can't stream in hi-res on Roon HELP

Dear A-goners

I am having trouble streaming hi resolution files on Roon.  96k 24bit will sometimes work but anything higher, I get a message that Qobuz is loading slowly and it won't play.  My internet is 56 Mps download which I assume would be enough for these files?  My main system is connected directly to the router and my upstairs system is connected via Wi-Fi.  Downstairs system is a little better, it will usually load 96K 24bit but the upstairs system can only manage CD quality.  I'm wondering what my issue is?  Do I need better internet or a dedicated NUC for Roon?  I'm currently running it on my iMac

thanks for any help
Thanks @erik_squires I will do that.  I'm thinking maybe the bottleneck is happening where my iMac core is sending the stream to my endpoints.  I'm having no problems with 196/24 playing on Roon on my computer.  The problem is the core sending to the uRendu and blue sound.  I will get an analyzer though and try to see what's happening and see if I can optimize my system a little better
I can do higher than that with Wifi, but then, I am kind of a PC tech and have great signal quality. In my modest 1,200 SQ feet, 2 floor home I get 5 bars and no competition, and I'm using 5GHz, which has a lot more bandwidth. I could do anything, but my main system will be hard wired.

Roon only needs a lot of CPU if you have it set to  upsample or convert to DSD. You can check on the core if you can view the CPU usage.  Normally playing music for me, even with a few EQ bands, runs about 15% CPU unless I do DSD upsampling, then it jumps to around 80% CPU or higher.

As I mentioned though, the core uses up a lot of Wifi bandwidth.  It needs to receive the signal from your streaming source (unless on local disk) and it needs to send it out. And it has to compete with any other Wifi traffic. If Roon is broadcasting to more than one target, each of these uses up your Wifi bandwidth as well.  So, 2 endpoints, you have 4 competing Wifi signals eating up your bandwidth.

Get a signal analyzer. Especially look for competing routers. Put your router above all your other devices.

I was told wifi was limited to 24/96 and to get higher had to be usb. Maybe that info is outdated idk, but a place to start.
Possibly your core does not have enough processing power. I had this issue with a MacMini and then went dedicated server
Did you use a wifi analyzer? Get one for your phone and make sure your router channel(s) are not contested.
@erik_squires The core is on WiFi.  My downstairs system (endpoint) is connected directly to the router.  The upstairs system (endpoint) is also on WiFi.  I don't have a WiFi mesh node in my office by the computer.  Perhaps that is why hi res works fine through the bluesound app but isn't working well on Roon?  I know ideally I should have everything connected directly through ethernet but it's just not practical in my house.  Maybe putting a mesh node in my office will help?  It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than getting a new computer to be my core.  The argument against this is that I'm running the speed test from my office computer (Roon Core) that is connecting via WiFi and I'm getting 56 Mbps which seems ample for hi res streaming
Are your Roon core and endpoint both on Wifi?  This may be your problem.  You need wifi bandwidth TO the core, back from the core and to the endpoint.
@fuzztone I have a mesh WiFi system with three "nodes" spread through the house.  My Roon Core is my iMac (desktop) and it connects to the internet via WiFi.  My main system is connected directly to the router with an ethernet cable as the main system is located where my cable enters the house.  My downstairs system has an Sonore uRendu connected via ethernet leading to a chord Qutest leading to my preamp.  The upstairs system is a blusound node2i connected to the network via WiFi.  Perhaps I need a mesh 'node' that is located closer to my office where my computer (roon core) lives?
Just blow the wad on an extender and plug in.
Let a box designed for WiFi do the work.
Actually you never explained how you go WiFi from a computer to an analog system.
Hard to help anyone when one doesn’t know what’s goin’ on.

And lose the iMac. Another computer will not get you to heaven.
A $100 Ras Pi 4 and most everything else runs Roon. You will often get better sound without it.

Good to know...I am not an expert on Roon but it seems your laptop may not have enough memory or processing power for Roon core. 
thanks for the suggestions guys.  So I used the blue sound app in my upstairs system using WiFi and it worked just fine with the highest res files in Qobuz so it seems it's a problem with Roon.  Maybe getting a dedicated computer to be the core is the answer?  Hoping I don't need to buy something else :-/
You have ample speed, have you tried playing the track through Qobuz desktop app? If it plays correctly than you know it’s a Roon issue :-)
20 Mbps is about what you need to stream CD quality. That’s assuming nothing else is being downloaded.

Check the quality of your WiFi signal with a phone app. I use WiFi analyzer on android. Make sure your signal is strong and that your router is using an uncontested channel.

If possible, it is always best to put the router at the highest point of your network, not the lowest. 

If you still can't get a decent signal where you need it, consider a mesh type router, like this TP Link offering:

