  A nurse does the work of God .,

I read there is anecdotal data that blood type affects susceptibility to COVID-19. O is the most resistant. Since I am O I will go lick some shopping cart handles. 😀
Lucian Truskott the communist?
No a Canadian surely.... :)

A commie from the north....

Like many other leaders they lead nothing....this crisis is a proof for all to see....Macron in France does not postpone some   secondary election days ago....
I read it all and it simply validated what I've know for the last three years.
To take it down would be both negligent and harmful as there's an educational value to it for those who are wondering what is going on and why.

By the way, some evil genius who works in an ER came up with a ventilator hack that can service 4 patients from the same machine.

All the best,

"...it will be gone by tomorrow chrshan37."

Do we have to wait that long?

This was really informational. However, if you intend for people to read it in the future, try to keep it under five sentences or your message will be lost. Who is going to read this much of the poetry in the evening? Especially such a poorly constructed poetry.
Post removed 
It is an epidemiologic study in progress. "Audiophile mental health changes under extreme stress from perceived danger"
Yes it was too few which is why the French doctors said it needed further testing they said they released the results because of the urgency 

FDA just approve chloroquine use, and Bayer offer to send it...

>>>>>Are you sure? I watched the noon briefing by Trump et al and he misspoke, the drug is not immediately available but currently under study by FDA. The head of FDA the former cancer doctor indicated it would not (rpt not) be ready immediately and that FDA would be thorough and careful. Did FDA approve it only six hours later? Not bloody likely! Nobody would trust that. Hel-loo!
Sadly because there is no definitive treatment for SARS Covid-19 we are reaching for straws. The study quoted had too few patients to be statistically significant. HCQ does show antiviral activity for HIV when combined with other specific anti-HIV drugs. HCQ is not benign. There are dose related effects and for doses greater than 400 mg daily the side effects are significant including possible permanent blindness. The trials will take many weeks and it’s difficult to design trials for mildly symptomatic patients. The Chinese physicians found no difference in ICU admission or mortality but HCQ was added late in the course. For now, hold your horses. 
P.S.  I just retired from 37 years of medicine with direct patient contact and the last 28 years were Emergency Medicine. 
FDA just approve chloroquine use, and Bayer offer to send it...

Good news because chloroquine obstruct it seems the worst when you suffer the infection... Great vitamine c dose can act also to help....There will be other drug available but this one is cheap already here and relatively safe...Good news and we need it...
I wasn't aware the Chinese did a clinical study I thought they simply used it as did the South Koreans. I am sure it will be used fairly quick here under our medical requirements and supervision. 
Why so angry, grasshopper? Don’t dwell on the past. It can do no good. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Who cares about China? The US has the best doctors in the world. It was the US military experts at Ft. Detrick, MD, home to the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC), with its bio-defense agency, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases(USAMRIID) who solved Ebola and other recent pandemics.
The French did a small clinical study using hydroxychoroquine and azithromycin on 20 people and found it held promise and further testing should be done.
the Chinese produce a study with great number of cases... Chinese science is trash?

When the times is urging not using a 4 cent product with very low negative effects is akin to stupidity...
What this means is this? unpreparedness with chaotic non organized reactions will not work.... To be AHEAD OF THE CURVE is not only flattening the curve dear scientist, the Chinese produce extreme confinement measure with prodigious testing facilities....


Any news about my masks and face shields from the future?
The French did a small clinical study using hydroxychoroquine and azithromycin on 20 people and found it held promise and further testing should be done.
You have still not learned what flattening the curve means, grasshopper. Why do you think everyone is cooling his heels at home and everything is shut down? Hel-loo!
Chloroquine will be of no profit at all for the pharma empire... Do you know how to read between the lines and inform yourself?

This chloroquine is already conclusively known for 80 years …. And proved on the frontline to be useful.... where was the frontline of this disease? in China...

By the way in a week even the most dreaming guy anywhere in north america will know that waiting for other costly remedies will be foolish....There is NO TIME... Chloroquine cost 4 cent ….Read Wikipedia....
This disease growth diffusion is exponential do you know what this means? 

This quarantine will be very sad.... I walk few hours ago, and I listen a young man saying to his friend that he loose his job driving truck...

I remember my anxiety looking for a job in the recession petroleum years around 78-80...It was a piece of cake compared to now.... I pity the young...And the old that will wait to be saved ….
from CNN today. Cant believe people are jumping to conclusions.

When asked about chloroquine last month, Dr. Janet Diaz of the World Health Organization said "there is no proof that that is an effective treatment at this time. We recommend that therapeutics be tested under ethically approved clinical trials to show efficacy and safety." At the time, she said the drugs that were being prioritized by WHO’s research and development efforts were antivirals, a separate type of drug that includes remdesivir, which is also the focus of clinical trials in China and the US.

I also heard two doctors interviewed make the same comments saying it's too early to say and the study wasn't conclusive.
nonoise this drug is used for decades without great negative effect....The side negative effect comes from too much or in exceptional medical case...One of the cheapest and safest drug....

Chloroquine was discovered in 1934 by Hans Andersag.[4][5] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[6] It is available as a generic medication.[1] The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$0.04.[7] In the United States, it costs about US$5.30 per dose.
wiki quote
"What fuse sounds best again?"
The beeswax one. Placed in tea and with added lemon fights viruses.
I'm glad I came to Audiogon for my medical sciences news relating to the pandemic..................

What fuse sounds best again?
Chloroquine has been around for quite some time and it works well in a petri dish but no human trials have been done to see what benefits can be had with this virus. 

I read where it's not good in large amounts as it severely impacts the eyes and can lead to blindness (hydroxychloroquine retinopathy, often referred to as bulls-eye maculopathy)

After my cataract surgery, I'll pass.

All the best,
If you want to know how bad it is listen to a New-York doctor on the frontline :
I just hope someone wrote that for her.
"...if we dont want to go the Italy road..."
All roads lead to Rome. It has always been like that.
Chloroquine is used for decade in malaria cases without great negative effects.... This is a well know totally CHEAP costless drugs that can help greatly….You are right millercarbon it is good news...The result about chloroquine Chinese study were published In "Nature" not Reader Digest...

But the Chinese takes draconian measure to contain the disease with success after 3 months... I think this measure are necessary if we dont want to go the Italy road...

If you want to know how bad it is listen to a New-York doctor on the frontline :

«Alarmist is not a word anyone has ever used to describe me before. I’m a board-certified surgeon and critical care specialist... »
Yes but neither should people soft step around issues involving life or death.

>>>>Huh? What are you talking about? Nobody is soft stepping around anything. Far from it. You can go back to sleep again. 
Yes but neither should people soft step around issues involving life or death.
My neighbor who was the head of the Shuttle propulsion system once told me always support your boss. My boss once told me, it’s a love-in, referring to the project, both government and contractors. Things would generally work a lot smoother if people would dispense with all the rancor and personal attacks. I’m referring to the whole Coronavirus task force, I.e., everybody.
Dr. Dump is an idiot.

That DOES appear promising based on early reporting on experience to date in other countries but let’s listen to what real experts here have to say, unlike glory seeking, self-serving Dr. Dump.