Emm Labs DV2 versus Tambaqui

Has anyone heard both of these or better still done a comparison? Which did you prefer?


“No one has heard the Meitner?”


Go to WBF for user feedback on DV2. This DAC’s is too rich for this site (no offense). BTW, DV2 is an outstanding DAC with a reasonably good VC.

“I am open to listening to anything, however I have never heard a dac that uses the ESS chip that I have really liked.”

Well, that means you have not heard Merging Technologies +NADAC yet. Give it a try and it will likely change your opinion about ESS chip DAC’s and could be your end game DAC.

@arafiq ,

Good to know about your experience on the Terminator DAC.

But do you think this post is about the 2 DACs mentioned in the title?

You know what I mean 😉


When you say, "’Yes’, I am aware that manufacturers can do do heavily modify chips, but still....." you’ve got it all wrong.

It’s not really about the chip. True, the Musetec runs the chips warm, as was done in the LKS 004 and it is said that helps. In the case of the Musetec the chips are heat-sinked to the bottom plate of the case. I believe LKS pioneered this, with heat sinks epoxied to the tops, and I don’t know if any other DACs do this.

It’s not the chip that determines what kind of mid-range will be delivered. It’s really about the power supply in the Musetec which is unique and extremely well done. It’s also about the 8 FET analog stage which is quite elaborate in this DAC, and the very high quality parts used throughout.

Look, I’m not here to sell DACs. It’s your money and you will choose what you are comfortable with. Just trying to say that ESS chips are not what hold DACs back. True, they are ubiquitous and used in a lot of very mediocre DACs for promotional reasons. And they are used in some great DACs as well.

GTT Audio out of NJ is the Mola Mola distributer. When I was looking to get the Tambaqui I was offered a home demo by them but I never took it because I changed my mind due to cost. They still may offer that.

The USA Musetec 005 dealer should consider offering the same home demo.

If you like silky smooth mid-range I suspect you like tube amps. The 005 doesn't, as most solid state products, emphasize any particular part of the music.

What you do get is detail in abundance, not sharp mechanical detail but the breath on a microphone, the vocalist's true voice, the accuracy of piano, the real sound of cymbals (not metallic crashes) etc.

If you still found the 005 not to your liking you have a 30 day return option.

Maybe couple it with a tube pre-amp?

But you could buy a 005, Holo May and Holo May pre-amp for the price of a Mola Mola.

Happy Listening

I am open to listening to anything, however I have never heard a dac that uses the ESS chip that I have really liked. I find the mid range really lacking. "Yes", I am aware that manufacturers can do do heavily modify chips, but still.....

@dbb The Benchmark HPA4/LA4 preamps (I had both) are amazing to hear OTHER gear. It usually is something else at fault if the sound is problematic.


To add to your store of information and knowledge, IIUC the reviewer is a manufacturer of, among other things, an ethernet filter held in very high regard on this board. He continually needs and uses a DAC of very high quality to test his products as they develop and are improved. He used to use the Tambaqui. He sold it after hearing the Musetec.  Apparently (and you’ll see this if you read the head-fi thread) it wasn’t a close call. As he sells other, related, items and as there was no one selling the Musetec in the United Kingdom he arranged to become a dealer there.

I totally get it ... but the fact that he is a dealer is an important point and something that must be disclosed when sharing quotes from the review since there is a financial interest at play here. And like I said, it does not negate or diminishes anything the reviewer said about the comparison. I don't know why you're implying that I find his conclusions 'insincere'. Never said that.


You will find if you read all the posts, that the author discovered the Musetec was better after buying it, then decided to be a UK dealer. There is not a strong basis to conclude his opinion is insincere.

I'm assuming the head-fi review comparing the Mola Mola with Musetec is from the same guy who later became a dealer (distributor?) for Musetec? Not that there's anything wrong with it, and it certainly does not invalidate his opinion, but it's good to present all the facts so we can individually evaluate any 'conflict of interest' in such cases.

This is a quote from a head-fi thread from an industry professional  comparing the Mola Mola with the Mustec 005:

Essentially it bests the Tamabaqui in every area. As others in the thread have mentioned, to get the best out of the DAC you need a good Pre-amp, but comparing the MM and 005 using a the HPA4, has made me completely re-evaluate the benchmark, which i thought using the MM was super detailed but a little lacking in life . The depth of soundstage is dramatically improved listening to the musetec, so much detail too but it's the dynamics, speed and weight of presentation which are just something else. Apart from the need of an external amp i'm struggling to find a weakness.

Most of my listening is done and comparison with the Mola Mola were made with... Utopia > HPA4 > 005 > USB > Bricasti M5 > Filter > streaming cable > switch .. Listening to 75% electronica, like four Tet, Autechre, Jeff Mills, Max Cooper 25% anything from leonard cohen to MBV, New Order, Miles Davis, etc, etc.

But i have also evaluated on 2 channel set up shahinian obelisk 2 > AGD Gran Vivace GanTube Mono Blocks > HPA4 > Musetec > i2S AGG > 3D Lab Streamer > Ethernet Filter > Streaming Cable > switch ... listening to all type of music

I know i'm sounding like a love-crazed fanboy, but hey thats exactly how this DAC has made me feel.. bit of shock for 48 year old audiophile cynic 

I think most are not aware that Bruno made the design for the Tambaqui around 2006. Of course, he is no longer part of Mola Mola. They first put this DAC design in the Makua preamp and then the standalone Tambaqui.

At one time, I was really interested in the Makua or Tambaqui but decided not to spend that much on a DAC and also got the Benchmark LA4 preamp over the Makua.

The Mola Mola Tambaqui is Dutch !! I don’t understand why some, use/talk about Chinese Dac.

No one said Mola Mola was a Chinese company.


BTW - The Tambaqui is not a R2R DAC.



You're going to get plenty of opinions, the only way to really know is to compare in one's own system. Do giant killers exist in dac market, we need more comparisons of these so called giant killers, I think the Holo May is perhaps the most widely known of these, has held its own thus far.

The Playback Design DAC should be high on your list.

The New MPD-6 Lower priced Model from Playback Desaign soon to be released is another option too.

IMHO DAC chips are best because they are more accurate and real, R2R will give you that lazy valve sound, but if that's your thing go for it.

That is not my experience with Denafrips Terminator 2 (which I own) and MSB Reference DAC (heard several times at an audiophile friend's home). I think you need to listen to some better R2R implementations before making a statement like that. I'm always amused when people claim to know what is 'accurate' and 'real' ... the reality is that your guess is as good as mine. Neither of us were there when the music was recorded :)

The Mola Mola Tambaqui is Dutch !! I don’t understand why some, use/talk about Chinese Dac. He is  good, but I prefer EMM: morer rich in sound , and open ,good placement. Mola Mola is either plat.  But this is everyone’s choice …

Post removed 

The Musetec is compared very favorably against the Tambaqui in the Musetec thread by teknorob23.  He's a very credible reviewer.

You may be unaware of what the ESS can do, properly implemented.

I'm borrowing a friend's Mola Mola Tambaqui in a couple weeks, can let you know my impressions if you're interested.

I've heard the DV2 but never had it at home. I did have their entry-level Meitner MA3 at home and thought it was very enjoyable. 

The video mentions that the Holo May has a better SNR than the Mola Mola maybe you need to watch it again. There's lots of info out there but if you want to buy a designer product at 2-3x the price go for it.

IMHO DAC chips are best because they are more accurate and real, R2R will give you that lazy valve sound, but if that's your thing go for it.

Real live music doesn't sound like vinyl.

Well thanks for the link, but the Tambaqui is not mentioned once in that thread, so it appears you have made an error. Neither is the Tambaqui mentioned in the video. As far as the musetec goes, this would never be on my radar because it is based on the es sabre chip.

Interesting. I have just looked at comparisons between the Holo May and the Tambaqui. None of them rates the HM higher than the Tambaqui, though all reviews do say the HM is very good. eg twittering machines rates the Tambaqui as clearly better. Can you post a link to review which rates the HM better please as I would like to read it.



The Holo May KTE has been reviewed against the Mola Mola and DCS Bartok and been found to be better at a much lower price point. I personally have a Musetec 005 which has been favourably reviewed against the May and suited my needs as a one box solution. I love it. Happy listening!

the Mola Mola has been bettered by various Chinese DACs so why even think about it?

I certainly do not think this is the case and can not think of any Chinese Dac that has "bettered" it, including best of them, the Denafrips Terminator Plus.


I don't know about the EMM Labs but the Mola Mola has been bettered by various Chinese DACs so why even think about it? Respectfully.