Bryston 4b3 or BHK 250- how woudl you compare them?

I have posted a couple of times as I am looking for new amplification to replace my Mcintosh MA7000 integrated but that I am running only as am amp with a Prima Luna premium pre-amp (this already was a big improvement).

The system sounds v good but I know I am missing some detail and I would like to get more depth to the sound stage in order to have a sense that I can "look into" the performance.

I have heard the 7B3 monoblocks and was very impressed- that said I was going fback and forth between these and Mcintosh 275 VI and I did find the Mcintosh more involving but just slightly less revealing.   You can see the write up I posted a while back.  Ultimately, if I were to chose I would go for the Macs- but alas both these and the Brystons are more than I'd like to spend.

So I started thinking about the Bryston 4B3 and BHK 250- they are at the same price point so I am curious if anyone can give me sense of the differences and their preferences, if any.

I would be using the Prima Luna as preamp and I am running Magico S1 Mk1- as i said I am hoping to get more depth and detail.  And I heard these speakers do that beautifully but I do not remember the setting and ancillaries- it was while back.   In the current set up I am almost there on detail and airiness (inserting the Prima Luna was a big upgrade) but the soundstage could use more depth in placing the performers in a 3 dimensional space separated from the speakers.  Lateral imaging is v good.

There is also Pass Labs 150.8 for sale and I am intrigued by that as well- power should be adequate but probably not much more than that as Magico's do tend require a good amount of power to be driven appropriately.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated- thanks as always!

pgaston said...
aolmrd1241, I have just started doing some tube rolling with the Primaluna- I took a pair of NOS Tungsram I had installed in my Mastersound SET and the sound does improve- but I think I need to get more pairs to really see how it will change. I also have some Gold Lions but haven’t really tested those as Ihave found the Tungsram to be superior. What has worked well in your set-up?

I am using a pair of Mazda 12au7WAH 5 star triple mica’s in the first driver stage...followed by a pair of Amperex 12au7 7316 large O getters in the second driver stage... For the gain stage [front middle] I then use the Amperex 12au7 7316 long plate foil D getters...This set-up is to die for.. and now considered,by me.. end of game for my system’s tube rolling...

I have tried other combos.. but for me, in this pre..I am more than pleased with the sound I’m getting in my PLDP. Expensive tubes but worth the cost...

Oh...I also use the Brimar 5R4GY rectifier tubes and also the  Philips 5R4GYS rectifier tubes ...I do switch them out on occasion...depending on my listening mood...And yes,the rectifiers do matter. 8)

Your best deals will typically come from High Performance Stereo in Miami, The Music Room in Colorado or Underwood HiFi for PSA gear.  As you probably know Underwood Wally lives in Hawaii but the main warehouse is in Atlanta. 
pgastoneand other PS Audio owners give a shout-out for your fave dealers/retailers' location.  Happy Listening!
Sorry for the delay in responding but I was out for a couple of weeks.  As usu many thanks for all your advice.

aolmrd1241, I have just started doing some tube rolling with the Primaluna- I took a pair of NOS Tungsram I had installed in my Mastersound SET and the sound does improve- but I think I need to get more pairs to really see how it will change.  I also have some Gold Lions but haven't really tested those as Ihave found the Tungsram to be superior.  What has worked well in your set-up?

digilog5, I am indeed leaning towards the BHK250 so I might give a test run at home and see.

Btw, just to add another wrench in the works while I was out I heard an absolutely superb system:
YG Hailey's (ok, in another league than what I have)
VTL preamp (forget exact model)
Aesthetix Atlas Signature

The sound was so natural and refined with really fantastic texture and character to the vocals and instruments.  The leading edge of the notes had some real punch and speed- felt very much like a live performance.  And there was excellent depth to the soundstage which as you know is one of the aspects I would like to improve on.

Have to say it really got me thinking about Aesthetix as well.

If I had to really narrow down my choices at this stage I would say that right now I am thinking about BHK, Aesthetix (any thoughts on how these actually compare?), and maybe Pass.

pgastone said... "I know I am missing some detail and I would like to get more depth to the sound stage in order to have a sense that I can "look into" the performance."

Being an owner of the PL pre..and a tube roller..have you had a chance to try any NOS tubes in the PL yet? The stock tubes are ok but some brand NOS tubes are killer in the PL.. they can get you want you are looking for in spades.

Also,look into the Merrill Audio line of class d amps. I use the Veritas mono’ conjunction with the PL... and the sound is to die for and highly musical. Also...if you "really want to step it up to the next level" into audio Akiko Audio Corelli line conditioner is a must is crazy good and will not disappoint on any imaginable level ...period!!!

Good luck in your search...


if you will, talk about the sound and presentation between 4B3 , BHK250

amps? Sonic signatures as well.  Happy Listening!

I did try for a week or so the 4B3 with MG1.7s but eventually got the BHK250 along the BHK Preamp and I love their sound. Both Bryston and PS are built to a very high standard but different topology and resulting sound. That being said, with the Primaluna pre driving the Bryston you could be looking at a great match. If possible try them out and then decide.
excellent advice and insight as always.  How is the SA-10 settling into your system?
Happy Listening!
I have tried an older Bryston 7BB and did not like it. I love the PS Audio BHK Signature 250. The ability to roll tubes in this hybrid amp keeps it interesting. Try it, and I doubt you will send it back. Seriously one of the best of dozens of amps I have owned. 
I am very tempted to take the plunge on the Bryston- from what you have said it seems to be as giid as I have read- and my experience with 7b3 was certainly encouraging.
But maybe I will do an in home trial of the BHK before deciding.
All your suggestions have been super helpful.

@yogiboy- did you have anything in particular in mind?
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I thought the BHK might be a good compromise between tube and solid state- particularly since the preamp is tube.  I almost pulled the trigger on a pair of pima luna dialogue hp's with KT 150's- I assume these would capture the magic I heard with MC275's.  But being unsure I held back.
As I mentioned I am trying to add depth of soundstage and detail and get that sense that the performance hangs in its own space separate from the speakers.
sorry, i am traveling and i had not seen other posts- I'd love to try vitus but right now it is more than I would like to budget.

on classe, i own a cav150-a great and versatile amp- but it has a problem - I believe a circuit board needs to be replaced- and I am having a terrible time trying to get it fixed considering the changes at classe (no answer from customer service)- so I am a little reluctant to put money in a brand that I am not sure can address service needs.

As ofr some of the other names suggested they all tend to be above my budget of 5-7k (at the v max).
Many thx for the great feedback.
ddfoe,  I think the pass labs would be great but I would be more at ease with the 250.8- exactly as your pairing,  I am a little concerned that the 150.8 might be slightly underpowered.  I do not listen particularly loudly by any means  but I try to match the music to its context and on some pieces I am a little worried the sound might feel a tad constrained.
What do you think?

As for the 4b3, i am hoping that that last ounce of involvement I felt  mc275 compared to 7b3 might be compensated by the tube front end.  dweller, do you  ind telling me what your set-up is in terms of preamp and speakers with what specs?

No views on BHK 250 pairing?
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The PS Audio BHK 250, Pass 150.8, Bryston 4B3 are all great amps and received very good reviews.
They will have different sonic characters and are of course system dependents.
You will have to try them out in your setup and system using your own speakers, preamp, front end source components, cables, etc to see which you will like best.

And there are other countless options out there as well. I would also look at Mark Levinson, Constellation, CH Precision, Soulution, Audionet, MBL, Tidal, Chords, Burmester, T&A, Boulder, Vitus Audio, Berkeley Audio Design, Gryphon. 
CH Precision usually pair well with Magico but not sure its synergy with your Primaluna preamp. It will probably sound awesome.

Vitus Audio makes very natural organic or analog sounding gears and I highly recommend them to you.

T&A makes phenomenal gears and I would highly recommend them to you to give them a listen in your own setup and system and see how it will sound on your setup and system.

I forgot the Classe Delta CAM 300 or CAM 600 monoblock amps as well as the CA-2300 stereo amp. These amps are class AB and were discontinued last year and can be had at discounts if you can find a used one. The Classe Omega amps, which are class A design, are even better but older and been discontinued a while ago and if you can find a used one. They make great sounding amps and might pair well in your setup and system.

Dan D’Agostino Progression amps, which is his lower end series amps, are spectacular too If you can’t afford the Momentum series amps, which cost quite a bit more than the Progression series amps but better.

Audio Research will also pair well with your Magico speakers and Primaluna preamp. I highly recommend Audio Research especially their Reference series line if you can afford it.
I have the ARC Reference 10 phonostage preamp in my setup and is phenomenal. I also had the ARC Reference 10 linestage preamp until I've upgraded to the Naim Statement linestage preamp and monoblock amps recently. I was using the ARC Ref 10 linestage with 2 pairs of D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps previously. But the Naim Statement gears (preamp + monoblock amps) are quite a bit better but cost lot more.
My speakers are Magico M6.

I am considering the 4B3 as well. What other gear is in your system?
Happy Listening!
The Pass 150.8 is a nice match and is likely 'adequate' power wise as you say, depending on your room size and volume tastes.   I used a 250.8 with S1 Mk1s for ~ 3 years and thought the pair worked well together.   I never got the needle on the 250.8 front dial to move playing the Magicos in the mid 80dBC range (in my 12x17 room).  The Pass's slightly warm character was a benefit with the S1s.
I'm a first-time Bryston 4B3 owner (about six months) and recommend it without reservation.