Audio Research LS28/SE, Ref 5/SE … what do you like better?

It’s time for me to upgrade my preamp and I have heard both LS 28SE and Ref 5SE  and was very impressed by the following:

-  Full bodied, lifelike, soulful vocals

- Resonant, warm, engaging wood instruments 

- Top end accuracy, without edginess

- Clarity around each instrument 


I have listened to a few different preamps in comparison to the AR’s (Margules 220SF 20th Anniversay Edition, VAC Signature Renaissance Mk 4, VTL 7.5 Mk2 and direct via the preamp in my dCS Rossini DAC) but each of these fell short of the AR’s.

Knowing what I like sonically (see above) is there anything that I should try to hear before pulling the plug on one of the AR’s? My budget is under $10,000 Used or $15-18,000 New.

System comprises Raidho D3.1 speakers, VTL S150 amp, dCS DAC/Streamer, Jay’s Audio Transport.


PLEASE only respond if you have heard/own an Audio Research LS 28/28SE or REF 5/5SE.




Not sure this helps but I owned the LS28 and then a REF6.  REF6 noticeably bests the 28 and the REF6 is an improvement over the 5SE. 

Well you are definitely shopping in the right camp. I have owned a Reference 5SE for many years, I now own a 6SE and have a friend whom I helped select a ls28se.

First, I don’t think you will go wrong either way. But..

I would go with the Ref 5SE. The Reference level is a step up from the LS series and replaces the solid state power supply with a tubed power supply. You want that.

Used REF6s are under $10k.  Then upgrade to 6SE in a few years, when it seems worth it ...

I owned a REF5SE and sold it to buy a Ayre And realized my error and bought a LS28SE which I currently have. Between the two the 5 was better in bass control and depth, but I believe the 28 delivers better mids with a harmonious spacing between lows and highs. Overall I have enjoyed the 28 more because its presentation is more in line with my listening preferences. Especially since I changed from Revel Performa F32 to Sonus Faber Olympica Nova III’s. But in the end they are both great pre-amps and you can’t go wrong with either. I will add that the 6550 in the 5 does generate a lot of heat that the 28 doesn’t 

As always guys, many thanks … exactly the type of knowledgeable feedback from members who know Audio Research preamps that I was searching for.

At your stated price range for new (15k-18k) and preference for ARC preamps, have you considered a ARC Reference 6SE?  

It is the current-model ARC Preamp may be in your price range. The MSRP is currently 22.5K, and I expect you can find one in your price range, especially if you are willing to accept an store-domo unit (not a returned unit, which should be even less costly).  Purchased this way, you should also receive the full factory warrant (which is value added).  You may even be able to get the store to install it...

Reviews claim it is a significant upgrade over the Ref 5. I currently use one (see system photos), and I am very happy with it thus far.

Happy hunting...

I recently upgraded from an ARC LS27 to a Ref 5SE. I had the opportunity to listen to it along with an LS 28SE at home in my system. The Ref 5SE won hand down in my system for my musical tastes. You can see my system in my virtual system.  Very musical indeed.