Did your system ever get so good it pushed you out of the house?

What I mean is, did your system do such a good job showing you what live music was like that you wanted to go out more??

If so, how did you get there?
My system being so good now, i cannot quit it and go to the concert...

Anyway i dont have the money and going out to a concert in these times in particular  is truly more about the friend i will go with than about the music.... :)

Anyway i enjoy human being one at a time and certainly not in crowd even relatively silent one in a Concert Hall...I dont go to movie either nor even to restaurant.... :)

This evening i try to choose between the Well tempered Klavier by Andras Schiff, a laserlike perfect total mathematical holographic playing, a perfect contemplation; and the less perfect but more living by the heart version of Vladimir Feltsman.... Impossible to choose between God and his son for me or between the eternal and the incarnated one ...


The conclusion for my soul is on a very good system i cannot, and i dont want to see any spot light or people, apart from the musician playing with his inner light....

Embed your system or learn how to do it, and forget anything else....

My best to all....
I’ve been inspired by my system and by Floyd Toole to check out the venue ejr mentioned, Boston Symphony.
Concerts for nationally known performers have become ridiculously expensive. And then you add in parking, beverages, snack, etc. and it gets even more ridiculous. Since I’ve already spent a lot on my home system, why not stay home and listen? For the most part, I don't give a damn about the visual aspect of live music, especially the dance troupes that come with a lot of the newer music. The bathrooms are better at my house than most venues too.
One the one hand maybe. On the other maybe not.  I think that covers it. 
For me, the complete opposite. I enjoy my system / music so much that my preference is to stay home, put a good record on, have a few drinks etc. Possibly share this experience with a loved one or close friend. For me it doesn't get any better that that.

My system is packed up at the moment as I'm remodeling my living room. It's been a difficult time for me.... no living space, no system.... :(
Actually, in my case the opposite occurred.

We took a weekend jaunt to Boston to enjoy Anne-Sophie Mutter and the Boston Symphony play the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto.  I have two versions that Mutter has recorded, and after flying home, played them and thought "this sounds really good, but not like the live performance".

One thing I've found, with live performances, is the experience of seeing the performer and how difficult the piece is to play seems to add to the sonic experience, at least it did for our weekend jaunt to Boston.
No, but I’ve been in people’s houses where the systems were so BAD the music pushed me out of the house.
" If so, how did you get there?"

Transporter of course, lock on and energize ......
I built some 5 way actives that sounded great to me. I was excited about optimizing them so started attending live, unamplified concerts. Some of the concerns I had about things I was hearing from the speakers turned out to be genuine effects of human voices and musical instruments interacting with concert hall acoustics. The real thing isn't always easy on the ears.
More insightful three word comments, without punctuation. What an age we live in. Perhaps he meant to say "get magico"
On music that is properly recorded, YES
More often now that I moved my EP 3.4s 2+ feet wider and 2 ft more forward