Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?

Meaning, do you think that cabling (AC/InterConnects/SpeakerWire) should be considered a component that is integral to your system?

I have probably as much money in cabling and fuses as I do in most of my components (if not more).

Please, please, PLEASE don't tell me that cables don't make a difference. I disagree and there's nothing you can say or do that will change my mind, so save it for another thread, please.

I just wondered if you had to recommend a set up to someone (who wanted a nice stereo), would you consider cabling to be essential in your build price and your recommendations? If so, would you consider the cost of the cables to be on par with the cost of a component?




Showing 19 responses by 1971gto455ho


Yes I’ve vintage but very well set up with exceptional rebuilding and upgrading as necessary. Equipment age aside it’s my opinion you could do a little research and relax. What you have is nice and certainly newer, but if sound is the goal you’re in the rearview mirror. And let’s not get personal Your opinion is just that and nothing more, that we have in common. Bashing BS is certainly getting boring, listening to a select few is right up there. Without animosity…Cheers


For many reasons…I’ve vintage, and have been selectively buying. Now own Pristine second owner last model run Infinity IRS Beta speakers. Yamaha power PC5002m mid’s / high panels, PC4002M woofer towers. 4 x infinitesimal 0.2’s, Yamaha Pc2002m power. Well treated 22x36x8 room electrically well engineered. Many hours fine tuning…it’s a hum and noise free absolutely Clean sounding system. I’m not naïve there is better out there but man would you have to pay to duplicate the quality of sound here. Cutting off the hardwired hefty Commercial PC’s would be horrible and why ? 



Wow… I’ve 1/2 a bag of magic beans for sale, first half sold to Bilbo Baggins. Top end cables did nothing for his Extreme system so beans it is. 


I get it just like water witching except using a piece of wire, will 12 gauge Romax work ? Lol



Interesting.., Audiophilia a debate in itself, Golden ears a comical sub text, now possible Animal conjecture. Interesting to see what a morons gonna pay for that dog 😎

Edelbrock and electronic fuel injection…When Jesus was young Carburetters were in. It’s funny you should say listening isn’t necessary, does that equate to there is no difference ? Perhaps myth like Jack’s Magic beans and Bilbo‘s ring ? I will say one should stay away from carburetter cleaner and Audio BS ! what your saying is keep things tight, clean, and appropriate size. Separate power from interconnects, speaker wires, that sort of thing. All of which should be common knowledge and applied. A decent piece of equipment will have decent cables end of story. I know of no manufacture of quality product that sells that product with junk power cables. Having said that why would anybody assume they know more than engineers of said product and swap out parts with bogus Parts at ridiculous prices to support a BS industry. People will pay for what ever turns there crank so be it, let’s dive into more important threads 🧵 Perhaps weather black equipment sounds better than silver, end The 40 year war…Lol


That is C… Manufactures ship their equipment with a AC supply cables that complement their equipment period ! They do not assume people are going to an aftermarket BS company to improve the quality of their equipment. I’ve never seen that written in sales brochures or have I heard it brought up in conversations with quality equipment sales people. If there was any truth to this BS cable stuff why would manufactures not spend and charge extra for an earth shattering better cable Full well assuming A customer has the money and will be purchasing it from some aftermarket schmuck. That does not make any sense, sort of pay me to hear the best of my equipment or go pay somebody else because they’re gonna make it better no logic in that not to mention no science to it either. The only reason a good quality manufacturer isn’t involved with this whole cable BS thing is just that there’s no science behind it no consistent reality so essentially it is BS. And finally The cord supplied with an individual component has absolutely no possible way of affecting Other components in the system including their individual sound quality or characteristics. 98 % placebo !!

The GTO is a show car I drive Audis very expensive Audis don’t waste my time with that crap

Obviously pretty things sell, don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that. As to whether the function is any different that’s probably the biggest debate in the last 40 years of Audio and that equates to zero positive proof !! 


If something is so iffy on validity I’m not interested. And certainly don’t waste my coin on things that don’t undeniably prove themselves. Sort of like that stupidity about teaching your hearing so that in time you can hear a difference…what ?? Shut the front door on that. 
Next thread 



Ps: The Pc 5002m amplifier is internally a carbon copy of the 101m amplifier and most people that actually know Yamaha product of the past realize that this was no PA amplifier. Feel free to make comparisons with today’s standards.




Kind of presumptuous, I never said cables of any kind don’t make a difference, I do have issues with some of the ideology and sales promotion. Rest assured my equipment has been refurbished and upgraded internally and to any possible higher standards available. Having said that many accomplished professionals are of the opinion that some of these components exceed The values of many amplifiers currently available. Your opinion ‘Transparent or refined’ is just that..your opinion ! And I might add based on valueless speculation as you’ve not had the pleasure of listening to this system. There has been effort, research, and money put into this project and you can certainly hear it. And finally if you have an XKE V12 I am in awe, aside from that they generally ride like a wheel barrel, that’s based on my opinion Lol. 



Do moderne Radial tires exceed the ability of antiquated bias tires.. absolutely ! Pure Mechanical science is undeniable, as well no room for a Debate of any kind with Qualified test drivers. There is also no room for placebo of any kind it’s literally night and day with regards to the tires. This dose not equate in any way to the Forever debate with power cables in audio. To much some Hear it some don’t, mechanical testing that may or may not be audible…and the placebo effect. Tires and audio cables Analogy…. ridiculous ! And The idea that a person retrofits cables upon purchase hears a difference to be further enhanced with the spending of considerably more.. now that’s debateable placebo inc. How many years has this discussion been going on ? No definitive results yet ? One thing we can all agree on it’s been a money maker LOL

Oops that’s what you get when you Siri auto text and don’t check…lazy. Did use it back in a day, looks bad hard to work with glad I grew up finances to boot. 




Your supposed to learn to hear the difference... Power finds its way into your house Romex whatever, ya stick a 6’ piece of cable it miraculously goes to work correcting, beautifying sound. Don't worry about what's inside your component obviously it also has the ability to to adjust and control any AC to DC, controls, wiring, etc. down stream. There’s hundreds out there no scam start testing....LOL

It’s free speech public opinions included. You’re right I’m not adding anything useful simply adding that same dribble you are. So let’s take the same door once out you turn left I turn right.
