Ask the local curmudgeon (me) anything related to tech or liquor. :)

I don't know that much about liquor, but I know what I like.


And talking about fine Irish whiskey ...

Two-lifetime friends are in the hospital. One, O’brian, is on his death bed. His best friend McNeil is by his side, holding his hand, comforting his best friend in his final few minutes.

O’brian in a very weak voice, slightly above a whisper, says to his friend: ... "McNeil, my dearest old friend, I was wonderin,’ would ye do me a favor... After I go, will ye get a bottle of the finest Irish Whiskey and sprinkle it over me grave?"

McNeil responds: ... Sure laddie ... but I was kind of wonderin’ would ye mind if I filtered it through me kidneys first?"
I only have one question.

What are this Wednesday night's Powerball winning numbers.

Thank you in advance.......
Cont. Fat fingered the last post. Anyway three have divided rhe bourbon and rye producers. Suntory (Japan), Diageo (Britain), and Sazerac (USA). Japan has been producing high quality and awarded whisky for decades. The acquisition of these brands by the above three corporations 
In my opinion is a good thing, cash to upgrade facilities, expand product lines, and expand world markets for true quality american products. Just my opinion. When I pour some Basil Hayden it just tastes good.
Aside from the traditional bourbon producers in Ky, three corporations from three different countries ha e divided
The Humours of Whiskey

  While a child in me cradle, me nurse with her ladle
Was filling my mouth with a notion of pap
When a drop from her bottle fell into me throttle
I stumbled and capered clean out of her lap

On the floor I lay crawlin' and screamin' and bawlin'
'Til me mother and father were called to the fore
All sobbing and sighing they feared I was dying
till they found I only was a cryin' for more.
2. Why is a Belgian quad the best beer?

Because it's almost as good as Brother Theolonious?
1. Do belt drives retrieve more info than idlers?

Who cares, direct drive is the only audiophile turntable solution. :D
1. Do belt drives retrieve more info than idlers?
2. Why is a Belgian quad the best beer?

Who are you and why would someone want to ask you tech questions?  I'm just wondering what your specialty is.  Are you an engineer that works for a well known company or something?
As usual, thoughtful, entertaining and fun. Thanks for all your posts. I really enjoy them. 
I'm the richest man in the world. I have one quadrillion dollars. Says so right here on this Zimbabwe dollar bill.
I don't drink often. But when I do, I drink a lot.
Stay thirsty my friends.
Japanese like to make money .That's why per-capita they are richest people in the world .
The USA is richest country but 45% of the people can't come up with 500$tomorrow .

 Why is Jim Beam owned by the Japanese? Why have the Japanese become obsessed with whisky and cats?

 Personally, I prefer a little of the original green label Jack.
Maybe this could be applied in some way to preferences in liquor. A friend who lives on the Texas Gulf Coast is fond of saying, "There are two kinds of beer, warm beer and cold beer, and I like both of ’em."