Better Integrated Amp?

Hi, I'm looking at my first set up and have been advised by people on this website to get an integrated amp (including phono stage). I'm looking at the Quad Vena 2 which I would have to get second hand due to cost, and the Denon PMA-800NE which I could buy new whilst still being the cheaper option. I'm open to other suggestions to just wanted to get your thoughts on which amp I should go for or if I should look at some others too.
Okay lots of information I worry I might miss some stuff. I’ve been looking at speakers and one that seems to have a lot of positive reviews are Q Acoustics 3050, and I’ve found a website selling them at £330 which is about £200 less than other websites. Not sure if anyones had any experience with these? They have a really high sensitivity at 92db but do have a rear port which some people have warned me about. Its also had a newer model replace it, the 3050i but for the extra money there doesnt appear to be too much of a difference in its make up.
The recomended power listed on their website is 25-100W at 6Ohms, the 6 does confuse me a little as all amps and almost all speakers I've seen say 4 or 8.
Another amp thats come up quite a few times is Marantz PM6006 (some Uk edition) which seems decent to. Its almost like theres too much to choose from!
Like Arizonabob says so many options so little time... (and so little moeny)...
I would save up your money and buy something decent.  As they say, junk in = junk out.  I would think think this group could tell you at what price point to start.  You also need to determine how bright you want your sound and choose accordingly.
Tbh £1000 is quite a lot of money for me to invest into this, I'm aware this is an expensive thing to do and I intend to upgrade as I go along. If you think it is not worth to try on this budget please say I'd prefer to save my money if it will only produce "junk". Also worth noting I am not an established audiophile, I don't think my ears are quite at a level where they can pick up on all the things some more experienced people can.
Based on the budget and what people have said, the current set up I'm looking at is:
Project Debut Carbon Evo + one of the amps we've mentioned (rega io/quad vena ii/marantz 6006) + Q Acoustic 3050
Project Debut Carbon Evo + Rega Fono MM Mk3 Phono Preamp + Edifier S2000Pro (active speaker).
These both fall at the upper end of what I can afford so I'd appreciate all your thoughts. Open to alternative speakers and would like to hear from some people that own these ones or who are knowledgeable about them. Between the two options which gets your vote, passive and integrated amp, or phono preamp and active speaker? 


as I said, I’m an audiophile from PORTUGAL,

I have Yamaha A-S1100 and I have mark Levinson 335 excellent power

I already had Rega, it is to forget, they are worth nothing (Zero)

I have Monitor Audio GS20 GOLD speakers and also JBL Ti6K excelent

Good luck

1000 pounds will surely require upgrades sooner rather than later, but with some luck on used market it could pull pleasant sound for a while.

To readjust a bit, is there anyone on this thread who is located closer to OP and has an amplifier in the storage? Or anything else? OP is trying to start in an expensive hobby with very tight budget. Maybe someone could help him to bridge this period?
You seem set on a TT for your first system.  Is there any reason for this?  Do you have a  collection of records already?  If not you have to add the cost of vinyl into your budget.  Not inexpensive these days unless you like older music and scour the used record stores.  

If you have your heart set on vinyl that's great.  But, you might want to start off with an integrated and decent speakers first for your budget.  Can you use your phone or computer for music?  Do this and then save up for a DAC, phono stage, and TT.  I paid $200 for a used Gram amp 2 phono stage and it sounds pretty darn good with my vintage Dual TT that I spent $150 on (plus another $160 to get it up and running perfectly).  

Actually, check out the Iotavx sa3 which is pretty well regarded and comes with a DAC and phono stage built in.  Then look at Triangle BRO3 or one of the Klipsch or Elac bookshelfs.  For less than 1k you can have a nice rig.  Maybe even have enough left over for a decent vintage TT!

Best of luck

"...check out the Iotavx sa3 which is pretty well regarded..."

This reads too good to be true. Really full package including dimming all the lights on the faceplate.
You really should look into the Parasound Z series. You can get separates, an amp, preamp, and phono stage for less than a grand if you shop carefully. You have to pick a pair of speakers first though. A little backwards to buy an amplifier system and then speaks IMO. 
I am somewhat confused.

So you have a TT right?   And the cost of that, I believe was 350,  is to be included in the 1000 pound budget. If correct, you have 650 left.

You have a modest sized room so need to be thinking about speakers that are easy to drive such that they can be driven by 50-100wpc integrated amplifier. The higher the speaker sensitivity and the impedance the lower the power needed. 

Is the Yamaha A-S501 (as mentioned by others) available to you? It has an internal phonostage and DAC. Should be around 350 pounds (sells for $550 in US).

This leaves 300 pounds for speakers. 

Now, If you are willing to save money over the next year or two to upgrade speakers you could purchase a low price pair now to get you into music with an opportunity to search for the best pair to compliment your system and tastes. Just one approach. If you have found speakers you like but put you over budget, find a used integrated to drive them with the idea you can upgrade it later. 

The speakers are the component that'll give life (or not) to your music... it is crucial that you find a pair that suits your taste BEFORE buying an amplifier... BTW, you are lucky... UK has many great electronic company, as Tannoy (speakers), Rega (turntables), Sugden (amplifiers), Spendors (speakers) and many many others... If you are willing to buy used, you could basicly double your purchase power... good luck with that!
Okay based on what all of you’ve said I think I may be able to stretch my budget a little bit, probably only a few hundred pounds extra but it might make a difference. I’ve also found a website which offers massive savings when you buy an amp and speaker set together which is looking like a really good option for getter better equipment affordably.
The speakers that this bundle and extra cash opens me up to are: Q Acoustics 3050i, Dali Oberon 5, Wharfedale Diamond 12.4, Yamaha NS-F350, Fyne Audio F303, KEF Q550 and BowerWilkins 603. Amp wise I could choose between a few but the two that stand out are Marantz PM6007 and Yamaha A-S501. Like you guys have said though, I’ll disregard picking one for now until the speaker side is sorted.
This seems to be a significant improvement on my previous options and at a very small change in price, what do you guys think?
Speaker wise I haven’t been able to look at all in detail just yet, I’ve heard good things about the Dalis, the 603s are the most expensive to buy separately but obviously that’s not always an indicator of quality - I haven’t looked too deeply into these yet - and Wharfedale and KEF seem to be a strong brand name. The website also says that I can request quotes for other speakers they have listed as part of a speaker amp deal but these seem to be the top speakers there.
If there is a way, check Monitor Audio. They often offer good performance for relatively little money. They are serious brand, too and are originaly from UK, i think.
I checked for offers with monitor audio and there is the Monitor Audio Bronze 200 and 500 (6th gen) available

I mention Monitor Audio simply because I am very familiar with that Yamaha 501 amplifier and Monitor Audio Silver 200 (I think that is how they are called). Not current model, though. A friend of mine has it and he settled on it after Marantz and a few more that I forgot. That combination is not only good for money, it is, in fact, very pleasant to listen to. Never fatiguing, no matter what kind of music you throw at it. Of course, it has to have some, relatively minor, shortcoming and that was bass. Once he bought SONY subwoofer at the thrift store ($12, for real), there is nothing to improve anymore unless he decides to really invest much more money. He uses Pioneer PLX-1000 turntable with Ortofon 2M Red cartridge, or digital sources. Even DAC in Yamaha is decent. Sure, separate DAC is much better, but for a starter it is good. As others have said, use it with your phone, computer, whatever else, until you are able to upgrade. You may simply not be in a rush.
Monitor audio is nice but I would want silvers at least, not bronze.

Out of what you listed, I’d take the B&W’s and the amp choice would come down to which sound you prefer.  Marantz will be more laid back and the yamaha will be more lively.  The B&W’s will sound a bit lively too.  I had a pair of B&W 686 and really liked them.  They sounded great.

How much are these packages you are looking at?
Can't go wrong with Monitor Audio, using the Platinum 300ii myself and love their musicality, very warm and rich sound. I have heard all lines from bronze, silver,  and gold. If you can afford a little extra the silvers are quite nice. 
Monitor Audio sounds good then, I'm having a look into their silver models to see which one would be the best fit. I've narrowed down the other options as well a bit and will continue to do so til i get to a few favourites.
 My suggestion would be to stick with your original instincts... but you should highly consider going for the Denon PMA 1600NE. You will not be disappointed!!!

Trust me...🙂

If I could throw in one more benefit that the yamaha has to offer. it also comes  with a sub outlet, marantz does not, that was why i went with Yamaha, and am glad i did.
U can connect any rel or any sub with high level inputs to any 2 channel amp.

Monitor Audio Gold GX100’s can be had for $1000, Gold GX50’s for $700.  The ribbon tweeters are really nice.  Monitor Audio Silvers look nice as well
Regarding the Marantz not having a sub out... not needed if you buy a sub with high level input such as REL... IMO that need not be a buying point overall.
my reason to get integrated is that I did not want to deal with too many choices. I got one that allows me to stream and strongly recommend Hegel. Worth the price. 
My second choice would be Rotel. Used. I did not read carefully all recommendations but am surprised that more people did not mention Rotels. I got mine in 2010 for $250 used and sold it in 2019 for $200.
glad you are getting into HIFI. it has never been a better time!
I went through the same process as you. For years I read reviews and followed blogs hoping to get insight and focus on what to get to upgrade my 45 year old gear. I ordered with excitement a streamer amp and was highly disappointed. The 45 year old stuff trounced it. I sent it back. I live in Minneapolis and decided to go to Stereoland in Bloomington. It was the best move I could have made. After years of dreaming what system would sound best with my DYI speakers.  The owner Bill catered to me. I felt honored, taken care of with him selecting some speakers on the bright side like mine. He graciously spent an hour with me in a private room.  This was HiFi heaven!  I first listened to a Primaluna
EVO 100. I loved it!  Everything I heard was crisp, accurately reproducing dynamic enjoyable, impressive sound. I was amazed a little tube amp could sound so good!  Then, the real test. How would this bottom of the Primaluna integrated amp stack up to a Hegel 390?  Both sounded great on the same speakers,  same room, same music. No contest!  The Primaluna was much more defined in all categories and had more slam, detail, accuracy. Excitement smoothly reproducing all aspects of music. I was shocked.  Final test, at home. Absolutely stunning!  These speakers sounded great with a Shitt Freya, Vidar combo borrowed from a friend. A tough combo to beat! In my home, in my room on my speakers it was no contest!  I bought the EVO 100, no sub woofer needed. Nothing had come close to this little David that slew giants.   I highly recommend you find a store like Stereoland and have a no pressure listing session.  I was treated like a king for an hour, and there was no dought I was making the right choice for me. Nothing like the brick and mortar store and Stereoland was, and will be the place for me to deal.