Another must have for all you McIntosh Fanboys!

One item McIntosh lovers might want is the book written about the company and it's products by Ken Kessler. He also did books on QUAD and Audio Research Corporation.
Speaking of those meters, a bit over a year ago I had a major overhaul done on my MC 2105, (including new transistors etc.) and I decided to have the lights changed to LED. Well, I was very surprised to see that the lights not only didn’t look brighter, but the perceived warmth was the same. I was pleased with that because it’s what I was used to but I was expecting it to look cooler and brighter.
I'm holding off on anything McIntosh until they come out with larger meters. 


I really like them too, but it's just another not really necessary expense...
That's nothing new. It's been around for a long time. It would be nice as a decoration somewhere in the listening room, but on the mantle it would be about as ugly as a flat screen TV.
$1800.00   talk about a cash grab seriously. only the rich need apply I suppose. 
I'd get it for $18.00, not  $1800! Of course, you'd have to spend another $2K to get a power conditioner and isolation pucks.....