Buying from China

What do you think the impact will be in buying gear from China in the near future. Will the parts supply chain be depleted. Will part s other then those specify be substituted.? Will wait times for electrics will be extended. I can get pretty paranoid about it. Interested in the options of those with better insights. Should I wait awhile until things settle down befor I place my next order? I imagine things are going to be tough for the small hi end audio manufacturer.
That "right man who came down the escalator" defrauded America on a wholesale basis for his entire life, contributing to it's demise, and continues to do so as we speak.

But please, by all means, go ahead and burn a candle at your shrine to him.

All the best,
All empires fall ,how well the managment of the decline before the fall determines the longevity of the empire. The orange buffoon has only sped up the decline, facilitated by the Senate. Before long the orange buffoon will ride his horse into the chamber and declare himself a God and the sycophants will bow and demand we erect a statue. It will be orange in color and have small hands grabbing a 🐱.
oregonpapa is very very gullible if he believes those stories. There is NO WAY US manufacturing jobs are at the same level they were at 69 years ago. 69 years ago (1951) was likely the zenith of American industrial output and if anyone believes that same capacity now exists in this country they are living in a fantasy land. 69 years ago labor unions were strong, a man could work for a company at a good wage until he retired while his wife stayed home and raised the kids, and he had every expectation that his kids would be better off than he had been. If you or anyone else thinks that those conditions are present in this country now, well, you’re wrong. Our country has become a nation of consumers; we don’t make much of anything anymore other than cars and military items. If China ever develops a middle class equal to what the US used to have, then things MAY change but only in the sense that labor and manufacturing will then shift to India or Vietnam or The Phillipines or some other source of cheap labor. Kind of ironic; when I first began applying for jobs, every application asked if you are or ever have been a member of the Communist Party. Now we as workers have been sold out to those same Communists. That’s not winning. And I suggest millercarbon stick with the cult and idolize the raccoon eyed juvenile minded moron and pathological liar. Yeah, he’s gonna fix it. Hilarious.
The man who came down the elevator snookered the entire left side of the House and Senate into attending Rush Limbaugh’s award ceremony. It turned out to be a real RIP roaring, upper-plate-loosening event.

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
  • "... when I first began applying for jobs, every application asked if you are or ever have been a member of the Communist Party."

I started working (officially) in 1953, at the age of 14 when I was issued my Social Security Card.  To date, I have NEVER been asked on a job application, or by an employer in any way, if I have ever belonged to the communist party. That included my first job out of high school at the Douglass Aircraft Company.  What kind of employer would ask that? And, would I even want such a job?


My first job was in a pink building with no windows. I was asked that question. 
  • Instant Karma's gonna get you
  • Gonna knock you right on the head
  • You better get yourself together
  • Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
I don't worry about old age. It doesn't last that long.

So it's all about owning the other side. Some are still in high school. Rush was a repeat drug offender with about 2,000 violations in just 6 months, using that "hillbilly heroin", that led to his going completely deaf. He was investigated for over 3 years before getting off with a lenient sentence. I guess it pays to have connections in high, right wing places.

His undocumented housekeeper made all the trips for him and vanished after the story broke. He should be serving a long sentence and this is the guy you're proud of? 

That whole charade was a disgrace, and a perfect example of the continuing improv act that's been going on for the last 3 years. 

All the best,
  • "My first job was in a pink building with no windows. I was asked that question."
The only pink building with no windows I've ever seen was the strip club in West Hollywood. Why would they care about your politics?

You obviously didn’t require a clearance at Douglas.... lots of us who actually care about a real free democracy are asked that question and much more....

game show state of the union with prizes, how low.
  • "Rush was a repeat drug offender with about 2,000 violations in just 6 months ...’

True that. It started with a back injury, for which, he took oxycodone. He, like hundreds of thousands of other Americans, got "hooked" on the drug.

Humans build up a tolerance to these drugs causing more to be used in order to attain the same level of pain relief. Therefore, at some point, the doctors, being surveilled by the DEA, refuse to refill prescriptions. At that point, the "addict" is forced to doctor shop, then seek out street dealers, and then possibly turn to heroin. Rush, to his credit, entered rehab and kicked the habit.

If one hasn’t suffered from excruciating chronic pain ... well, perhaps one should walk in the moccasins of another before passing judgment.

oregonpapa, I don't believe you. I first starting applying for jobs at about the same age in the mid 60's here in TN. And that question was on every job application I filled out. Maybe the places you worked at were owned by Communists and thus did not care about that. Or maybe they were owned by one of those white supremacist nutjob wannabe soldiers out there in Oregon. Who knows.

The problem with Flush wasn't  his addiction but his blatant hypocrisy of demanding toss the druggies away for life on his show while being high as a kite. 
And his racist comments down thru the many many years???? Was he forced to ethics doctor shop ????

i wonder what music y’all listen to, except for Kanye, Kid Rock and Ted N you are living in a wasteland, unless of course ya ignore the lyrics....
Almost forgot; Frank fails junior high civics. The president is invited to Congress to deliver the SOTU speech. He didn't sucker anyone other than gullible folks like you.
Frank, there's only one "s" at the end of Douglas. You must have really made an impression on them. Congratulations.
  • "game show state of the union with prizes, how low."

DTS is alive and well here in A'gon-land. *lol*

Now then, speaking of the Rose Bowl ... That stadium holds 104,000 people. "Someone did something" and held a rally recently that could have filled that stadium to the hilt, and still had another 50,000 people outside the stadium looking at the big-screens.  That's gotta hurt.

  • "Frank, there's only one "s" at the end of Douglas. You must have really made an impression on them. Congratulations."

I'm relieved to know that the spelling fascists are alive and well on this site. Thanks for the correction.

Post removed 
Don't mention it. And I am not the fascist here. I just thought that someone who worked at a company should be able to spell the name of that company unless they just swept the floor there. Sorry.
What hurts is there are that many racist, charity stealing, Russian loving, P grabbing, fake christians in the USA 
US Navy
Watkins Engineering
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co.
Hayes & Lunsford Electrical Contractors
That covers nearly fifty years and I can spell all of them without being a fascist or a member of a cult.
IF only Dotard could read... when he discovered the fountainhead did not refer to his , let’s just say bonespurs, well then he would lose any interest
Post removed 
Frank presumes to educate us on Communism and Socialism by quoting a wingnut. Maybe Frank doesn't comprehend that every cop, soldier, fireman, public school teacher, and any other municipal water or road worker is a socialist worker. I wonder if they know if they are being murdered or just committing suicide?
Here where I grew up there is a Tennessee Eastman huge industrial complex, a huge Holston Army Ammunition Depot manufacturing facility, and what used to be the largest book printing facility in the world. All of them had the Communist Party question on their job applications. And, yeah, Nathan Bedford Forrest, the racist military genius, also came from here. And you have also given me some laughs.
Oh, sorry Frank, I must have gotten Douglas and Boeing mixed up. I am not even certain if Boeing is in OR or WA but your screen name made me "assume" you're in Oregon, next door to Washington.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee was active into the 1960s. I bet they got pretty nosey about commies in the woodpile.
Can't we all just get along? ;-)

@millercarbon  Chuck, I was just funnin' with ya on the Melody amp.
In reference to Frank's Ayn Rand quote, why attack the messenger when the message is so glib and shallow? Plenty of socialist ideas have and do work effectively its sad that rather than thoughtful discussion of those ideas we’re stuck with sloganeering.


“Jobs follow incentives. Buyers seek value. Pass regulations that make employment costly, make your fiat paper currency dear, don’t be surprised when jobs disappear. For generations we have lived through the managed decline of America. A decline that seemed inevitable and was even gathering steam until the right man came down a certain escalator. Everything changed that day. The world is changing, and for the better. All thanks to the man who came down the escalator.”


You mean the “stable genius” that currently sits in a certain house? 
The hypocrite who had his goods manufactured in China?

(Good to know who you have copied your impeccable interpersonal skills from...)

Denafrips, Jays Audio, Kinki Studio, Questyle, just to name a few. There are some very good products being designed and manufactured in China.

I guess the “free market economy “ only applies when it benefits Merica. 
For the record, the bulk of my gear has been made in the USA. I do not purchase “clones”, nor do I go for the cheapest option available. I do, however, look for the best made component available for the money I have to spend.

The problem, lies with all the fat cats who are profiting greatly from the Orange-otang’s policies (who is supposedly looking after the little guy). 
There is all this concern for being able to have something repaired. Nonsense. Once the warranty is up, it’s going to be dependent on what local repair facilities you have access to. And as far as Made in USA, there are no guarantees service will be there for that either. Bought some Monster headphones - Bluetooth capable - not great ones, but not cheap either. Bluetooth stopped working, contacted Monster and “sorry, we don’t offer repair services” was the response. 

That was my point; most people who disparage socialism don't even know what it is.
I cleaned up a lot of Douglas £$¥€ etc including the consent decree and the various superfund sites that make that Santa Monica drinking water oh so appetizing.....

I find the capitalist red herring moronic. I was a lifelong republican, not the current crop of RepubliKLAN. I was responsible and entrusted with a billion dollars in a profit making enterprise every year for five years, more than Dotards fake net worth. I think I can spell fiscal responsibility.
maybe Rush has windmill cancer ? while I feel his pain, I am MUCH more concerned about the coal miners with black lung, now there is a group with pre-existing conditions that deserves help....Merica first indeed...
  • "Oh, sorry Frank, I must have gotten Douglas and Boeing mixed up. I am not even certain if Boeing is in OR or WA but your screen name made me "assume" you're in Oregon, next door to Washington."
Boeing is in Seattle, Washington. During WWII my dad worked as a jig builder at Boeing, and my mom worked at the shipyards building merchant marine ships. I was just a little tyke at the time. Rain, rain ... and more rain.

  • That was my point; most people who disparage socialism don't even know what it is.

Typical ... just assume that people don't understand the terms, because they just aren't as sophisticated and as well educated as you. What studies have you performed that allows for that assumption?

I would say that most people who espouse socialism, have no idea what they are talking about. Not your fault of course. I'd place that fault at the feet of our government (socialized) monopolized school systems. 

Want to try an interesting little test? Ask any high school senior how many U.S. Senators there are. The vast majority haven't a clue. I've even asked degreed students that question and gotten a blank stare in return. Hey, we learned how government functions in the sixth grade. 

Yep, they don't know how their government works, and as a result, they can't tell when their government is taking advantage of them. They do know, however, that the planet will self-destruct in twelve years, that Heather has two Mommies, and that taking from producer Peter, in order to give to collectivist Paul, is a moral endeavor. 


Well, Frank, you didn't know that the president is "invited" to give the SOTU. He does not invite or "sucker" them into attending. Nice try.
I just love it when people decry socialism as if it were communism lite. 
The richest among us employ socialism all the time, at every opportunity, as long as it serves their purposes. And, it works wonderfully, which is why they decry it when the rest of us even think of using it.

As for who's closest to actual communists, one need not look any further than the right wing in this country. They party and travel with them, take in and launder their mob money, make lucrative business deals with them, and seem to take advice on how to run the country from them.

If the emperor is wearing any clothes, it's most likely a Kosovorotka and a Katuz to hide his balding pate.

All the best,

  • Well, Frank, you didn't know that the president is "invited" to give the SOTU. He does not invite or "sucker" them into attending. Nice try.

One thing I've noticed about statism ... it depletes humor out of existence for its followers. :-)

  • "They party and travel with them, take in and launder their mob money, make lucrative business deals with them ..."

Hey, who said anything about an ex-vice president?

Anyone besides me wondering how long these posts will be allowed to stand? Do the Mods work on Sunday??

Frank says most high school kids don't know when the government is taking advantage of them. Yet Frank apparently doesn't realize that the government is taking advantage of all of us when they take money from us and give it to hedge fund magnates and investment bank CEO's while those corporate titans pay NO income tax. The raccoon eyed anus mouth moron and pathological liar recently gave them another big tax cut and is figuring on another one before the end of the year. But Frank doesn't see this as being taken advantage of. Maybe when they start cutting his Social Security benefits he will begin to understand who is really taking advantage of who.
From the Guardian article provided by nonoise:

  • What about the capitalist principles that people earn what they’re worth in the market, and that economic gains should go to those who deserve them?

It still applies. Once one realizes that as employees, we are nothing more than commodities on the labor market, one can start figuring out how to increase one's worth in that marketplace. Once realized, then one can start increasing one's skill level. Using that skill level in helping others get what THEY want first, allows money, that always follows the path of least resistance, to flow toward the person who has had the foresight to increase his/her skill, and subsequently his/her value as an employee.

It has always worked for me.

  • "Frank says most high school kids don't know when the government is taking advantage of them. Yet Frank apparently doesn't realize that the government is taking advantage of all of us when they take money from us and give it to hedge fund magnates and investment bank CEO's while those corporate titans pay NO income tax."
And that, my friend, is not free-market capitalism. It is crony capitalism ... the same as that practiced by the Robber Barons of a century ago and before. An interesting point in our history, if you want to know about crony capitalism, was during the period when the railroads were being built.

When the free market has only the illusion of private ownership, with strict, dictatorial government control, it is indeed "socialism." It is the type of socialism known as fascism, and it was touted by both FDR and Churchill as a viable way to run a country. Both men are on record lauding the fascist system in Mussolini's Italy in the 1930s. Before FDR, it was Woodrow Wilson.  Study the history of the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution for some interesting answers.
