Do you ever do this before you listen?

Hello everyone. I was at an audio store today with a friend that was auditioning a pair of speakers and the salesman told us to clear our ears by pinching the nose then blowing through your nose to make the ears pop (clearing them). I have to admit the music sounded  so much better lol. It makes perfect sense why you would want to do this, but I had just never thought of it. So I thought I would see who else is doing this, and maybe discover some other new tricks. SO what strange things do you do routinely before a listing session? (I know thats a loaded question to ask of this group)
Too true, bro'. Apparently, Robey-Colman would have to have shot the receiver to draw a flag...
Wish there was a Valsalva method for the eyes...we could then make have NFL refs do it.. Sorry Saints Fans. 
So I guess snorting water straight outa the tap is a no-no?

That's pretty much correct. Unless you are totally OK with your brain getting eaten by an amoeba.

Boil it properly or use distilled from the pharmacy. Distilled is best because if you use the salt packets you get the right mix. Tap water can contain enough minerals to throw that balance off.

Of course, having not quite the right amount of salts in the water isn't nearly as bad as giving amoeba's a very short path to your gray matter. Yum yum.
I have found several medical websites that discuss using this very process to clear pressure form the inner ear. However there are other methods mentioned as well so for those interested below are a few links. each of which by the way recommend using the Valsalva method. (see step 10)

"I tried what you suggested upon reading your original post, and it immediately plugged up my left ear! I should have read the rest of your and other contributors’ posts before trying it. Now, if I gently occlude my ear canals with the soft pads of my thumbs, I hear a persistent low rumbling sound. Removing my thumbs one at a time, the rumbling is only in my left ear. I might say, "Thanks a lot, friend!", but it’s on me for being a suggestible idiot. "

oh my. Yeah its not for everyone I guess. I hate that happened to you. I had the same thing happen to me while flying. I tried to clear my ears and actually made them much worst. However I had a bad cold on that trip and probably should not have been flying in the first place. If you have sinus problems doing this during a flare up may not be the best thing to try (not saying you do) but that was my experience. Eventually my ears equalized on their own. So just an FYI. I am not telling people to do this. Im only sharing what works for me (thats my disclaimer). I can clear my ears in this manor and I typically do not have any adverse effects from it.

USA Today, Dec. 7, 2018: "A woman who was told by her doctor to rinse her sinuses twice daily to clear up a chronic sinus infection died from a brain-eating amoeba. The woman, 69 from Seattle, was using tap water filtered using a Brita Water Purifier in a neti pot, according to a report published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that only distilled, sterile or cooled boiled water be used for sinus irrigation. After a month of clearing her sinuses with the non-sterile water, a quarter-sized red rash appeared on the right side of her nose. Her doctor told her it was rosacea and prescribed an ointment, according to the report. The rash didn't clear and she saw a dermatologist several times seeking answers, but biopsies didn't result in any definitive diagnosis. A year after the rash developed, the woman had a seizure. At that time, a CT scan showed a half-inch lesion on her brain. Doctors performed surgery to remove the mass, which they say had "unusual characteristics." A specimen was sent to Johns Hopkins University for analysis.


"Days later, her left arm and leg became numb and she had an "altered mental status." A consulting neuropathologist from Johns Hopkins suggested there might be an amoebic infection and later a drug for such infection was given to the patient. However, her condition didn't improve and her family ultimately decided to take her off life support. Tests after death showed the woman died of Balamuthia mandrillaris, an amoeba that lives in soil and the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionalso say it's possible it lives in water. Balamuthia can travel to the brain and can cause a deadly infection. Little is known about how people contract the amoeba and how to prevent it.


"She tested negative for Naegleria fowleri, another amoeba able to cause deadly brain infections that was linked to a death of a Louisiana manwho used a neti pot in 2013. The Seattle article authors warn that because cases such as this one are so difficult to diagnose, "it is possible that many more cases of Balamuthia have been missed." Around the world, more than 200 cases of Balamuthia infection have been diagnosed with at least 70 cases in the U.S., according to the CDC."
@barnettk: I tried what you suggested upon reading your original post, and it immediately plugged up my left ear! I should have read the rest of your and other contributors’ posts before trying it. Now, if I gently occlude my ear canals with the soft pads of my thumbs, I hear a persistent low rumbling sound. Removing my thumbs one at a time, the rumbling is only in my left ear. I might say, "Thanks a lot, friend!", but it’s on me for being a suggestible idiot. Your further posts were all outstanding.

@markmendenhall, @pjcoughter, @erik_squires, @jrpnde, and others: Thank you for your contributions to this discussion. The Wikipedia blurb on the valsalva maneuver shows someone doing it while puffing out his cheeks, which acts as a natural deterrent to overdoing it. (Those of us using Mac computers can highlight a word like valsalva and right click to get a definition and illustration from Wikipedia without leaving this page.)

@geoffkait I remember your "Ortho Ears," which were written up in Stereophile if I recall correctly, for listening to live symphonic music performances after spending the day wearing earplugs. Except for invoking a few giggles from players in the violin section of the orchestra, the combination of a day of protection followed by wearing Ortho Ears to the concert produced a vivid and most enjoyable listening experience for the writer.

I had severe doubts about the brain-eating amoeba story, but unless USA Today has taken to spoofing itself, it’s an extremely rare but possible occurrence.

Speaking of ear protection, I got a notice yesterday from B&H that the MP•9-15 Music•PRO Electronic Earplugs for Musicians from Etymotic Research are temporarily on sale for $40 off their usual price of $299. I’ve been wanting to try them for awhile, primarily to protect my ears during the day before doing some critical listening in the evening. Be sure to pick up a supply of #10 hearing aid batteries as well if you decide to try them.

I sure hope my left ear clears up on its own soon!

With kind regards,

Mark H.


Thank you for your service Sir. 

I think we have all cleared our ears at one time or another, and if you have ever done it you already know how to be careful doing so. This goes without saying. Not sure why now that it’s suggested doing it before listening to music will all of a sudden cause you harm.  However it does make sense to take care when doing it. 
I know exactly what it's called. For it to be suggested as something to do before listening to music is nuts if you don't know how careful you have to be to do it. You're better off holding your nose closed and swallowing (frenzel). I don't care what eh air force taught you. To do it without proper instruction from a doctor is careless. 

Thank you for your service. 
Valsalva.......learned a new word today.  And that's always a good thing!  Thanks!
The ear wax removal kits are available in drug stores and elsewhere (put hydrogen peroxide based thick goo in ear, let it set for a while, and remove it with warm water injected by a rubber bulb squirting thing), and I've been using that method for decades (a doctor recommended this stuff when I was playing guitar in loud clubs many years ago). Works great and is safe.

Those do work well. I use Nivea body wash, and make sure to lather my ear really well, and rince with the shower head over 15 seconds per ear. That seems to, over time, keep my ears pretty clean.
However! That requires regular maintenance. The bulb works best for build up. 
Just for the record, it's called "valsalva" or the valsalva maneuver.  I became very familiar with it while flying Air Force jets (for 10 years of a 23 year career).  I logged 2,300 hours in the cockpit and had to valsalva during every, single descent.  The majority of folks "clear" (equalize the pressure) naturally or by just swallowing or jacking their jaw, but not me.  I always appreciated the fact that the oxygen mask, which is mostly made of very hard plastic, has soft rubber spots (the size of a silver dollar or so) on both sides of the nose, which permit you to valsalva.  Handy.  As others have correctly noted, it will not hurt you if you do it gently and just enough to clear the pressure.  Hard, fast, and violent are to be avoided.  Like a minority, but still significant number of people, my ears are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.  My whole life, I've been unfailingly able to predict when the weather is going to turn from yucky to sunny by the increase in ear pressure (high pressure systems are often, but not always, associated with nice weather).  As superpowers go, it ain't much, but it's something.  Also, after a routine commercial flight, I'll wake up the next morning with a great deal of residual pressure in my ears and that will persist for about 24 hours or so.

The point has been made many times in many ways on these pages, but I'll reiterate it:  we're all made a little differently.  Not only do we hear things a bit differently, but our ears actually function a bit differently.  So it should come as no surprise that one person's "crystal clear, bell-like perfect trebles" are another person's "shrill, tinny, overstated, fatiguing highs."  It's one of the many things that makes our hobby interesting and fun; vive la difference.  But back to the OP's question:  I will valsalva every single time before (and sometimes during) a critical listening session.  And wow, does it ever make a difference. 
“Or just hold your nose when you sneeze.....jk of course!”

Lol. I know your jk. Don’t do that. You may blow your brains out 😂
The ear wax removal kits are available in drug stores and elsewhere (put hydrogen peroxide based thick goo in ear, let it set for a while, and remove it with warm water injected by a rubber bulb squirting thing), and I've been using that method for decades (a doctor recommended this stuff when I was playing guitar in loud clubs many years ago). Works great and is safe. 
I’m not going to read more than the OP but doing this is crazy and really bad for you. If a salesman asked me to do that I’d laugh at him and tell him to go talk to his doctor. You could rupture your eardrum.
A simple yawn will accomplish the same thing.....much like it does on an airplane.  Or just hold your nose when you sneeze.....jk of course!
I have the ear wax issue. Whenever I begin to hear channel imbalance and/or high frequency attenuation I clean ears, always get some measure of wax out. Agreed, don't use q tips.  Sinus cleaning very effective as well, I use the NeilMed. Yes, be sure to use distilled water.
Getting your ears cleaned by a doctor every few years will definitely give you the results you're looking for.  Doing it yourself just pushes the wax deeper (even as some appear to come out) & creates a real danger of hurting the eardrum. 
So what "clearing" your ears actually does for me is to help equalize the air pressure on both sides of the ear drum allowing my ears to do a better job of transmitting vibration.  You don't have to actually make your ears pop, just push gently and you will get the results you want. When days are sunny (high pressure) there is more pressure from the outside which compresses the ear drum and reduces the ear's ability to hear the music.  I have done this for years without damage.  I imagine frequent flyers and scuba divers do it a lot as well.   
What the dealer should do before a demo is to pour you a nice drink, give a few minutes for the effect, and then play the music....
And then just blow your nose one nostril at a time to clear out the liquid. I have my system...head down and tilted towards draining side and over the sink, then plug the ‘input’ side and blow, then repeat for the other side and repeat again. Easy-peasy 
Barnettk- the aqueous nasal cavity cleansing is done with your head level or pointed slightly downward so the liquid basically travels into one nostril then over and out the other one, then you reverse the procedure 

a little leaks down the back of your throat and you just spit it out but I’ve never experienced it causing a drowning or water boarding type sensation 

I do it to remove allergens; small pockets of liquid will leak out for a few hours afterwards but as long as you aren’t in public it’s not a big deal - maybe a little ‘gross’ but well worth the effort, not nearly as uncomfortable as you’d imagine - I do it in the shower and try to eliminate as much liquid as I can there 

"the most important part of your system is your EARS! Take care of them! "

Amen brother! Thanks for sharing your story. 

"As far as Neti Pots, they work too, but I've only used them to remove pollen from my sinuses; it is very effective and not nearly as uncomfortable as you'd think"

I was wondering if it gave you a sensation of drowning. Not being funny, but I have never tried one because I thought it would. Also how do you keep the water from going down your throat? I have a real problem with that. For example if I'm in the shower and water goes into my nose and down my throat I will often get a soar throat... very uncomfortable for me. I do want to try one tho because I have sinus problems, and allergies. 

The clearing the ears is no incredible revelation to me as I knew about doing it I just never thought about doing it while/before listening to my system. Now that I have been doing it, tho its like a vail has been lifted on the music. 

I recently did a hearing test and was quite surprised at what frequencies I could actually hear or not hear rather. The results may surprise you also. Do you think you can hear all those highs you think you can?? take this hearing test:

FYI You will need a decent pair of head phones. 

as a stereo enthusiast with Meniere's Disease I'm very familiar with this method of 'clearing the ears' - first of all it does work and according to many of the docs I've been treated by, it won't damage anything provided you don't 'force it' - in other words, proceed gently and cautiously but if you don't immediately feel the 'pop' or release of pressure STOP !  You may just have blockage that needs professional removal.  Don't go digging around in there with a Q tip!

a related aside:  Meniere's can cause, over time, or even suddenly, an acute or gradual reduction in hearing - in my case (gasp !) I have to use a hearing aid in my left ear, which has unfortunately reduced my enjoyment of my not inexpensive stereo gear

a couple years ago I got sick; upper respiratory problem, either the flu or a nasty cold (I don't recall and it doesn't really matter) - congestion, plugged sinuses, cough, you know - that thick feeling in your sinuses, ears, nose etc, and this lasted for more than a few days; my hearing suffered more than usual and of course given I've been sick hundreds of times in my life I expected that once I fully recovered my hearing would return to its previous (though reduced) level

the bad news, and the reason for the long and boring story is this:  the hearing in my left ear did not return to it's previous level, even though my illness subsided; so I visited my otolaryngologist for an evaluation - he asked me why I waited so long to come see him to which I replied, 'I've been sick more than a few times during my 61 years of life, had temporary hearing loss which always returned, why would I visit you this time?'  being the smart-ass (and excellent doc, by the way) he said, 'well this time your hearing isn't coming back!'  He said if I had visited him during the time I was sick (not 2 weeks later) he might likely have prevented the new and additional hearing reduction with another intratympanic steroid injection, similar to those I'd had in the past to battle vertigo, etc.

I share this to remind you that the most important part of your system is your EARS!  Take care of them!  They are no different than you teeth, your blood, your eyes, your liver, or your skin, etc!  Get hearing tests and have your ears examined, have them cleaned and checked!  If something doesn't sound right, go see the doc NOW, and preferably an otolaryngologist!  (ENT, an ear specialist!)  You don't have a brake and shock guy work on your transmission! 

When you get sick and your hearing wanes and doesn't return fairly soon, I urge you:  go see a specialist asap! 

As far as Neti Pots, they work too, but I've only used them to remove pollen from my sinuses; it is very effective and not nearly as uncomfortable as you'd think - tap water works fine; if tap water is going to cause a brain issue, then it will likely kill you from drinking, brushing your teeth, cooking, or bathing too.......... can't live life in a bubble..........

The NeilMed link that erik_squires posted is certainly on topic and very helpful. I’m surprised more people with sinus issues don’t use them. I do it once a day before bed (helps snoring too) and sometimes twice, if I have a cold or sinus inflammation. Sure it’s annoying at first and may be hard to get used to for some, but come on, we’re all jaded adults now and should be able to eat something we don’t like or get used to doing a neti. 
Many benefits from removing mucus which can halt or servesrly slow down mucus production (mucus makes more mucus), reduces swelling opening up the sinuses, which in turn all calms pressure. At least for me it does. 
Or you can take a dose of cough syrup with guaifenesin, which seems to clear all of my sinuses, or doing simple stretches, the preferred method, by doing these two things: 1., stand straight with your back against a wall, turn head slowly left and right, repeat about 10 times, holding for a 3-5 second count at each turn. 2., Lay down on back on carpeted floor, extend arms fully on each side to fom a T, now, take one leg and place it over the opposite leg and extend as far as possible over that leg as if in a stretch, repeat with other leg, do at least 3 times, unless you have back issues, then be careful, monitor pain threshold first before doing, this causes an alignment and stretch of the body which stretches back and weirdly effects the upper eustachian passageways. After doing these two things, I feel that this has cleared my upper sinuses, while also stretching. These two stretches are from my Army days, when we did Physical Training at 0500. 
If you have normal eustachian tubes you don't need to do this.Middle ear pressure is equalizing to atmospheric frequently, like every time you swallow. And you don't even notice because the pressure differential is minimal. When you notice popping with equalization it probably means your eustachian tubes are dysfunctional, like if you have a cold or allergies. If you hold your nose and blow you will likely end up with positive pressure in your middle ear which would be just as bad as negative pressure. But if it works for you, who am I to say?

Former scuba diver. Equalize my ears on occasion, I can usually tell when needed.

I like to run the heat up or air down a bit and then shut the system off before a listening session. My utility room is not far from my home theater and there is a main intake fairly close.
geoffkait Haha,yes my one ear is slightly smaller than the other,thus I need to sit slightly offcenter to balance the soundstage...Your comment on room treatments is interesting,I must visit forum threads on the subject.
Funny you should say that. My first product was going to be Ortho Ears, based on the cupping of ears idea. However, I found that cupping of ears while interesting and seems to improve dynamic range (primarily) it doesn’t sound natural compared to no ears cupped. Also, I found that room treatments improve dynamic range, thereby neutralizing the effects of ear cupping. Nevertheless...maybe audiophiles in the future may have large ears as a result of natural selection.
Its also amazing how much putting your hands behind your ears to cup them out seems to clear up the sound.Im suprized that no-one has yet come up with a device that you place behind the ears to do this!
@erik_squires 10-4. I will research it. Hopefully you won’t be reading about me 😁

You already know as much as I do about Netti pots.

I just keep track of obscure ways in which people die too.


“A lady recently died after having her brain eaten by an amoeba because of a netti pot and tap water.”

Well thatnks for the heads up!! I agree you would pretty much not have to worry about listening to music after that for sure.

I have another friend that swears by it however he is the only person I know that uses one. I don’t want to get to far off topic of this post so if you don’t mind I might send you a private msg to discuss further. I have some additional questions on the subject. Maybe this product will help keep me from getting sinus headaches when I fly which is often.

I can confirm that sinus rinsing work. At the very least the irrigation with salts really is very soothing, and sometimes can help end allergies a little faster. I cheat and use the squeeze bottle variety:

Please be _SURE_ you used distilled water or boild water. Distilled is best, because you will add salts, and that makes sure they reach the right equilibrium.

A lady recently died after having her brain eaten by an amoeba because of a netti pot and tap water. Kind of puts a damper on listening to music when that happens. 
Also, in terms of hearing, I have found that Nivea shower wash does a really good job of cleaning out my ears when used consistently.
@elizabeth regarding the Neti pot. Do they really work? I have been tempted to get one but not sure I would like the sensation of water moving through my nose like that. I have sinus problems and if it works it might be a good thing for me. 

Not hard. At least for me anyway. I barely blow. Pinch your nose and lightly try to blow through your nose. It’s not that big a deal. Same as equalizing the pressure when flying. Chewing gum does help I would imagine. Drinking something also will often do the trick. I’m not suggesting that you blow your brains out just lightly. Actually I am able to do it without even pinching my nose. You can open your mouth, tilt your head back and breath out through your mouth and achieve the same result. 
chewing gum or just swallowing gives the same effects.............most of the time. Any medical professional will caution against manually popping your ears - how hard do you have to "blow" to achieve it?
Post removed 
Have done this for over 30 years. Often exercising the muscles behind the ears while inhaling/exhaling, as in learning how to just flex them, gives the same result. No need to overdo it.  It’s a personal choice but the reality is you are not hearing what you wish to be hearing until the “equalized” state is reached. People spend 1000’s if dollars and never come close to what the benefit in sound comes from hearing “completely”.
"What I do before I listen: turn on amp to warm up. Pour a beverage. Why would I want to mess with my ears just before I want them to be nice and relaxed? The lengths some dealers will go to get an edge on the rubes."

uhh because it works. especially for that short time that you will be demoing a speaker. I can totally understand why a dealer would do it especially. I thought it was a smart move personally. 
What I do before I listen: turn on amp to warm up. Pour a beverage. Why would I want to mess with my ears just before I want them to be nice and relaxed? The lengths some dealers will go to get an edge on the rubes.