Decided to change my cd player, suggestions please?

Ok so I guess this is as much a change just for the sake of change, lol, as tbh I am pretty happy with my setup but it has been the same equipment for the last 3 years so just what the heck, lets fiddle.....

So present equipment is:
Krell KAV250A
Acoustic Research LS2
Krell s-350
Usher cp-6381

Now i listen nearly exclusively to rock, mostly modern rock like Avenged sevenfold, stained, shinedown, saving abel, halestorm etc etc. Some more classic rock if I am feeling mellow.
I do not believe anything much else will ever grace my systems

I fully realize I may take a step backward or two but if there are far more expensive players out there there may be one that suits my ears better.

Budget is up to $4k used or new

Any good suggestions please.
Hi uberwalz,

Check out the new ModWright Truth Marantz SA8005. I have owned and loved my Ayre CX-7eMP player for many years. I recently upgraded to a used MW 5400ES player, and all I can think about is how much I have been missing all these years. The CX-5e is an incremental upgrade in sound quality (if that, according to your sonic preferences) over the CX-7eMP whereas the MW player is a night and day improvement and can hold its own with the very best regardless of price.

One of the things that I particularly appreciate about the MW player is how it makes rock come alive. I used to have to listen to most rock on my vintage system in order to get in the groove, but no more as the MW sounds fantastic playing my favorite rock music on my hi-end rig.

Best to you uberwalz,
Not quite what I was asking I think.
More on the lines of would running my Krell through a dac make any appreciable difference to the Krells existing "sound" or just better to go for a differing player altogether?
it's common for people to use a separate transport if they think a different or newer DAC will give them better sound

Nagra makes a DAC for $30,000 - see if it sounds better to you
Esoteric and Ayre are on my watch list
However somebody early on did suggest possibility of keeping the Krell and running it through a dac.
Anybody have experience with this type of upgrade, just using my player as a transport and if so what dac may give a benefit?
All the ones mentioned here are good CDP but not in the league of gamut CD3. That CD player made me a believer on shinny disc for real.
Gamut CD3 bested my PS audio DS. A lot to say. If you find one buy it. 
I have heard a few of the Shanlings, they are really nothing special.  Unless you like their looks.  As I stated above, a used Esoteric sounds better than most and will last you a lifetime.
The Goldnote Stibbert looks very cool but such a niche product doubtful you'll find anyone with real experience, are you able to audition one? Never heard a Shanling myself but they are certainly more out there.
often a good idea to stick to a larger manf. that will stay in business when the component needs repair

I'd want to be sure a boutique manf.'s player was a LOT better than something like Bryston before buying...
some great suggestions already, tbh I was strongly considering Esoteric and Ayre.
Also has anybody any experience with Gold Note Stibbert or Shanling players?
Does woo-woo come in a can or does it come in a little baggie? The kind that enhances sound!

contains a DAC and he is well below his $4k budget (which can then be used for new cables or a can of woo-woo)
Can't help but recommend Ayre C-5xeMP, it is a reference player that can handle any format you throw at it. It can usually be had for roughly $3500.00 used here on the 'gon. Check the reviews.
Luxman D06U.    Just reviewed on Sterophile.  These units come up once in a while. 
Bryston is about to release the BCD-3.  Their DACs are highly praised, and I'm still using their BCD-1.  I plan to purchase a "3" soon.  BTW, superlative factory support and service, if every needed.
I would get a used Esoteric player.  It will last a lifetime and are better than most.
If you think you may have any interest in exploring non-physical media you may consider putting that money into a DAC. You can use the DAC with your current CDP and improve sound quality and also have flexibility down the road.
Used REGA Isis valve cdp/DAC...

 Goliath killer .... google the reviews
Two big advantages:

(1) with its direct USB input into its high-end DAC and the separate USB input button on the remote, your digital files are played on your external HD.

(2) REGA has two matched serial number transports set aside for each unit sold so that longevity risk is eliminated 

highly recommended