
Responses from hifiheart

Good 2 channel integrated amplifier for 702 s2 under 3k?
I say this is the one for you... and the price is right too!!!Check it out...https://www.denon.com/en-us/product/amplifiers/pma-1600ne 
Tony Minasian has out done himself.....
Tonian Labs recordings are an exquisite window into the nuances of your audio playback system! True, pure, reference audio, (to be enjoyed!)... but also, these recordings will  give your system a true “litmus test” for tonality, dynamics, soundsta... 
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
Just want to chime in here and (again) point out... that the best “audio reproduction” will always be beholden it’s source!!!  The original audio capture (and all the attention to details) in that initial “record”, is the essence we all try to pre... 
Better Integrated Amp?
 My suggestion would be to stick with your original instincts... but you should highly consider going for the Denon PMA 1600NE. You will not be disappointed!!!Trust me...🙂 
What's your favorite boutique speaker maker
I too!!!... would second the vote (of  nonoise) for Tony Minasian’s G6 stand mount speakers. They are my favorite (best kept secret) for musical bliss! Transparency, fast, neutral, sensitive, and what I might call, emotional musicality.  Since my ... 
A revealing speaker
Just felt the urge to chime in! It's totaly not my thing to be a "forum" contributor, but as a very happy and proud owner of Tony's Oriaco G6 loudspeakers, I did the customary Audiogon sign-up to add some thoughts here.Mostly I just need to enthus...