Clearaudio Concept TT subpar sound quality

Hi all,

happy to have joined this great community and I hope you guys can help me.

I have a Concept turntable with concept arm and MM Clearaudio standard cartridge. The basic setup. It is connected to a Pro-Ject Phono Box E BT preamp that goes into a streaming hub (via a 3.5mm aux) and from there to my Buchardt A500 speakers. Lots of things the purists will not like but I am not a hardcore purist, so that’s ok.

My problem: the music coming out from the turntable is way worse than the same music being streamed from Spotify. So much that I am currently listening music only via Spotify. The sound from the turntable lacks in clarity and it seems to “saturate” the speakers.

I have verified the track force of the cartridge which is between 2 and 2.2 (depending where on the platter).

I am thinking the problem could be resolved with a better cartridge and phono preamp but would like to know what you guys think.



can you be more specific about the 3.5mm input connected streaming hub? ( brand and specs )

Yes not a purists way but even when introducing, possibly, AD conversion there are better and worse ways ;)

That's a decent turntable and cart. Maybe you have a friend with a better system that would let you try the table with his components? The phono stage is probably a weak link, but my guess is the rest of your system is what is holding it back. That table/ cart should sound better than Spotify.

Borrow a real phono stage and then compare vinyl to spotify.  There may be nothing wrong with anything except the probable A to D to A conversion going on in the "streaming hub".

Personally it took me ALOT more money for my turntable system to sound as good or better than my digital. You aren't going to hear this answer much because the analog only folks will tell you you're deaf.  I'm still not completely sure its worth the trouble. 


+1 virtually all  of the above.  You most probably want to feed your Buchard an analog signal via RCA connectors from a conventional phono preamp (imo just about any other phono preamp will be better)  and let any A-to-D conversions happen within the superior dedicated Buchard hub.

Also, the other inputs  to your  hub are probably all superior to that 3.5 mm that your Project box requires.

And if possible, take big-greg's suggestion to dial in the Clearaudio TT with a friend's analog-based components.  


Converting your analog system to digital would seem to be the issue to me.

Can you borrow a pair of analog ’active speakers’ and plug in the 3.5mm jack to try a setup sans the A/D / wireless aspects?

It is a good suggestion. I can test with a single central active speaker I have but the quality of the speaker is not great so the problem may get “hidden” by the low quality of it. Not sure if I am explaining myself well. In any case I will test it. 

@sandstone thank you for your reply. You make a good point about the A/D conversion that should be done at the Buchardt’s hub instead of the low-end Pro-ject preamp. However, the only way I can test this is to buy a new preamp …

connected to a Pro-Ject Phono Box E BT preamp that goes into a streaming hub (via a 3.5mm aux) and from there to my Buchardt A500 speakers. Lots of things the purists will not like.. 

We don't like it because there is a good chance it won't sound so great. Your TT is not the issue. The 3.5mm connector (and the components that require that connector) being a main suspect.

Hi Russ, thank you for your comment. I am looking at the Hegel V10 phono preamp. I do hope that upgrading the preamp will make a substantial difference. What do you think of the standard Clearaudio MM cartridge?

"What do you think of the standard Clearaudio MM cartridge?"


The Concept MM  may be  in many ways an entry-level cart with limitations, but  "Lack of clarity"  and "over-saturation"  are not characteristics that describe this cart when properly set up.

You mention one parameter that you've tried to set (vtf) but nothing about checking the 7 or 8 other factors critical to a proper setup, beginning with leveling the platter that might explain why you are getting inconsistent VTF readings at different locations.  

There is quite a bit of info around the forums and online publications concerning your TT,  and in general how perform a proper basic TT setup.  The best, most expensive cartridge on the planet will sound like rubbish without it.  Suggest you stick with what you have and learn how to get the most from it before moving up.

You've set a very low bar of "as good as Spotify".  With a bit of research and practice, I have no doubt that you'll exceed it.  Good luck!


Thank you for your kind words Sandstone, I do hope I will be able to solve this issue. BTW I did level the platter. The only thing I have not done is play with the anti-skate as it is rather tricky on this TT. I do hope that's not the culprit of the problem because modifying that would be out of my comfort zone.

Talking about the Concept TT, I would not buy it again... mostly because of all the settings being so hard to reach (except for the VTF, everything is at the bottom of the TT). Just my opinion.


IMHO, the best way to connect the turntable to your system is using a phono preamp with built-in volume control and directly connect to your active speakers analog inputs.

Something like a used PS Audio GCPH phono preamp or any analog preamp with built-in phono stage should do the trick.


Reading again the comment by Sandstone: does any of you get different VTF readings at different locations on the platter? I do and the platter is perfectly leveled in every direction.