
Responses from rsmith73

speaker upgrade fever
+1@mazian  SF are very musical  
Doozy of an amp question
ARC Ref 160 with your preamp and you are done IMHO.  
Qobuz will not work with new iphone
Thanks to all of you for the help!  I really appreciate it.  I did everything that was mentioned several times over the course of about 4 hours.  Finally, I got to back to working.  I did sign out on the app, delete the app, and restarted my phone... 
Looking to move to a Tube Integrated setup
@ghdprentice +1  I have listened to the ARC I-50 and if I were going to go with an integrated set up, this would be #1 on my list.  ARC is just in a league of their own IMHO.  
Should I use Audiopoints under Aerial 10T spikes on hardwood floor?
I owned the 10T's a few years back. Great speaker! I had the Sound Anchors stands specifically made for Aerial 10T, with their spikes and Cone Coasters. Highly recommended.  
What is your top sexy song?
Touch by John Klemmer  What a Shame by Patricia Barber  
Used tube preamp $2-3K
I have an Audio Research LS27.  Sounds fantastic and has remote control.  Simple to change the tubes yourself if you feel the need.  
Your Ultimate Phono Preamp: Which One Would You Choose?
Audio Research Reference 3 Phono in my system and no desire to go any further. Analog never sounded any better with my ears.   
How often, and how, do you clean your stylus?
I clean my stylus with the DS Audio ST-50 at the end of each listening session.  At the end of each third session, I also clean the stylus with MOFI stylus cleaner and brush.  I dry brush each side of the record before I listen.  Always sounds gre... 
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice
I have owned several ARC pre amps over the years and each one has been great. I currently have an LS27 with XLR and remote.  I have no desire to upgrade at this time.  Very musical pre amp.  
vibration control - cd player
Try the VBH-1 (Vibration Black Hole)  Amazing!   VBH-1 (Vibration Black Hole) - Best Audio Products - Vera-Fi Audio LLC | Oustanding Denton Audio Products E-commerce (  
Tube Integrated Amp Recommendation
+1ghdprentice I would buy one in a heartbeat if I were looking for an Intergrated in that range. I have heard one at my local dealer and it truly is major bliss.  
Help With New Preamp Decision
+1audphile1 +1woots +1soix ARC all the way for me.  Ref5SE or Ref6 will do the job.  Beauty to the ears!    
I once had an LS15 that I started with some EH tubes.  I switched to Gold Lion and in my system they made the music less involving.  I switched back the EH and was happy with them as long as I owned that LS15.  I upgraded to an LS27 and never look... 
Best Options For A Tubed Preamp - $2500 Or Less, Preferably Used To Maximize Value