Does the Transport make a significant difference

I have a PS Audio Perfectwave DAC II and I'm currently using a NAD 565bee as the transport. Simple question; how much does the transport affect the sound and at what cost?
What are the thoughts on removing the preamp and connecting the DAC straight to the amp?
Never rule out cables without trying first. I tried a foundation reshearch power cable on all my equipment and the most signifcant improvement I heard was on my wadia transport. shocked me too.
I find playing the CD disc with a good transport gives superior sound to the same CD ripped to a PC and played back with Jriver. I know other enthusiasts who experience the same result.
Transport and jitter is important, but gear has improved in general at all price points in recent years and practically I just have not heard much difference between most good quality players. Not theat they are are equally good in regards to jitter, just that most seem good enough to be one of the last things to worry about after all the rest. Theoretically, we know no two designs are exactly the same and some will measure better than others.

Ripping to files and playing from those takes it completely out of the picture. Anyone who spends a lot of money on a transport these days rather than ripping to file and using a music server is mostly throwing away good money these days compared to the alternative technical approaches possible.

If you must play CDs and are willing to pay to squeeze the last ounce of performance out of things once you have mastered all the rest that goes into good sound, then there is a case to be made to pay more perhaps for a transport, even if just as an insurance policy more so than anything one is ever likely to hear.

But that's what obsessed audiophiles do quite often though I suppose, so why should transports be any different.
The Transport and specifically the jitter in the digital signal is actually more important than the DAC.

What you have is a major mismatch in performance. You have two options:

1) buy a really expensive transport, say $3K+

2)add a Synchro-Mesh reclocker to your transport $600 plus power supply

The reclocker is not a Band-Aid and will make your transport totally important. The cable from transport to the reclocker is also unimportant. You can use the cheapest plastic toslink does not matter. 30-day money-back guarantee, less shipping.

The biggest advantage of the reclocker is that it isolates the clocking from the DAC and transport noise. It is powered from its own isolated power supply. IT is designed specifically to isolate both inputs and outputs and provide signals with minimum jitter. You can use a really good low-noise, fast-reacting DC supply like the Dynamo to power the reclocker and you will get world-class results. Reviews and customer feedback:

Also I recommend to replace your coax cable to the DAC with one that is unbeaten in the market place, my BNC-BNC with AC adapters. I make very little money on this cable. I created it so that I could provide my customers with a reasonably priced solution.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
It can make it better because of better mechanical design. quieter power supply and better output stage, but it can make it worse if output slew rate is high (short transitions) and your coax or DAC is not perfectly matched. It is a system thing.
These days, with modern gear, if things are done well, it should not affect the sound much at all. At least that is what I have been finding in recent years. Most newer "transports" are more than adequate. ALl the rest matters more. If you rip and play files rather than CDs, then most any modern computer optical drive will do, as long as you use good fail safe software for the ripping.
Not to the same degree of magnitude, but I believe it's important almost to the point of turntable/cartridge/arm combo.
Ricred1, I'm not debating cables and its always your choice with your money.
Only suggesting that upgrading components should take priority.
The difference depends on what your sonic priorities are and whether the upgraded transport does things that you find make the sound more enjoyable. I really think you need to actually try one to find out. Either buy something new with a return privilege, or buy something used at a good price that you can sell at a minimal loss if you're not happy with it.

I spend what I feel comfortable spending on each component, including wires and power cords. I can only speak from my experiences and I have heard significant differences when changing cables.
Receed1, I agree with others that a better transport will make a world of difference, what I don't agree with is that there are many good ones. My experience tells me otherwise, irrespective of price most are bad.

As Jfrech mentioned mentioned care should be taken in selection of the digital cable.

You can also benefit from a preamp upgrade. What I wouldn't spend a penny on are power cords and overpriced wires.
So true!
And everyone has their own opinion as to what to do.
Ricred1, looking at your set up I would probably consider a higher end CDP and/or a transport.
I would select the CDP or dedicated transport at this time over a preamp.
There are so many very good brands out there I hate to make a suggestion.
Some have made the case that transports are equal or perhaps more important for overall sound quality Than the DAC..I can tell you that the PS Audio PWT is an excellent transport to consider(exceptional value used). Jfrech is right, all the individual pieces matter.

Thanks for the response. I have great respect for your knowledge; therefore I have another question for it wiser to invest in a better preamp or transport? I prefer something that has an option to use balanced cables. I only want to spend 3-4K. Any suggestions?
Significantly, but at a cost. A dedicated transport from a quality manafacturer should improve the sound. But so will better digital cables, power cords, a better dac...better software etc etc.
If you have that DAC you owe it to yourself to get their PWT and connect them via the I2S ports. I guarantee this will be the best CD you have heard. I have a PWT and a Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2 SE with that same connector it sounds very good.