Amp(s) to drive B&W 803 D3 speakers

Currently using a Vincent SP-331 stereo amp rated at 150/300 w/ch.

Typically listen at peaks around 85 dB, occasionally up to peaks around 95 dB.

Only interested in SS.

Clarity is primary consideration.

Would consider stereo or mono amps.

Will be bi-wiring.

Thanks for any suggestions!


It is my opinion, B&W speakers sound best (as with most speakers) with an amp that has "jump" factor to it.  Amps in my experience that play dynamically are:

Mark Levinson #27.5

Fully restored (recapped) by authorized repair center, George Meyer in Los Angeles.  This amp is for sale here:

Mark Levinson No. 27.5 dual monaural power amplifier

Mark Levinson No. 27.5 dual monaural power amplifier


This Mark Levinson integrated amp, #383 also on Meyer's website (fully refurbished) would also be a great choice, considering the $3,000 dollar cost. 

It is located here:

Mark Levinson No. 383 integrated amplifier

Mark Levinson No. 383 integrated amplifier


My last suggestion is this Esoteric A-02 amp being sold at The Music Room (TMR).  They want $6,000 dollars for it.  This is a beautiful sounding amp; I know first hand as I currently have one of these.  400 watts into 4 ohms!  These will make your B&W's play with some dynamics.  It's a heavy, but manageable beast at just under 100 pounds.  It is located here:


Esoteric A-02 Stereo Power Amplifier; A02; Silver




higher classe

higher hegel

higher ayre

higher odyssey (bargain)

pass krell belles class a (could get very expensive)

musical fidelity nuvista models

among others

--- common feature through all above is low distortion, powerful, well controlled solid state amplification with very refined, natural (and not in the least exaggerated) treble reproduction

I recently heard Aavik I-280 and I was utterly gobsmacked that it was a Class D amp. It sounded like an excellent Class A amp. Crystal clear unveiled sound but still rich and weighty. I imagine the P-280 should be identical in performance. 

The other excellent amp in this price range I've heard is Esoteric S-02.

Thanks so much to all for the suggestions thus far!

I am going to have plenty of homework to do...

I’d put the AGD Audion and Gran Vivace monoblocks on your list.  An added bonus is they’re upgradable as technology improves, which they’ve already done once. 

Parasound JC1s would be a good match but I'm not sure of current pricing. 

I can’t answer your specific question but Jeff Wells of Wells Audio, a California based company, is always available over email. 

@jriggy It sounds wonderful! I am not familiar with that brand but will definitely look into it. I should have mentioned the amp needs to be comfortable driving 2 ohm loads. Is that something the Wells Audio amp can do?

I’ve owned a Wells Audio Innamorata Signature amplifier ($15k) for many years (I think it’s called Innamorata II now, w/ a different chassis). It is a fantastic amp. I recently read that it has a similar harmonic profile as Pass and Coda but I would say its definitely with more resolution/transparency and more neutral/less warm than those two. The Wells has less solid state artifacts than many many SS amps out there. It’s very very quiet and liquid yet of course dynamic and has always answered the call as I’ve upgraded everything else around it. Between me and a friend, this amp was chosen over those and a few other ss amps.