Responses from rsmith73
speaker upgrade fever +1@mazian SF are very musical | |
Doozy of an amp question ARC Ref 160 with your preamp and you are done IMHO. | |
Qobuz will not work with new iphone Thanks to all of you for the help! I really appreciate it. I did everything that was mentioned several times over the course of about 4 hours. Finally, I got to back to working. I did sign out on the app, delete the app, and restarted my phone... | |
Looking to move to a Tube Integrated setup @ghdprentice +1 I have listened to the ARC I-50 and if I were going to go with an integrated set up, this would be #1 on my list. ARC is just in a league of their own IMHO. | |
Should I use Audiopoints under Aerial 10T spikes on hardwood floor? I owned the 10T's a few years back. Great speaker! I had the Sound Anchors stands specifically made for Aerial 10T, with their spikes and Cone Coasters. Highly recommended. | |
What is your top sexy song? Touch by John Klemmer What a Shame by Patricia Barber | |
Used tube preamp $2-3K I have an Audio Research LS27. Sounds fantastic and has remote control. Simple to change the tubes yourself if you feel the need. | |
Your Ultimate Phono Preamp: Which One Would You Choose? Audio Research Reference 3 Phono in my system and no desire to go any further. Analog never sounded any better with my ears. | |
How often, and how, do you clean your stylus? I clean my stylus with the DS Audio ST-50 at the end of each listening session. At the end of each third session, I also clean the stylus with MOFI stylus cleaner and brush. I dry brush each side of the record before I listen. Always sounds gre... | |
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice I have owned several ARC pre amps over the years and each one has been great. I currently have an LS27 with XLR and remote. I have no desire to upgrade at this time. Very musical pre amp. | |
vibration control - cd player Try the VBH-1 (Vibration Black Hole) Amazing! VBH-1 (Vibration Black Hole) - Best Audio Products - Vera-Fi Audio LLC | Oustanding Denton Audio Products E-commerce ( | |
Tube Integrated Amp Recommendation +1ghdprentice I would buy one in a heartbeat if I were looking for an Intergrated in that range. I have heard one at my local dealer and it truly is major bliss. | |
Help With New Preamp Decision +1audphile1 +1woots +1soix ARC all the way for me. Ref5SE or Ref6 will do the job. Beauty to the ears! | |
BEST TUBES FOR AUDIO RESEARCH PRE-AMP (LS-16) I once had an LS15 that I started with some EH tubes. I switched to Gold Lion and in my system they made the music less involving. I switched back the EH and was happy with them as long as I owned that LS15. I upgraded to an LS27 and never look... | |
Best Options For A Tubed Preamp - $2500 Or Less, Preferably Used To Maximize Value +1@ghdprentice |