Better Integrated Amp?

Hi, I'm looking at my first set up and have been advised by people on this website to get an integrated amp (including phono stage). I'm looking at the Quad Vena 2 which I would have to get second hand due to cost, and the Denon PMA-800NE which I could buy new whilst still being the cheaper option. I'm open to other suggestions to just wanted to get your thoughts on which amp I should go for or if I should look at some others too.

Showing 5 responses by glupson


I mention Monitor Audio simply because I am very familiar with that Yamaha 501 amplifier and Monitor Audio Silver 200 (I think that is how they are called). Not current model, though. A friend of mine has it and he settled on it after Marantz and a few more that I forgot. That combination is not only good for money, it is, in fact, very pleasant to listen to. Never fatiguing, no matter what kind of music you throw at it. Of course, it has to have some, relatively minor, shortcoming and that was bass. Once he bought SONY subwoofer at the thrift store ($12, for real), there is nothing to improve anymore unless he decides to really invest much more money. He uses Pioneer PLX-1000 turntable with Ortofon 2M Red cartridge, or digital sources. Even DAC in Yamaha is decent. Sure, separate DAC is much better, but for a starter it is good. As others have said, use it with your phone, computer, whatever else, until you are able to upgrade. You may simply not be in a rush.
If there is a way, check Monitor Audio. They often offer good performance for relatively little money. They are serious brand, too and are originaly from UK, i think.
"...check out the Iotavx sa3 which is pretty well regarded..."

This reads too good to be true. Really full package including dimming all the lights on the faceplate.
1000 pounds will surely require upgrades sooner rather than later, but with some luck on used market it could pull pleasant sound for a while.

To readjust a bit, is there anyone on this thread who is located closer to OP and has an amplifier in the storage? Or anything else? OP is trying to start in an expensive hobby with very tight budget. Maybe someone could help him to bridge this period?
I second Yamaha 501, or higher model if you can. I have been very familiar with it. It is an excellent amplifier. I cannot say how it compares to others listed, but it is a good machine.  A pair of Monitor Audio speakers to match and you are good to go.