Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing

Today I picked up my Atma-Sphere Class D Amps. These aren’t broken in yet. And they are simply amazing. I’ve listen to a lot of High End Class D. Some that cost many times what Atma-Sphere Class D costs. I wasn’t a fan of any of them. But these amps are amazing. I really expected to hate them. So my expectations were low. The Details are of what I’ve never heard from any other amps. They are extremely neutral. To say the realism is is extremely good is a gross understatement. They are so transparent it’s scary. These amps just grab you and suck you into the music. After I live with them some and get them broken in. And do some comparisons to some other high end Amps Solid State, Tubes and Class D’s, also in other systems I’ll do a more comprehensive review. But for now, these are simply amazing amps.. Congrats to Ralph and his team. You guys nailed on these.




@armstrod and @atmasphere


Thank you both for chiming-in! You just saved me from a big headache, inconvenience, and money. 



Sorry, Sir, but your statement is wrong. The semiconductor industry invests $'000 million yearly in application-specific optimization of MOSFET products (Si, GaN, or SiC). So, as a simple anecdotal example (and I am embarrassed to write this basic one), while your light switch belongs to the category of light switch, you can't use it to turn on a high-voltage circuit or a high-current device. It still amazes me to see how high the level of misinformation is and how profound the lack of knowledge on a specific technical and scientific subject is, yet still not enough as a barrier to prevent one from making baseless generic statements and trying to pass them as true.


Ralph, I am sorry to intervene again; your statement is wrong. I understand the decades of experience in Vaccum Tubes and amplifiers based on that technology; I know and respect your knowledge in that field,  but please do not make statements that are so generic and fundamentally incorrect on the specific.

There is not "a batch with low output capacitance" behind what we do; it is not a trick or lucky result; it is a real device explicitly designed to perform at best in a Class-D application, and no, of course not, it is not just the "output capacitance" that makes it ideal. I understand you are trying to pass a GaN System circuit as state of the art; business is business, I understand that too,  but please DO NOT COMMENT with an inaccurate and disarming simplistic statement about what we do, what we use, why we do it and how we use the component of the power stage of the AGD 100% designed amps. We will appreciate highly the courtesy. And again, if you wish to talk and understand more about how a GaN MOSFET, like every power semiconductor device, is an APPLICATION-SPECIFIC technology product, call.


Post removed 


Ralph, I apologize; I did not mean to be rude or disrespectful. Sometimes, the Italian2English module installed in my cortex shows evidence of age and the need for an upgrade. Sorry for that, it was made in the last century. I just tried to share that the subject is more complex than it may seem. In any case, I am open to continuing the phone conversation and avoiding the potential misunderstanding of using a post like this. Thank you

Just finished reading through this thread that started in 2022. Glad to see it is still running as I have a pair of A-S Class D Monos arriving tomorrow. Unfortunately, my source is in repair - the balanced outputs were thumping. So full appreciation will wait a little while.

System is: Auralic VEGA G2 with LEO GX clock (VEGA is in the shop and using POLARIS in the interim) => Pioneer M-22 => Omega Super Alnico Monitors - HO with a pair of Rythmic 8" powered woofers and a pair of KEF KC62 subs.

The Pioneer is vintage 1970’s all Class A and is wonderful. Just very hot and 50lbs. Still looking for something lighter that will match its sound. From reading this thread and other opinions, I am very hopeful!

More to come.


Here’s a pic of my Pioneer heavyweight.

and the system as a whole



>Does the quote above suggest Alberto (AGD) is misleading in his saying his GANFETis made for audio?" 

Alberto is correct. There is a large variety of GanFET transistors that are made for different voltages and currents and switching times. Only some of them are good for power amps for a number of technical reasons.

GanFET transistors in audio amplifier work entirely differently than let's say bipolar or FET transistors in class A or A/B.

They are just switches, there is no transistor curve involved in shaping the sound like in Class A or B.

GanFET transistor used in class D are just a better faster switches then MOSFETs traditionally used in old Class D.  They produce a more square square wave resulting in bringing out all this magic otherwise lost in the grunge generated by MOSFETs. I wrote an illustrated primer paper on Gan FET explaining the mechanism in detail:

Michal, Mytek Chief Designer

@mihow     There is a BIG difference in saying that some Ganfets are made specifically for audio purposes as opposed to saying some Ganfets are more suitable for audio (read power amp) applications than others. Your post supports the latter...Alberto's post claims the former. What the actual truth of the matter is, I do not claim to know.