Analog integrated amp recommendation

I need help researching for a new integrated amplifier w/o digital circuitry.
$7500 retail limit at least 100watts,no phono stage/tone controls preferred.
Solid State not tubes
Something like Sim audio moon 700i
without a $14,000 price tag.
Prefer neutral presentation,definitely nothing warm.
Already tried Bryston & Arcam
Close yet felt could do better/

@monkandmozart  New or used? What speakers do you use? Music preference? 
New or used doesn’t matter

I have Sony SSNA2ES speakers
Listen to Rock,Classical & Jazz
Black Sabbath,Sonny ’Rollins & Dvorak 7th at the moment.

What about a Pass? I think they had a integrated 150 that went for $7500.00 I would check with Reno Sound as they carry all the used , closeouts and refurbished Pass equipment as well as new Pass equipment.


after trying the Bryston- Pass Labs would be the next step up.

Keep me posted as you listen to these different Integrated amps.

Happy Listening!

Take the price down to $4k, get step up transformer or have the distributor switch it to American voltage and you will be perfectly fine.
Mark Levinson No. 585, one just sold used for ~$6K, or just get a new one and be done.
there is a 700i listed under your price now - no connection to seller - also Pass, Plinius

Have Musical Fidelity M1Vinl phono preamp
I’m discussing purchase with seller of Sim 700i int amp.
I prefer a minimalist approach thus no interest in McIntosh
I would suggest the Hegel H360. I have owned a couple now and they have plenty of power, with very good SQ.
the new Mcintosh  integrateds would also be a good choice.
Post removed 
I liked the Electrocompanient series integrated amplifiers. I paired the ECI 3 with Martin Logan SL3's and the sound was a bit stringent / cool side but with the right equipment and cables these amplifiers are excellent.  There are also good deals to be had on Ebay. 
Burmester 032, neutral with tone towards the warm, full-bodied sound and richness of details.
I just went from a tube integrated (Audio Note Oto Signature) to a ss: Brinkmann Vollverstarker. Very musical and i love the minimalistic design.
I like the Sophia Electric. They don't have integrated DAC but I would consider getting one separately. More options,,,,best DAC.