Bryston 4b3 or BHK 250- how woudl you compare them?

I have posted a couple of times as I am looking for new amplification to replace my Mcintosh MA7000 integrated but that I am running only as am amp with a Prima Luna premium pre-amp (this already was a big improvement).

The system sounds v good but I know I am missing some detail and I would like to get more depth to the sound stage in order to have a sense that I can "look into" the performance.

I have heard the 7B3 monoblocks and was very impressed- that said I was going fback and forth between these and Mcintosh 275 VI and I did find the Mcintosh more involving but just slightly less revealing.   You can see the write up I posted a while back.  Ultimately, if I were to chose I would go for the Macs- but alas both these and the Brystons are more than I'd like to spend.

So I started thinking about the Bryston 4B3 and BHK 250- they are at the same price point so I am curious if anyone can give me sense of the differences and their preferences, if any.

I would be using the Prima Luna as preamp and I am running Magico S1 Mk1- as i said I am hoping to get more depth and detail.  And I heard these speakers do that beautifully but I do not remember the setting and ancillaries- it was while back.   In the current set up I am almost there on detail and airiness (inserting the Prima Luna was a big upgrade) but the soundstage could use more depth in placing the performers in a 3 dimensional space separated from the speakers.  Lateral imaging is v good.

There is also Pass Labs 150.8 for sale and I am intrigued by that as well- power should be adequate but probably not much more than that as Magico's do tend require a good amount of power to be driven appropriately.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated- thanks as always!

Showing 1 response by digilog5

I did try for a week or so the 4B3 with MG1.7s but eventually got the BHK250 along the BHK Preamp and I love their sound. Both Bryston and PS are built to a very high standard but different topology and resulting sound. That being said, with the Primaluna pre driving the Bryston you could be looking at a great match. If possible try them out and then decide.