Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
People are quitting the medical field for two reasons. they are burnt out from the nightmare that is Covid, or they are an anti-vaxxer. I deeply sympathize with those bearing the daily horror in hospitals around the country and world.

Anti-vaxxers have no business being in the medical profession in the first place and good riddance.
Isochronism-Btw MC, I always appreciate your incitful posts, audio and otherwise.

Gosh now I have to wonder did you mean insightful or inciteful? ;)   

Either way I got a kick out of it. Thanks!

"Vaccine injuries from Covid-19 shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated". These numbers are documented.
This pandemic will be over when the Pfizer administration is arrested for reckless endangerment and fraud.  They are the only ones who will profit from an extended pandemic.

Once upon a time, there was a pretty cool audio site. A virus or a bacterial infection, no one really knew for sure, swept through the land. The illness resulted in zealots of every flavor, blindly and repeatedly regurgitating the same drivel. Such a shame.
I assure you it isnt the Bilderbergers or George Soros or the woes of the supply chain.

Random, but also relieving to have some clarity, thanks.

Anti-vaxxers have no business being in the medical profession in the first place and good riddance.
Other options perhaps, are pro-natural immunity people who are health care professionals. Who see no responsible reason to get vaccinated with any potential side effects, despite what you have been lead to believe.

Pro-vaccination health care professionals who have seen cases that are being reported not on the media sources you sir are getting, in regards to the Covid vaccines, specifically.

But we do know it’s not George Sorrows, Bilderbergers, or supply chains, thanks to recent revelations.
Other options perhaps, are pro-natural immunity people who are health care professionals. Who see no responsible reason to get vaccinated with any potential side effects, despite what you have been lead to believe.

Pro-vaccination health care professionals who have seen cases that are being reported not on the media sources you sir are getting, in regards to the Covid vaccines, specifically.

But we do know it’s not George Sorrows, Bilderbergers, or supply chains, thanks to recent revelations.
i concur with this excellent post...

I am glad that i dont need to say anything else about this matter and perhaps some are glad too....  😁😊😎
This is the way half clever teenagers tend to see it
Labelling. Very clever MC. I expected better.
4,822,761 people in the world have lost the natural immunity gamble with Covid-19.
4,822,761 people in the world have lost the natural immunity gamble with Covid-19.
Is prejudice blind you a bit?

These people a great number of them are dead much more so because available cheap treatment were censored and the wrong treatment, when all are  waiting for a miraculous  vaccine, were applied....Remember also that vaccines for the last year was for rich countries mainly.... This is a fact....

and the virtue of natural immunity are like the virtue of vaccine immunity scientific facts to ponder on a fine scale benefits/risks...

Then dont cherry pick the facts especially if you want going on with the thinking process.....

Thinking is a process where the premisses most of the times are in great numbers and the conclusion out of reach if we dont play with the right premisses in the right order....

Vaccines are part of the solution NOT THE ALL AND ONLY MIRACULOUS solution, save in the head of hypnotised people....And sorry but there exist available treatments from the begiinning...Guess why you dont know it yet....

With a virus which mutated a lot: vaccination for the at risk people and treatment prophylactic and for the first stage of the disease are mandatory....

Making Mass vacination mandatory and censoring prophilaxy and treatment are so stupid and criminal i am speechless....Speechless because like in audio matter people buy the hype....

«Audiophilia is a disease i cure myself with simple acoustic»-Groucho Marx 🤓
7.9 billion people on this earth

120 million are born EVERY year.

60 million die every year.

10,000,000,000 + people by 2050.

Just six weeks in the wrong direction 1/2 the worlds population would be gone.  Just 2 weeks of bad water 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. You know what the other half would be eating?


Never under estimate a human's ability to turn as feral as a PIG in the wild.. (about 6 weeks).

Just six weeks in the wrong direction 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. Just 2 weeks of bad water 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. You know what the other half would be eating?


Never under estimate a human's ability to turn as feral as a PIG in the wild.. (about 6 weeks).
You are right....

I will buy some chikens and like you i will feed them....

My best to you....
Master M, you know human nature, just better to be aware and be prepared. More than anything to be able to hold our nose for the next year or two..

No chickens, dried food, no cooking for 6 weeks or so.. Then out of the bunker..

Wild pig, rabbits and rats in the Delta. Long pig and cats in the city I got a plan.. :-) Tule fuel..
Once upon a time, there was a pretty cool audio site. A virus or a bacterial infection, no one really knew for sure, swept through the land.
All part of the great plan……of course,,,,,,,,
Post removed 
I often require the medicinal properties of hard liquor before venturing to an online forum where the wearing of a tin foil hat is recommended by my therapist.

To interact with actual people at an audiophile expo in the US would perhaps require pharmaceutical grade intervention.

Edit - and now I tripped over another thread speaking of extinction and the Borg.  I reckon I'll listen to something approaching sanity like Wagner's Ring cycle.  A pleasant Hagen.
Post removed 
Listening to others and discussing any subject even censored one without insults is no longer possible it seems, why?

Instead of calling some "conspirationist" or "tin foil hatter", perhaps what is true or meaningul in another perspective view would be more interesting to discuss...

We build with a common ground not with systematic dissent....

I often require the medicinal properties of hard liquor before venturing to an online forum where the wearing of a tin foil hat is recommended by my therapist.
it is probably because you need it anyway....

I dont....

It remind me of the useless debates here in audio and in politics where people are chained to false conditioned alternatives missing always the essential in audio like in politics...Two warring gangs....I dont need liquor nor drug to come here....Only friendship, by anyone religious or atheist or vinyl table user or digital user etc....Vaxx at all cost or antivaxxers....I am in none of these 2 boats....

It is not a great contribution after 31 posts to tell to all people indiscriminately that speaking here need to be first meet with a therapeutic...

Anyway welcome to this forum sincerely and i apologize if it seems rude from
 my part....
Instead of calling some "conspirationist" or "tin foil hatter", perhaps what is true or meaningul in another perspective view would be more interesting to discuss...

When you have no ability to disprove someone's opposing idea, then you call them names or cast aspersions on their character. This is a common tactic especially among those who tell us how smart they are and how dumb we are.

Natural immunity would work.  But, getting sick in order to acquire immunity so that you don't get sick makes as much sense as having one's arm amputated so that it will not get caught in a wood chipper.
Natural immunity would work. But, getting sick in order to acquire immunity so that you don’t get sick makes as much sense as having one’s arm amputated so that it will not get caught in a wood chipper.
This disease dont touch all age groups in the same way first...

Second before saying partial claim and sophism think...

There is many proved simple low cost treatment for people which are not at risk with morbidities and old age....

Do you think 300 million people  in Uttar pradesh state in India vaxx all with forceful mandates to eliminate and controls covid?

Their yogi minister give a few bucks ivermectin and antibiotic...With total success...2 dollars for the pack...

Then revise your sophistry in the face of science....

Forget ideology ingrained in you by medias...

I will repeat:

Vaccination is good for at risk people only on ALL earth not only rich america...Save for the pharma who sells it to rich countries governed by corruption... Sorry....Give vaxx to the poor at risk on earth Free...Is it not a world crisis where profitering is criminal?

Treatment at low cost are necessary for all others poor people on earth and even for at no risk young americans with a functioning brain....Put an end to censorship of science facts and scientists by youtube, facebook and other criminals global corporation that rules us all over democratic government...

To control a mutating coronavirus we need treatment and vaxx... Like with the seasonal flu.... And no for the idiots who read me i dont confuse the more problematic sars-cov2 with the ordinary flu but the 2 are airborne transmitted rapidly mutating viruses.... We need then vaccination and treatment, not only one of those 2.... Is it difficult to understand?

Massive vaxx for all will by itself only create a selective pressure in a direction we dont wanted to on the possible roads of the virus mutation.... We need a part of the population which is not at risk unvaccinated... Epidemiology course for all non scientific people on the Gert van der Bossche site...

The concept of natural immunity is not reducible to the way which you use it for in your "sophism"... A sophism is an argument that look logically sound but that is garbage and meaningless....
Just finished a long meeting this morning determining bonuses for 2021 and doing our part to keep capitalism moving. Thought I would check in here at Audiogon to see if there are any new thoughts. I’ll keep checking back and remain ever hopeful that an audio forum materializes.

Where is there some middle ground where the anti vax and pro vax, anti mask and pro mask, taxes too high and taxes too low, voting rights vs voting restriction crowds can co-exist? I dont care if someone is vaccinated or not and I further dont care why nor do I care where they choose to get their newsfeed from. I have made my reasonably informed decisions, they have made theirs and can’t we just move on? I have employees/co-workers on both sides...I dont particularly care which. We dont have to explain it to each other ad nauseum. Just because I prefer a certain sound, cable or topology doesn’t make how you may have voted in the last election relevant to me. Just here to enjoy the hobby.

Cant we admit that a post on Audiogon isnt going to convert anyone from one side to the other? Why can’t we just leave it at that? Why do we care which side the other audio nut is on? We are still audio nuts. I appreciate that @mahgister is trying to achieve great sound on his defined budget. I appreciate that @millercarbon is maximizing his hifi enjoyment, even with the hyperbole or the occasional review prior to actually hearing the item LOL. Seriously, we have more in common than not dont we?
Seriously, we have more in common that not dont we?
You are right if we think a minute...But who thinks now? 

My best to you....
A few months ago 
 (in the Ledderman thread) I named an ingredient the vaccines have. I won't name it here. A few commented I was totally wrong, and my post was removed. Now under Labratory anylization it IS indeed found in ALL vaccines. The manufactures now admit that ingredient. It adds NO therapeutic benefit. Why is it there?? 🤔 Answer: It is KNOWN why!! Again, I won't name that reason here.
People really should watch the video above. Not just America, Western Civilization itself is being destroyed before our very eyes. While we quibble and quarrel, more often than not it is being done not on the terms of reasoned debate but following the rules of oppression and revolution laid out by Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky. Study this subject people. While you still can. This is the ideology at the root of all our problems.  

But @isochronism can we agree that most here could give a shyt about the ingredient? Or the fact that you may or may not be correct?

Most who took the vaccine would have taken it anyway even if they had known. Most who did not take the vaccine would not have either way way so what is being accomplished? And why does it matter so much to you that you are acknowledged as having been right if that is in fact the case?
@millercarbon once again, what is the point of these kind of posts on an audio forum??? Do you believe you will convert someone here and to what end? Are you really expecting someone to have an aha moment, resign from Greenpeace and read every Ayn Rand book because of your post. Can't there be an audio forum that focuses on audio?
I posted before seeing ghastley's well done post. I can agree, although I appreciate the fellowship among the good many members in out hobby here, and CARE about our wellbeing. Carry on.
ghastly, you may want to edify yourself on what your employees/coworkers are actually taking.
Now…back to…those warmest 6SN7 valves

Why, one might ask??? Because we talk in circles

@isochronism Why should I care? Are we operating within the law while doing everything in our power to ensure a safe and productive work environment? Yes. Am I going to require vaccines or masks to be employed? No, not unless it is mandated by law. If someone is granted a substantial bonus it will be because they contributed to a defined outcome in a material way. Isn’t that the way its supposed to work? Some may buy a house or a vacation home in which to place a nice hifi system. Others may just put it in other investments or deploy it to achieve whatever goals they may have. None of my business.
One more thing…

If one were that fearful of what and or how many uncertainties/outcomes that could unfold, find yourself a militia…

They’re hidden in the woodwork, one just has to seek

Like the walking dead, we are better off in numbers 

Why should I care? Are we operating within the law while doing everything in our power to ensure a safe and productive work environment? Yes. Am I going to require vaccines or masks to be employed? No, not unless it is mandated by law. If someone is granted a substantial bonus it will be because they contributed to a defined outcome in a material way. Isn’t that the way its supposed to work? Some may buy a house or a vacation home in which to place a nice hifi system. Others may just put it in other investments or deploy it to achieve whatever goals they may have. None of my business.

ghasley (that’s right, same guy) :
@millercarbon once again, what is the point of these kind of posts on an audio forum??? Do you believe you will convert someone here and to what end?

Have to point out it is the same guy because he is clearly talking out both sides of his mouth. Wants to shut everyone else up, can’t see anything anyone else has to say, but at the same time happy to lecture us all on his world views. Probably oblivious to the hypocrisy. They usually are.

ghasbag- But @isochronism can we agree that most here could give a shyt about the ingredient? Or the fact that you may or may not be correct?

Most who took the vaccine would have taken it anyway even if they had known. Most who did not take the vaccine would not have either way way so what is being accomplished? And why does it matter so much to you that you are acknowledged as having been right if that is in fact the case?

Etc, etc, on and on he goes. Standards for thee, but not for me, eh gasbag?
Can’t there be an audio forum that focuses on audio?

How about you try it and see?
@millercarbon I was just answering Iso's question. You always come out swinging, thats cool. As I was stating, it would be fun to return to an audio forum. I wasnt commenting to state a pro/con position on any of the controversial subjects, I was actually trying to state an agnostic position on same in the hopes that Audiogon could return to being Audiogon. I penned that post in response to Iso that I also nurture a workplace that fosters the same. No big deal.

If I somehow offended you for joking with you about writing a product review before you've heard a piece of gear you have on order, regrets.
Post removed 
Audiogon remains Audiogon. There are still all of the other threads on this site. THIS OP thread began: "If we ever get through all this craziness ... "(indeed)!! All views are welcome and appreciated.
Unlike some others I’m glad this thread has not been pulled. At least not yet.

It might be unsavoury for some but hiding our heads in the sand, or silently locking ourselves away in our rooms with our not so average systems while generational changes are happening outside is not really a defendable course of action, is it?
Besides, contributions to the debate are always voluntary, and there are plenty of other debates for those that prefer.


"People really should watch the video above. Not just America, Western Civilization itself is being destroyed before our very eyes. While we quibble and quarrel, more often than not it is being done not on the terms of reasoned debate but following the rules of oppression and revolution laid out by Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky. Study this subject people. While you still can. This is the ideology at the root of all our problems."

Some of have already studied this subject and long concluded that the US empire is being dismantled in a similar way that both the German and British ones were during WW2.

Opinions regarding the methods of this destruction will depend upon which side you stand.
To patriots these are difficult times, but enemies might regard the installation of a bought government a masterstroke.

What better way is there to covertly destroy (or change if that’s your preferred delusion) something other than from within itself?

"Just six weeks in the wrong direction 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. Just 2 weeks of bad water 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. You know what the other half would be eating?


Never under estimate a human’s ability to turn as feral as a PIG in the wild.. (about 6 weeks)."

Correct, as has history has demonstrated time and time again.

It’s not just a dog eat dog world.
Just be sure to stock up on plenty of pasta if the very worst outcome comes to pass.

The truth is out there, but you might just need to occasionally step out of the Google/Zuckerberg ecosystem to find it.

It’s also kind of telling that apart from Nicky Minaj and Eric Clapton very few celebrities have expressed an opinion on current affairs.

When you look at the volumes of flak they’ve received for doing so, maybe not so surprising after all.

Whatever became of the protest singer?
Are mavericks no longer permitted in this high tech world?
On a whim I bought a pair of Polk L200 bookshelf speakers. They are the latest from those guys. Not sure why I bought them really, I've never been much of a polk guy and I'm not looking for a third or fourth or fifth pair of speaker. I got a pair on Crutchfield as open box for a pretty good discount. They certainly aren't resolution champs but I was stunned at the sound quality from such small, inexpensive speakers. The ring radiator tweeter is quite detailed with zero harshness. Polk is poo poo'd around here but those are really decent warm sounding speakers for cheap. 
arch2, you’ll find some of my un-poo poo’d recent chatter around here regarding Polk

Nice score! 
It’s also kind of telling that apart from Nicky Minaj and Eric Clapton very few celebrities have expressed an opinion on current affairs.

When you look at the volumes of flak they’ve received for doing so, maybe not so surprising after all.

Whatever became of the protest singer?
Are mavericks no longer permitted in this high tech world?
I cant agree more...

Ostrichs we are not....

I am a complete maverick.... who want to be normal on all front?

In audio if i have never been a maverick from the beginning i will be here discussing useless or not so much useful upgrade at hight price chasing my own tail without knowing what to do....

In a world of ostrichs simple man or maverick win....

«In an enclosure any ostrich beat the hell of most man like a grizzly will »- Davy Crockett