Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?

Meaning, do you think that cabling (AC/InterConnects/SpeakerWire) should be considered a component that is integral to your system?

I have probably as much money in cabling and fuses as I do in most of my components (if not more).

Please, please, PLEASE don't tell me that cables don't make a difference. I disagree and there's nothing you can say or do that will change my mind, so save it for another thread, please.

I just wondered if you had to recommend a set up to someone (who wanted a nice stereo), would you consider cabling to be essential in your build price and your recommendations? If so, would you consider the cost of the cables to be on par with the cost of a component?




Showing 2 responses by thyname

@1971gto455ho :

You’re right I’m not adding anything useful

At least you admit it. Now…. Please stop polluting every single cable thread. You are becoming even worse than @jasonbourne52 on this topic, and that’s a huge “treat” to achieve

I’ve vintage, and have been selectively buying. Now own Pristine second owner last model run Infinity IRS Beta speakers. Yamaha power PC5002m mid’s / high panels, PC4002M woofer towers. 4 x infinitesimal 0.2’s, Yamaha Pc2002m power. 

No wonder you don’t hear any difference with cables. Equipment from over 40 (four zero, forty) years ago. Vintage is often a fancy self-pleasant name for old. Probably they come with their captive cords. Enjoy your equipment, but I have a feeling you enjoy “contributing “ to cable forums most