Any tweaks I'm missing?

I have lots of ’tweaks’ added to my system.

Is there anything I’m missing?

A small cupboard, so no power conditioner possible.

A smallish budget, so most probably no Gate to try.

One small request...

Can the negative knobs please refrain from commenting.

I’m not interested in what you think of me, the products you have not tried, or my spending habits.

Only those who have experiences of possible additions, would be much appreciated.

Upgraded over the last year:

Chokes on electrical items with a switched mode power supply
Halide Bridge USB to coaxial reclocker
Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
Audio Prism Ground Control spades on speakers
RCA shorting plugs for inputs on my amp.
Akiko Tuning Caps on amp outputs.
Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip.
1 x Shumann Resonator Chatres SE + power supply

1 x Schumann Resonator CHARTRES Mk3

Black Ravioli pads for amp, Dac and power supply

Vibrapod isolation cones and feet
Akiko Universal Tuning Sticks on speaker cables.
iFi AC iPurifier.
MCRU Mains Filtration plug
Mad Scientist Nitro Nano power cables.
’LOA audio tweak’ chip.
Signal Ground solutions SGS-1 Groundng Box.
3 x Bybee iQSE - one on power board.
High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5
XLR Noise Stopper Caps.
Russ Andrews ’The Silencer.’
Audioquest Jitterbug.
iFi USB Silencer.
SR Orange fuses

PPT Omega + EMat to trial

Mad Scientist Graphene Contact Enhancer to apply
Mad Scientist Donuts coming.



Showing 23 responses by georgehifi

Maybe a new set of hearing aids?
Bit late for that, he’s been drinking the water on geoffkait property

A lobotomy?, I concur.

Sounds like serious overkill. A better question for you to ask is more like “what should I remove from my system to make it sound better?”
Even "overkill" does not fully express this.

Leave me alone George.
Wow, all that voodoo snake oil has made you testy, I can imagine the angst your going through I’m not surprised and I truly feel for you, have you tried a snake oil exorcism start from scratch again, with no BS products i think this is your cure.

I expressly asked that posts such as this are not placed.
It’s more other poor gullible sods I fear will be infected by this post, if this sort of madness is not commented on.

Only those who have experiences of possible additions, would be much appreciated
.No use asking them, they’re looking up to you as the snake oil messiah, and are at your feet, it’s you that should be telling them.

The magic circle club have now a new voodoo snake oil patsy.
Here's another one you can add, maybe try it on your head while listening

I knew you and GK were out of the same mould.

You two need to get a room, and form a splinter faction of the magic circle club, you can call yourselves "The hard core snake oil voodooist"

The couple tweaks you just singled out of the multitude you have, may not be snake oil or voodoo as they have technical merit and explanations behind them that can be easily discussed by engineers/technicians and designers that do back them, that are also easy to understand with their measurements they give.
But you have many more than just those that are snake oil and voodoo. See the Electronic Engineering technical reports on them, if you can find any.

So sunshine get off your horse and you figure out what is a tweak and what is BS voodoo snake oil, it’s not hard if one is not inept and or gullible.

Sorry, Jerry there is someone as (you fill) as you, your not alone. When do you lot get the time to really listen to music is beyond any answer you can give.
Mine is open and inquisitive.

Cleanup aisle 4, your AC mains fuse is in backwards.
Why do you continue to be rude?
Not rude, just don’t get off on voodooist and snake oilers telling others to do what they do, that’s all, and I consider what I do against it to be a balanced counter measure to the BS
I will show restraint from here on in...
You do that sunshine.
Looks like the magic circle club have a new patsy, I mean recruit.

Guys! use your your technically unexplainable snake oil, just don't shove it onto the gullible here to make the big buck profits for the manufacturers you shill for. Look at this poor sod's 1st post and what it's done to him, have you no moral sense.
I take umbrage at your suggestion that I am shilling.

Can’t comprehend either.
Others sunshine not you, that shill, fix, and focus on one piece of a companies voodoo snake oil.

You shilling? no, your just the train wreck product of those shillers, and I did feel for you, but then also say in the same breath you deserved it for being so gullible to believe those shillers.
Nah, sorry you’ve coped enough, and still don’t get it.
You genuinely wanted to know if there were more of this voodoo snake oil to add to the multitude that you already have added to your system, here’s a link, there’s even drops for your ears to super sensitize them.

Can’t give any valid technical explanation for what they shill or get the manufacturers come on here to back up their outrageous sonic improvement claims, so they go onto the personal attack instead.🤦‍♂️
And MG, thanks. I will end up pulling things out, to find what works best
. You were told to remove it yesterday, by others not just by me, and dismissed them also.

I’ve had pocket money to experiment as I have, after reasonable advice from others
Not even reasonable advice, as it’s cost you serious money, which would have been better served in a reasonable equipment upgrade instead.
And the one who will decide which is snake oil and which is not
All the brilliant electronic design engineers that designed every piece of your equipment that you have, that’s who.

And the ones that make and sell the "snake oil" have no credits to their names whatsoever and won’t come onto forums like this to discuss their snake oil products.
Because they know they don’t have a leg to stand on with the claims made here by ones using them.

This kind of voodoo BS needs to be eradicated from this hobby
as it's giving it a very dubious appearance to anyone that has even the minimum electronic knowledge that wishes to get into it to further their sound experience with proper equipment upgrades.
I bet you can help him by not posting any more nonsense....
Ah, no, that would be him posting the nonsense, and you for encouraging it. Your as bad as each other. I hope one day snake oil posts will be banned from Audiogon.   
Make yourself really happy and just buy more music. I could say more but the post would be deleted.
Trepanation (I had to look it up)

Don’t you guys get it.
It’s a disease the poor sods have, they can’t listen to music anymore, because they are "Tweak Freaks", all they can do is to get off on is the "expectation bias" they get every time they add a tweak to the system, that’s it, there’s no actual music appreciation anymore. And if left untreated it’s a sorry end. RIP
There no abuse here, just sincerity😉

Cheers George
I just pick one of these "so called tweaks" from your list that intrigued me.

Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip.

For god sake’s man, 50 pound ($100aud)!! it’s a bloody sticker!!!!!!!

I showed the first post at our Audio club meeting last night, general consensus was, you were "taking the piss" is this correct??
Are you looking for a record of all time largest reactions to a thread???
If you don’t try them all you could be missing out. 😉
Love it, I’ve got a cupboard full not mentioned, SEND ME THE MONEY!!!!

All I can say look at what your doing Jerry, and keep it to yourself.

There's enough BS in this industry without the gullible here being infected. 

Cheers George

jerrybj OP

Upgraded over the last year:

Chokes on electrical items with a switched mode power supply
Halide Bridge USB to coaxial reclocker
Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
Audio Prism Ground Control spades on speakers
RCA shorting plugs for inputs on my amp.
Akiko Tuning Caps on amp outputs.
Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip.
1 x Shumann Resonator Chatres SE + power supply

1 x Schumann Resonator CHARTRES Mk3

Black Ravioli pads for amp, Dac and power supply

Vibrapod isolation cones and feet
Akiko Universal Tuning Sticks on speaker cables.
iFi AC iPurifier.
MCRU Mains Filtration plug
Mad Scientist Nitro Nano power cables.
’LOA audio tweak’ chip.
Signal Ground solutions SGS-1 Groundng Box.
3 x Bybee iQSE - one on power board.
High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5
XLR Noise Stopper Caps.
Russ Andrews ’The Silencer.’
Audioquest Jitterbug.
iFi USB Silencer.
SR Orange fuses

PPT Omega + EMat to trial

Mad Scientist Graphene Contact Enhancer to apply
Mad Scientist Donuts coming.


WOW you must have the best sounding system in the whole wide world!!

The "Snake Oil Voodoo’ist Manufacturers" must love you, you’ve got more money tied up in BS snake oil than what your systems worth.

Can I give you some sanity advice, throw all that **** in the cupboard to sell to some other poor sap later on ebay.
And just hook up your system without that ****, the way it was designed by the manufacturers to be, who have more EE knowledge in their **** hole than these snake oil voodoo’ist.

Cheers George