Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.

"Brilliant Pebbles is a unique and comprehensive system for tuning the room and audio system based on special physical properties of highly symmetrical crystal structures.  Brilliant Pebbles addresses specific resonance control and RFI/EMI absorption problems associated with audio electronics  No snake oil here.

Showing 13 responses by glupson


It is too cryptic even for you to understand what you wrote. I am far from being a monkey, evolution did the work.
"I presented a paper to national conference...."
Does anyone want to guess what the name of that conference was? There are conferences where what was written above could be perfectly reasonable.
Just try bringing your system to the beach, not a sandy but a pebbly one. It will be a new dimension. Not to mention that soundstage will be as deep as the eye can see.

"My education was theoretical propulsion and fluid dynamics."
Congratulations, you fooled us all. We would have never guessed.

"Glubson, no worries, I’m used to people trying to make something out of something it’s not."
No worries, we are used to it, too. We have been reading your posts for a while.
It seems that "quantum physics" is used as some sort of a card you are not allowed to dispute around here. Give it 50 years and, at the mention of quantum physics, people may be saying "Oh, my, what were we thinking?" Maybe not, but the way things are developing it could be.
"Before you know it, you’ve got yourself a Fortress of Solitude, dude."
Most of the people achieve that with a lock and key, not pebbles on the ceiling.
Hmmm, I always thought it was "Etiam tu, mi fili" although in Greek. Who would know, after all these years?

I actually had glow-in-the dark Crocs around and did not notice any impact on sound. On the other hand, I rarely use air conditioning so I cannot say they would not help if I did.
What is the sonic difference between brilliant pebbles and matte ones? Is the sound with matte type a bit dull?

"Get a humidifier and a powerful AC.."
Not a good idea. Air conditioner would dry it out in the end but would need to work harder than usual and you know it would wreak havoc on your electrical circuit. You would need glow-in-the-dark rocks to manage that issue although some say that glow-in-the-dark Crocs would work well, too, and at significantly lower price.