Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?

Thinking about the many different companies, brands and

High end- Krell, Bryston, Ayre, etc
Popular- Pioneer Elite, Sony, Yamaha, Denon, Onkyo, etc
Smaller-(purists) Butler Audio, Odyssey, Red Wine, etc
Good reputation- Marantz, Sunfire, Arcam, McIntosh

Do you have a brand that you are loyal to? If so, please state why you are? Sound? Quality? Service? etc
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
BAT!!! Built quality and customer service is unsurpassed in my experience. Sound quality? .... music has never sounded so naturally right.

Decware- been using their amps since 2001. Lifetime warranty, love the holographic imaging, and the replacement output tubes are not expensive!

Pass Labs. Belles. Thiel. Magnepan. 

I’ve had many others but these guys ring my bell. 
Since I'm the customer, I would hope the manufacturer would be loyal to ME. I've already paid -- I don't owe them anything!

Auralic has been loyal to customers, in offering great trade-in value to those who upgrade. Bryston has been, also, in offering a great warranty and excellent service (as well as fine products). Audio by Van Alstine very kindly gave me the old price on a repeat order. JL Audio fixed my long out-of-warranty sub for a reasonable cost, then sent another one when I wasn't happy.

Those are the companies that have been loyal to me, and that I'll give first look when I'm looking for a new component.
Parasound you can email Richard directly.
Also Pass and Magnepan questions always answered.
Has anyone heard of Steinberg's new loyalty program???
 their tube amplifiers should be cheaper by the summer.
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I own some other components, but have been especially loyal to these brands:
Conrad Johnson. I've had several pre amps and amps and love the CJ sound. Plus great customer service.

Shunyata for PC's that really enhance a system. Have had great experience with each new generation of PC's going back to the Helix, CX, Zitron and now the newest gen. Approachable folks who stand behind their products.

Linn for the LP12. Just keeps getting better with each new innovation.

NAD for engaging and affordable.
Innuos' customer support is as good as it gets. My system crashed and Innuos
responded post haste. My guy got on remotely and made things right. Customer service is
closed on weekends. On Thursday we had an appointment for today, Monday. Most impressive.