You know, I just got $450 Audioengine HD4 powered speakers to mostly play VHS tapes in a smaller room. My main system is in another room. So I experimented with all interconnects that I have in the house connecting Panasonic pro SVHS deck and those speakers. That's what I tried: Nakamichi cables that used to come with their cassette decks in the box, DiMarzio M-path $150, Art Audio $100 their least expensive cable, Accuphase $700 cables, Wywires Diamon $2600 cables.
Speakers are now almost completely burnt-in and all the cables are.
The worst were Art Audio and DiMarzio, though it was listenable. I liked Nakamichi more overall, their balance, even though they had the least resolution.
Accuphase were absolutely great, more than enough but the Diamonds sounded slightly but very audibly better in every respect. Unfortunately I need them in my main rig so I will be using the Accuphase. Big difference between them and the lesser cables. $700 cables with $450 speakers/ amp. Crazy, right?