Any tweaks I'm missing?

I have lots of ’tweaks’ added to my system.

Is there anything I’m missing?

A small cupboard, so no power conditioner possible.

A smallish budget, so most probably no Gate to try.

One small request...

Can the negative knobs please refrain from commenting.

I’m not interested in what you think of me, the products you have not tried, or my spending habits.

Only those who have experiences of possible additions, would be much appreciated.

Upgraded over the last year:

Chokes on electrical items with a switched mode power supply
Halide Bridge USB to coaxial reclocker
Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
Audio Prism Ground Control spades on speakers
RCA shorting plugs for inputs on my amp.
Akiko Tuning Caps on amp outputs.
Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip.
1 x Shumann Resonator Chatres SE + power supply

1 x Schumann Resonator CHARTRES Mk3

Black Ravioli pads for amp, Dac and power supply

Vibrapod isolation cones and feet
Akiko Universal Tuning Sticks on speaker cables.
iFi AC iPurifier.
MCRU Mains Filtration plug
Mad Scientist Nitro Nano power cables.
’LOA audio tweak’ chip.
Signal Ground solutions SGS-1 Groundng Box.
3 x Bybee iQSE - one on power board.
High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5
XLR Noise Stopper Caps.
Russ Andrews ’The Silencer.’
Audioquest Jitterbug.
iFi USB Silencer.
SR Orange fuses

PPT Omega + EMat to trial

Mad Scientist Graphene Contact Enhancer to apply
Mad Scientist Donuts coming.


Make yourself really happy and just buy more music. I could say more but the post would be deleted.
I submit my idea again to start a thread, How small or innocuous can something be and still have a significant affect on the sound? Enough of these nervous Nelly types! The active ingredient in the Original Intelligent Chip was no more than about 1 million atoms. So cut me some slack, Jack!
mijostyn, feel free to say whatever you wish, it will stay up long enough for us to read it. Let it all out. You’ll feel better. We won’t judge you. 😬
People seem determined to dismiss my observations.
It does not detract from what I have heard.

Be happy Jerrybj, 

its all we have with music, and the joy to play, discover, and being amazed...My best to you...
Make yourself really happy and just buy more music. I could say more but the post would be deleted.
Trepanation (I had to look it up)

Don’t you guys get it.
It’s a disease the poor sods have, they can’t listen to music anymore, because they are "Tweak Freaks", all they can do is to get off on is the "expectation bias" they get every time they add a tweak to the system, that’s it, there’s no actual music appreciation anymore. And if left untreated it’s a sorry end. RIP
There no abuse here, just sincerity😉

Cheers George
It appears that the only disease in all of these tweaks type of threads is yourself George.
With all due respect while I may personally think Jerrys list of tweaks is more than I would indulge in , surely that is up to him and if he is happy why would you keep gainsaying him especially as he has requested you to leave him and this thread alone.

The only conclusion I can come to here is that you get some sadistic kick out of attempting to ruin perfectly good threads just because they do not fit into your narrow mindset.
Now be a good boy and go chase a dingo or two.......
Dear George

You say what you say, and continue to do so.
The people who believe you, already know what you believe.

I say what I say, and no amount of berating from you as to my experiences or intelligence will change my views.
I hear what I hear, and ask others what they’ve experienced.
Because you have not listened to any of these things, it would be most respectful for you not to comment. 
I like my stickers. They look cool.

I suggest this. Go listen to you music, system, audio buddies.
Enjoy it. We have similar pleasures.
And I won’t criticise your choices.

There is a place for scepticism. However, you are trying to belittle me, my system, my additions. And honestly, I care nothing for your opinions.

It comes down to this...
He aha i te mea nui o te Ao?
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.

Except for you. It’s your opinions, and shouting the loudest so everyone believes you.

All I can say look at what your doing Jerry, and keep it to yourself.

There's enough BS in this industry without the gullible here being infected. 

Cheers George
I'm secure in what I know, from what I've heard.
You feel threatened by me, and my observations.

So, keep on dismissing the things I have heard.
Keep on with the belittlement.
Keep on questioning my sanity.
In the end, it reveals way more of your character than mine.

I asked reasonable people for their reasonable responses.
I don't understand why people are condoning and even encouraging the OP.  I read his original post as a cry for help.

I’m not interested in what you think of me

Of course he's interested in what people think of him.  The defensiveness is obvious evidence of his insecurity and neediness.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to really help him.  I don't think he's hit bottom yet and he's definitely not going to admit that he has a problem.  If I were him I would hope a friend would come over and rip out everything and make me listen to my system "naked".  Sure, I'd probably puke me guts out for a few days as the tweaking cravings subside, but in the long run I'd be better off.  Let's just hope he eventually finds the one true path to enjoying listening to music.

BTW, other than the tweaks I think he has a pretty nice system.  I would like to hear more about the DAC.
Your reflexion made me think about the story of someone asking for help because his house need paint, and some unknown guy passing near him say to him, yes, I will helping you, but before recognize with me that your house does not need new paint at all... Guess how, most of us, will interpret this story?

My best to you and to all with my apology for this short story... :)
I bet you can help him by not posting any more nonsense....
Come to think of it, that would help everyone!
Perhaps you and george can pm back and forth for a few hours and congratulate each other for being the smartest guys in audio.

Hi, mahgister. A good analogy my friend!
Deep salutations and hot mate for you thecarpathian and for our host jerrybj….
I bet you can help him by not posting any more nonsense....
Ah, no, that would be him posting the nonsense, and you for encouraging it. Your as bad as each other. I hope one day snake oil posts will be banned from Audiogon.   
And the one who will decide which is snake oil and which is not...guess who this person will be?

I recommend a deep meditation before answering....
And the one who will decide which is snake oil and which is not
All the brilliant electronic design engineers that designed every piece of your equipment that you have, that’s who.

And the ones that make and sell the "snake oil" have no credits to their names whatsoever and won’t come onto forums like this to discuss their snake oil products.
Because they know they don’t have a leg to stand on with the claims made here by ones using them.

This kind of voodoo BS needs to be eradicated from this hobby
as it's giving it a very dubious appearance to anyone that has even the minimum electronic knowledge that wishes to get into it to further their sound experience with proper equipment upgrades.

"everything affects everything else"

On this and other audio forums we need to keep in mind that there are many camps (including the grumpy old folks home). We have happy listeners out there who have the capability to enjoy and learn their own personal path as they go. Other folks plug & play but don't really explore the variables. Why they have time to voice their mean-spirit-ness is not a function of audio but a function of unsuccessful listening more than likely (misery loves company).

As far as tweaks I recommend getting rid of the system's mass and get as close to the audio signal pathway as you can without blockage caused by interference instead of interacting. The first few go arounds guys usually fall into the camp of "over do" till they find that they are not able to play a large selection of music. This isn't and never has been the recordings fault but the playback system itself.

Guys who have successful systems are able to play any recording they wish at will. Now that the industry has been in the change of the guard mode, it's a good idea to find a group of listeners you identify with and see where you can take each other. This is not a money thing but more turning your system into a listening tool.

Another thing Jerry, take a look at the amount of posts someone makes and on what type of thread. Some people have simply been here too long. They've become internet audio forum institutionalized. Once you've been a few rounds with those folks you either learn how to smile, understanding their stay is not about audio or music, or you get pulled into the drama only taking away from your own personal listening.

One last thing, don't be shy about taking a breather from this place to shake off the bad vibes. I can usually stand it here about a month then a break is a welcome sight and sound.

enjoy your system Jerry


So who do you end up believing?


Or those who have tried things, and have noticed a change?

BTW, I like the Akiko Tuning Chip.

Notes on installation
"Bass notes are so easy to follow. Better instrument separation."
The following day:
"I have kept the Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip on for the power switchboard. I like what it does, especially to the base.
Tonight: Nobody's Business by Lou Reed from Coney Island Baby - heard it in a way never before, especially the heavy use of cymbals.
Really well presented - even delivery, from treble to bass."
And MG, thanks. I will end up pulling things out, to find what works best.
I've had pocket money to experiment as I have, after reasonable advice from others.

I'm on summer holiday from Tuesday, and the annoyances will be far from my consciousness.

And currently happily listening to a range of music.
Yes, listening to the music, not the system.
And MG, thanks. I will end up pulling things out, to find what works best
. You were told to remove it yesterday, by others not just by me, and dismissed them also.

I’ve had pocket money to experiment as I have, after reasonable advice from others
Not even reasonable advice, as it’s cost you serious money, which would have been better served in a reasonable equipment upgrade instead.
Tena koe Jerry
I have tried a number of the same tweaks as you and found them beneficial. But the biggest impacts I have had are from the PPT Omega mats (treating the gear), and Synergistic Research products treating the room. So great and profound have been the changes that these "tweaks" have wrought that I would call the "tweaks" components in their own right. Sure the "system" functions without them, but it functions better with them. A lot better. A helluva lot better.  My system with "tweaks" (ie the added components) performs better than any system I have ever heard in a retail store regardless of cost. I couldn't say that before I started "tweaking".
Looking at your list I see lots of treatment of your gear, but not much treating your room. I would suggest that is the next frontier for your pocket money. Investigate HFTs and FEQs, you won't be disappointed.
Nga mihi nui
Wondering about this Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip, it claims to permanently  apply "Harmonising Energy"  to the entire power supply in the house. What exactly is "Harmonising Energy"? Does it affect anything else in the house? Hair dryer? Microwave? Make better coffee? 
My guess, it’s like WA Quantum Chips. Somebody figured out how to harness the power of artificial atoms. All you have to do is calculate the specific resonant frequency or energy of whatever it is you’re trying to affect. You know, like the Intelligent Chip that aimed to affect the resonant frequency of polycarbonate and make it more transparent. It’s not rocket 🚀 science. Well, maybe it is.
Thanks Michael Green for wise words and advices....
It is a pleasure to read your opinions.

I just want to say to some that my homemade tweaks cannot be snake oil because I create them myself at the cheapest cost...And after the creation of these homemade tweaks I can listen to ANY and all and EACH one of my cd files with musical enthusiasm...Without these tweaks I would be in the necessity to buy costly upgrade , and be in a constant state of unsatisfaction like I was upgrading…...Because it is impossible to makes a speakers sound right without room treatment, tuning, or cleaning the house noise level for example, and without controlling the vibration resonances phenomenon...(Samething for any piece of electronic gear but more evident with speakers by the way)

Then speaking about upgrading electronics is at least half of the times be influenced by marketing engineering and more than that throwing his money to the wind, it is paying too much, more of the times... An audio system, a mass of electronics if you wanted, exist at his own true OPTIMAL potential capabilities ONLY in the controlled embeddings of a room and of a house, and of the audio grid, call these necessary means of controls  : "tweaks", tuning, controls, treatment, cleaning, or " snake oil", that’s is the way it is and it must be, except for non-thinking mind...No controls-cleaning-tuning-tweaks etc , equals no optimal sound, for most of us most of the times... The exception is the 100,000 dollars system with dedicated room treatment included and even that, I does not like necessarily all of them sonically speaking...It is always better to makes that happen one step at a time for our own ears by ourself... 

Before the installation of my "tweaking" methods many of my files sounded way less listenable, the lived concert for example... Now I prefer lived concert because my stereo system gives me the exact atmosphere of the site where they recorded the piece...

My best to all and to you in particular...
And the one who will decide which is snake oil and which is not
All the brilliant electronic design engineers that designed every piece of your equipment that you have, that’s who.
In my system, I’m the one who decides what is effective, and what is not. Why should any audiophile cede that decision to anyone else?
... the ones that make and sell the "snake oil" ... won’t come onto forums like this to discuss their snake oil products.
Why should anyone be obligated to defend their products here? Very few manufacturers contribute to these forums.
This kind of voodoo BS needs to be eradicated from this hobby
If it’s "voodoo," why don’t you sue to "eradicate" the "BS?" You’d stand better chances in court than you will here, where there’s no shortage of advocates for the products that are causing you such grave concern.

Then speaking about upgrading electronics is at least half of the times be influenced by marketing engineering and more than that throwing his money to the wind, it is paying too much, more of the times... An audio system, a mass of electronics if you wanted, exist at his own true OPTIMAL potential capabilities ONLY in the controlled embeddings of a room and of a house, and of the audio grid, call these necessary means of controls : "tweaks", tuning, controls, treatment, cleaning, or " snake oil", that’s is the way it is and it must be, except for non-thinking mind...No controls-cleaning-tuning-tweaks etc , equals no optimal sound, for most of us most of the times... The exception is the 100,000 dollars system with dedicated room treatment included and even that, I does not like necessarily all of them sonically speaking...It is always better to makes that happen one step at a time for our own ears by ourself...

>>>>Wow, Wow, Wow!! You have accidentally stumbled onto one of the biggest secrets in all of audio - the Hierarchy of Sound. This is very hush hush 🤫 so please don’t spread this around. Loose 👄 sink 🚢

The Hierarchy of Sound proposes that relatively inexpensive, I.e., cheap, systems can outperform moderately expensive systems (plug and play) with attention to technical issues that exist in all audio systems. By the same token, tweaked moderately expensive systems can usually outperform expensive high end systems 💰💰 Since there is no such thing as the 🔜Absolute Sound🔚 - the curve of performance is hyperbolic - owners of expensive high end systems can get in on the action and tweak their systems to unheard of heights, as it were. Obviously high end manufacturers definitely don’t want anyone to discover the secret of the Hierarchy of Sound. That’s why this is very hush hush. 🤫
I think you are right Geoffkait… Hat raising ...

It is the simple alternative: You takes the matters in your own hands, the more you can handle the better it is, or others will handle it for you...

It is not good engineer versus snake oil, it is free choices for ourself and our own ears or total dependence...

No debate here, it is simple, and it is precisely the reason the society of audio lovers exist, partaking freely their experiences, and experiments and not only impressions after the purchase of something...

Between the "Do-it-yourself entirely" and the" ready- made- out of the box and ready-to-use", the space of creativity is vast...

Guys! use your your technically unexplainable snake oil, just don't shove it onto the gullible here to make the big buck profits for the manufacturers you shill for. Look at this poor sod's 1st post and what it's done to him, have you no moral sense.

I’m seeking the experience of others, of which you have none on the items mentioned.
Single minded, one experience, which then elevates you to expert status.

Assumptions are the mother of all stuff ups (ex Steven Seagal).
I’ve not dismissed some comments as you wrongly think.
Will remove some items when I have the space.
And to be sure, I won’t listen to a thing you ’tell me.’
Tony T1

Kia ora e hoa
The room is indeed something I need to investigate, as first mentioned by Millercarbon. Have to find a way to do this, where the results are aesthetically acceptable. 

At first listen, the Omega+ Emat is very, very promising.
Will get to that this weekend.

Nāku noa nā

My system is certainly modest, at best.
But it has a clarity, quietness, smoothness, precision that belies its original cost. This correlates to additions.

I agree with a number of you that some I will indeed need to remove and evaluate the effect.
You are on your right path, and you are free spirit...

Reevaluating the effect is necessary to reequilibrate together some of the tweaks... 

 I am curious of your opinion of my "golden" plate...easy to homemade make and cheap, but with astounding effect in my audio system...
To the extent a tweak works, it does so by altering the sound.  That necessarily means that some tweaks will alter at least one aspect of the sound it a way that the listener does not like.  All tweaks cannot result in improvement without some negative effect.  This should be part of the discussion by those advocating the widespread use of tweaks.

I have experimented with power conditioning, vibration isolating platforms, and room acoustic treatment (tube traps, wall treatment) and other practices that can be considered in the realm of tweaks.  Even those things that I thought benefited the sound overall included some trade-off.  How can cleaner AC power ever be a negative?  When I put in Isotek power conditioners, the sound seems more detailed and the decay of notes and acoustic space around instruments seem much more apparent.  But, their is a downside in the sound being a bit "drier" or more brittle sounding and flaws in the recordings have become more apparent.  I like the Isotek conditioners (Titan and Evo 3 sigma), but it isn't all to the good.
... use your your technically unexplainable snake oil, just don't shove it onto the gullible here to make the big buck profits for the manufacturers you shill for.
I don't know what you mean by "shove it." People here should be free to post their experiences and thoughts here, in accordance with the rules of the forum.

When I bought ready-made solutions, some years ago, it always implicated a trade-off, a trade-off difficult to compensate for, because NO out of the box ready made product is a always a definitive solution, in the absolute sense of the word solution, for your ears, in the unique audio system of your specific and unique house and room...

But the good news is if you are confident in your own ears and stay firm in your hearing learning capabilities, you begins one step at a time, transforming your audio system, taking appropriate steps, with only cheaps materials, homemade solutions, you will go without apparent catastrophical trade-off towards an always improved experience with no down side... It is my history for the last years...

The reason for that is : all trade-off introduced by one experiment can always be compensated by another with homemade tweaks, not so easily with "definitive" industrial solution...

Remember that an audio system is the second thing that is the most particular, complex and sensible object, in your house; before, I hope so, your wife, or Alas! after her ... :)

A last remark, I use for example passive filtering solutions, because active one (with electronic components introduce trade-off difficult to compensate for and increase somewhere at the end the noise floor)...

In a word trade-off is the normal way in electronics, it is a concept linked to a basic calculus...It is catastrophic only when you cannot compensate for it with delicate and efficient remedy...Like in a bad wedding...

I wish you the best ...

I take umbrage at your suggestion that I am shilling.
I know none of the people with whom I have bought products.

Defamation or even the hint of it is unbecoming (in the guise of being clever or knowledgable).

And you have now questioned my intent, honesty, sanity, experiences and intelligence.
There's little left for you. Politics, faith and sexuality perhaps?
I wouldn’t worry about George too much. He aw, he aw, he always does that. 

Another thing Jerry, take a look at the amount of posts someone makes and on what type of thread. Some people have simply been here too long. They've become internet audio forum institutionalized. Once you've been a few rounds with those folks you either learn how to smile, understanding their stay is not about audio or music, or you get pulled into the drama only taking away from your own personal listening. 

One last thing, don't be shy about taking a breather from this place to shake off the bad vibes. I can usually stand it here about a month then a break is a welcome sight and sound.

I've been feeling that way for a while myself. 
There are other instances of the use of the word institutionalized that comes to mind. 😄

All the best,
I take umbrage at your suggestion that I am shilling.

Can’t comprehend either.
Others sunshine not you, that shill, fix, and focus on one piece of a companies voodoo snake oil.

You shilling? no, your just the train wreck product of those shillers, and I did feel for you, but then also say in the same breath you deserved it for being so gullible to believe those shillers.
I don’t think George will take umbrage in my observation that he should try to get out more often because he doesn’t know what umbrage means. 😀
My life in audio thread takes a toll on my intelligence...But for some the process is in a more late stage it seems... :)

I think some are remora and they can go out without dying ....

And what the remora say when he speak to the whale? I love you...Oufff...

Can’t give any valid technical explanation for what they shill or get the manufacturers come on here to back up their outrageous sonic improvement claims, so they go onto the personal attack instead.🤦‍♂️
Georgewhyfi deserved it for being so gullible to believe those shillers.
You are so right; I have got what I deserve.
A system whose sound has improved immensely.
And that is due to reviews, reports, advice and discussions.
And for that I am grateful.
This forum has very many good people.

I'm a tolerant person.
And you have taught me so much George, way beyond anything you could imagine.

Just went and stacked some firewood.
An early Clash song came on; so appropriate...
Nah, sorry you’ve coped enough, and still don’t get it.
You genuinely wanted to know if there were more of this voodoo snake oil to add to the multitude that you already have added to your system, here’s a link, there’s even drops for your ears to super sensitize them.