Can you recommend a good Pre-Amp for my audio system?

I have Joseph Audio speakers and NAD receiver. My existing old PS Audio pre-amp is at end of life. I mainly listen to vinyl records and CD’s and sometimes cassette tapes on my system.

Without having to splurge, what is a good replacement pre-amp would you audiophiles recommend that would do the job?

Much appreciated.

Das Dasgupta
CJ very musical great sound wonderful company  get a used mint unit.Enjoy!!
What is your budget?
+1 CJ for tube
for SS look for a used Nak CA-5, great phono stage even today standards
New SS check out the Schiit unbeatable prices

The Shiit Freya preamp is inexpensive, balanced, and both tube and SS. An audio hat trick.

I am looking at the $500-1000 range unless you can convince me to go higher. If my ears cannot tell the difference as I go higher, the value of the investment diminishes quickly. 
You state that you have a NAD receiver. What amp are you using with the PS Audio preamp?  
Given your budget, I would consider the purchase of a integrated amp as opposed to using a preamp into the amp within a receiver.

Which Joseph Audio speakers do you own?
Are you willing to buy used?
Just got a trade-in deal from PSAudio - they took back my old PS audio 5.0 Pre-Amp from prehistoric ages and gave me a straight 30% discount ($500) on their $1699 PSAudio Stellar Gain Cell DAC which not only replaces but upgrades me to Digital. 

@Mesch,The Joseph Audio speakers I have are fantastic. The model is RM22XL 

I really appreciated everyone’s feedback. 
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Why not stick with PS Audio if you have been happy with your current preamp?
The Belles Aria preamp. Has the rich liquid midrange of a tube preamp
that would take the Joseph speakers to a higher level of sound quality.
I should mention that I own a Schiit Freya and my only complaint is that the LEDs are too bright (as was the one on the Loki)…at least before I carefully hit 'em with a sharpie to dim them a little. Don't tell Schiit…it could void my warranty.
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