Doobie Brothers' drummer John Hartman dead at 72.

And just like Spinal Tap, this is the band’s third drummer to die (though not by exploding -).

John was the Doobies original drummer, and the only one on their debut album. The band added a second drummer for the followup, and were never without two drummers from that point on. What was the reason for adding a second drummer? I’m from the band’s hometown (San Jose), and I never heard through the grapevine the band was dissatisfied with John’s drumming. Double drummers became a thing in the 70’s, perhaps the band just liked the way it sounded.

One member the band WAS dissatisfied with was original bassist Dave Shogren, who was shown the door after the debut album stiffed. He soon thereafter formed a band with a drummer friend of mine, and they came up with the name SF Star (yet ANOTHER crappy band name ;-). That band didn’t take off, and Shogren was never heard from again. He was seen, however. One afternoon in the summer of ’75 I was driving through a middle class residential neighborhood in Campbell (a suburb of San Jose), and saw a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud sitting in the driveway of a 3-bedroom tract house. That was unusual, so I slowed down to get a better look. Out of the house walked Shogren, who proceeded to get into the Rolls. I guess he took his signing bonus and used it to buy the Rolls and put a down payment on a house. I say that because I doubt the band made any money off the debut album.

Seeing Shogren reminded me of a particular day in the summer of ’71, the year the Doobies’ debut album was recorded and released. They had been the house band at a biker bar on Summit Road in the Santa Cruz Mountains (the same mountains Neil Young later holed up in, playing in a band named The Ducks with drummer Johnny Craviotto---later renown for his drums---and Bob Mosley of Moby Grape), and gave notice to the owner when they signed their Warner Brothers contract. The owner was holding auditions for a replacement band, and the band I was playing in at that time arranged to do one.

We ended up not getting the gig, but an interesting thing happened in the middle of our audition set: A skinny guy with real long hair came up to our singer/guitarist/organist and exchanged pleasantries (it was obvious they knew each other). As the guy was walking away I asked the bassist who he was (he had that Rock Star look), and heard for the first time the name Patrick Simmons. I hadn’t yet heard of The Doobie Brothers, but they ended up becoming the biggest band to ever come out of San Jose.

Rest In Peace John.


@bdp there are a number of news outlets that announced his passing last week.  Wikipedia isn't always a reliable source.  Not that the news media is either.

Well @washline, that explains why the band didn't mention him at the recent show @big_greg attended! His passing is even more disturbing to me in that though he was born a few months before I, I'm now older than he lived to be. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, et al. If I suddenly stop posting here.....

Grew up in Fresno , parents spent all our free time in SC. My fathers memorial plaque is in the Yacht Harbor. Coconut Grove, Catalyst Club, and local bands like Snail. Lots of races at Laguna Seca, I’ve fished from Point Sur to Anna Nueva Island. Great times with great people. I have water color of Twin Lakes and Cooper house in my living room. Used to catch a buzz out on the cement boat. My little brother surfed Pleasure Point. Regards, Mike. 

Soquel, ay @buellrider? A guy I knew moved to Soquel from Cupertino, I used to stay at his condo on the cliffs above the beach, walk down the path to the Pacific Ocean and surf. Love the whole Monterey Bay---I’ve played in places from Santa Cruz to Monterey itself.

Did you ever attend shows at The Cocoanut Grove Ballroom on the Santa Cruz boardwalk? In ’69 my band opened for People (remember their hit single "I Love You"? Cover of a Zombies song) in that grand old room (a dance hall built in the 1920’s, I believe). I spent a lot of time at the beach, and have the skin cancer to prove it ;-) .

  Sorry to hear about his death. The first time I saw them was 1973 at the Fresno Selland Area , they had 2 drummers. It’s been too many brain cells ago to remember the details. They were here twice that year, once with Quicksilver and I don’t remember the other time. I did Google their old tour dates and was amazed at all the shows they did. The one that made me grin was 1972 at Soquel High School. Thanks for the post and the shared memories. And that Cottonmouth keep on windin ’ . Cheers , Mike B. 

I saw the Doobie Brothers on their Taking It To The Streets tour. I knew Michael Mc Donald from his work with Steely Dan as well as Jeff Baxter on guitar. I probably wouldn’t have gone but I had just won around $400.00 in a poker game so I bought myself and a friend a ticket. It was in a hockey arena so the sound was just all-right. Surprisingly to me and my friend, the show was way better than what we were expecting. They were very well rehearsed and they came off as having a certain magic that wasn’t really conveyed through their recordings. I’m pretty certain that this was the height of their popularity but it was super easy to get tickets unlike Zeppelin or Skynard. Overall, a good show and a fun time. RIP John, I’m glad you had a good life.

Always loved their "Listen To The Music" and still listen to it occasionally!

Post removed 

I’ve seen the Doobies a few times, and it was always a good show. One that stands out, was when Heart was their opening band. They had just released Dreamboat Anne and boy were they great!!

 RIP John Hartman

I remember when the Doobies appeared on what's happening sitcom,  seen it several times probably. Makes for a good history lesson. 

That is really strange @big_greg. I never cared for the band or that drummer. They were very popular from '73 and for some years after though. 

I saw them last night. I was a little surprised there was no mention of his passing. 

72 is young by today's standards. Very unfortunate.

I have Doobies first 3 LP's. Tribute spin this weekend.

That’s an interesting story. I’ve been a major Doobies fan from the beginning and have long thought the band was underrated. Shogren apparently had a life after the Doobies and never lost his ambition, based on this obit.

Speaking of the Doobies, the new Jeff Skunk Baxter album is fantastic.

RIP John Hartman.