Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.

"Brilliant Pebbles is a unique and comprehensive system for tuning the room and audio system based on special physical properties of highly symmetrical crystal structures.  Brilliant Pebbles addresses specific resonance control and RFI/EMI absorption problems associated with audio electronics  No snake oil here.
I drilled holes in ivory billiard balls and ran my cable through them every 18" in 6 ft runs.  Tremendous improvement.  It made Bob Dylan sound like Frank Sinatra.
“Well, if’n I could ‘splain it to the average dude I wouldna gotten me the Nobel prize.”
I honestly do not understand why his work isn't getting the recognition it deserves. I mean, The Teleportation Tweak!  This is pure gold:

What does the Teleportation Tweak sound like? By attenuating the deleterious effects of the particular Information Field associated with the cell phone or land line phone the sound in the room becomes much closer to the sound that you would hear in an ideal world, I.e., a world without such subconscious interference that reduces the listener's sensory perception. After the Teleportation Tweak is performed the listener can more easily hear the complete and undistorted sound that his system is FULLY CAPABLE OF PRODUCING, that the system was producing BEFORE the TT. In other words, the SOUND WAS IN THE ROOM THE WHOLE TIME, he just couldn't fully appreciate the sound quality since his hearing ability had always been in a degraded state and not up to the level he always assumed it was.
The deleterious effects of the particular Information Field! Genius!
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" day I came home and I found him sitting in the living room....".

One of the best comedy bits ever.

435 posts
01-10-2019 8:41pm
Things turn out worse, for people who make the worst of the way things turn out.

Ah, the old philosopher. 😴
There it is! The OP troll pipes up! With an original comment, too. 🙄 Must be his first rodeo. 🤠
Things turn out worse, for people who make the worst of the way things turn out.

-Organ grinder’s monkey

It is too cryptic even for you to understand what you wrote. I am far from being a monkey, evolution did the work.
"I presented a paper to national conference...."
Does anyone want to guess what the name of that conference was? There are conferences where what was written above could be perfectly reasonable.
Can he eat them? Can he eat them??? Run em through Codenamegeoff's rock polisher and not only can he eat them, he can power his low thrust high specific impulse rocket engine for interplanetary space travel. Although, why not just teleport?

The whole story can finally be told!
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Things turn out best, for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
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I don't know about brilliant pebbles, but this is pure gold:

I presented a paper to national conference fifty years ago regarding a design for a low thrust high specific impulse rocket engine for interplanetary space travel that develops thrust by bombarding metal polycrystal with a highly accelerated Xenon ion beam, producing sputtering of atoms from the surface of the metal polycrystal.

Was this before or after you developed the rock polisher?

The OP wrote,

”Brilliant Pebbles.... No snake oil here.”

>>>OMG! Have I been the victim of an exceedingly clever carefully choreographed and coordinated attack by a deep state troll network? Whoa, Daddy! I swear I did not see that coming. Shut my mouth and call me corn pone!
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This just in! New Brilliant Pebbles, one-off offerings. Now, you can obtain Pebbles that fit your particular budget and or skepticism level.

Brilliant Pebbles 🤗
Smart Pebbles 🤔
100 IQ Pebbles 😬
Mildly Retarded Pebbles 😳
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Enter the dark matter coated banana springs. (Cue the guy in a giant banana costume) ... Here ya go folks, step right up here, get yours while it lasts ... more rocket 🚀 science from Geoffy the Fuse Troll. 

Just try bringing your system to the beach, not a sandy but a pebbly one. It will be a new dimension. Not to mention that soundstage will be as deep as the eye can see.
Now it all makes sense! Humble as it is, my system sounds very, very, good, in my dedicated listening/living room. No harsh reflections, no bass boom, just well balanced good sound. I attributed the lack of room problems to good treatments and painstaking set up. Little did I expect that it is my wife's obsession with crystals (she has them all over the house, especially in the audio room) that is doing the magic.........Jim


"My education was theoretical propulsion and fluid dynamics."
Congratulations, you fooled us all. We would have never guessed.

"Glubson, no worries, I’m used to people trying to make something out of something it’s not."
No worries, we are used to it, too. We have been reading your posts for a while.
“People before Profits.”

“Because it’s what I choose to believe.”

“It is better to know than not to.”

As I respect everything that can make our systems sound better I do believe that some of us are truly just listening to our equipment and forgetting how music live should sound. Thats cool if thats would you want. I'm getting old and want to remember the live music that I have experienced in my life.
"It is easier to fool someone then to convince someone that they've been fooled."  Attributed to Mark Twain but never proven...
I was figuring to trap someone with that last quote. 😬 It was attributed to PT Barnum but I doubt he actually said it. The person who said the first three quotes probably wouldn't say the last one. It doesn’t make sense. He’s accused of saying, There’s a sucker born every minute, too. But he didn’t say that, either.
I don't think PT Barnum is a man we should be so enamored with...
  • “Every crowd has a silver lining.”
   Good grief, he made million$ charging people 2 or 4 bits to see a circus during a time in America (depression era) when most people were starving and was merciless on the backs of those who worked for him...
   Anyway geoffkait back to pebbles, I did read your white paper and have to admit I misunderstood how they worked. Bybee changes the atom structure (w/crystals) where as your pebbles convert movement to heat.  I have two tube traps, I might have to try some large on the top.
Far out... 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
There is a branch of QP called Quantum Thermodynamics, despite my education I don't pretend to understand it...