Buying from China

What do you think the impact will be in buying gear from China in the near future. Will the parts supply chain be depleted. Will part s other then those specify be substituted.? Will wait times for electrics will be extended. I can get pretty paranoid about it. Interested in the options of those with better insights. Should I wait awhile until things settle down befor I place my next order? I imagine things are going to be tough for the small hi end audio manufacturer.

Showing 11 responses by djones51

Humm, science research? 

Using the term “scientist” to describe someone who hasn’t done real science, especially with respect to vaccines, seems strange. I want to see the first authorship on a body of papers where clinical trials, epidemiological studies, or basic scientific research are described and analyzed that focuses on vaccines. The anti-vaccine world might want to tout James Lyons-Weiler as a scientist, but he doesn’t do basic scientific research, so that is a title that is probably undeserved.
James Lyons-Weiler’s speculations and fear mongering just go to show how even a scientist can fall under the spell of antivaccine pseudoscience (or any other conspiracy theory-driven pseudoscience). My guess is that the Lyons-Weiler who once ran a genomics core would have recognized that the “science” that the antivaccine Lyons-Weiler of today is laying down is nothing more than wild speculation that’s based on only the thinnest of scientific gruel and highly unlikely to be true. More’s the pity. Even worse, because he has a background in molecular biology, his conspiracy theory will sound plausible to most lay people.

I guess some never met a good conspiracy theory they didn't like. More idiocracy from anti- vaxxers. 

IPAK is the co-called “charity” research organization that Weiler set up. It stands for “Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge” the pretentious & ironic name Weiler gave to an organization designed to manufacture negative studies on vaccines.

IPAK, while appearing to be a legitimate un-biased research organization (they have a website and everything!) in reality is just a front to pass off anti-vaccine propaganda “research.”

You want proof? Ask James to produce the positive studies on vaccines that IPAK has released.

The other function IPAK serves is giving Weiler an outlet to accept monetary donations. I don’t question that some of the money goes to fund his anti-vaccine studies. However it appears a good amount of the money also funds…James himself. In fact, my investigation has led me to believe that James may have been living off donations funded by his followers for some time. If true, it’s unclear that his followers realize they are donating to pay his Netflix bill.

Even Elmer Gantry had to eat. 

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
The USA Today article mentions jobs at GE, GE's large appliance park in Louisville,KY was sold to China's Haier Group in 2016.
All empires fall ,how well the managment of the decline before the fall determines the longevity of the empire. The orange buffoon has only sped up the decline, facilitated by the Senate. Before long the orange buffoon will ride his horse into the chamber and declare himself a God and the sycophants will bow and demand we erect a statue. It will be orange in color and have small hands grabbing a 🐱.
The problem with Flush wasn't  his addiction but his blatant hypocrisy of demanding toss the druggies away for life on his show while being high as a kite. 
At least In the US you get due process but yeah they can take property for certain reasons. Some of which I don't  agree with I am not pleased with the way they are grabbing land for that brain dead wall. 
They don't have to tunnel under or sawzall  through the wall  just wait for a big windstorm and it will blow over.