AC Power

I have a relatively nice system, but have done nothing with my AC power, with the exception of upgraded PC’s and a cheap iFi plug in power conditioner. My question is multi fold… do I need to do something, and if so what? Dedicated line (15A or 20?)? Quality power conditioner? Both? Which one first? How do you tell?

My system is a combination of HT & 2 channel & I tend to use both simultaneously as I like to watch sports while listening to music.
My amp is (I think) a relatively low draw… Moon 330A, Rythmik sub, BHK pre, Aurender, Qutest w/Sbooster, R11’s. No high power amps are in my future & never listen above 75db. I do currently plug my amp directly into the wall. All my wall warts are gone. For my HT, add a 75” Sony TV, Marantz 7015 AVR & a Klipsch sub (although at zero volume the AVR & sub should not come into play).

I am considering buying the Furman IT-Reference 15i or 20i first as they are well reviewed & are priced very well on Amazon ($1,400 / $1,900). Before I pull the trigger, should I go dedicated power & at what amperage (my nephew, an EE & audiophile thinks I am drawing no more than 5 amps) as that will dictate the Furman model?

Interesting, my nephew thinks neither are worth the investment. His statement: “Do you have appliances on the circuit now? What kind of interference can they inject?...voltage drops would come from current draws...which trip breakers.
Not steady 60hz a good power supply handles. So it all comes back to was the power supply engineer dropped on his head as a child.”

”Personally I think it’s something audio people do when they have run out of gear to buy.”

Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!



@jea48 I personally replaced all the receptacles in my house with good quality (albeit not audio quality) Leviton receptacles and attached all wires with the screw connections. The original install did use the stab, and I discovered during my installation, some had busted… Not good!  
Good point on what is on the leg I plug into. I will check. Also good point on the cost of 15 vs 20 amp circuit & and multiples thereof. The only issue is my fuse box is becoming overloaded & 2 or 3 20A circuits may require a complete new box. 
@erik_squires Thanks!

@signaforce Sorry about that.  I am an Engineering Manager in the electric power industry with 40+ years experience.  I have degrees in engineering and physics from well respected universities including the University of Chicago (physics, 1980).  Engineers implement physics, physicists actually understand it.  So unfortunately I have to stand by my comments.  I work with engineers daily who do not understand electricity to the level you need to address the somewhat subtle challenges we face in audio.  Tell your nephew to hook up his oscilloscope to the power coming into the house and see if his comments remain the same.

Your rejection of a regenerator for size concerns tells me you're a form-over-function guy.  Looks are more important than how it sounds.  I'm all about sound and I'll find a way to implement the better sounding option, so we speak different languages.

Finally, it seems clear you had made up your mind before you started this thread.  I had a few more technical suggestions but I'll not waste your time.

I wish you the best of luck.


The last thing you want to do is get an EE involved. You don't need to be an engineer to listen to music. That being said, there's only one way to handle the situation responsibility. When it comes to power products, you have no idea what will happen when you put something in the system. If you hear a difference, it may not be for the better. All of the recommendations you get here are well meaning and honest, but you just can't rely on someone else's opinion. Give the exact same component to 5 different people and you will get 5 different opinions.

If you live in the US, you should call The Cable Company. They're the biggest high end cable and assessor retailer there is. They keep demo units of everything they sell. So, if you want to buy a new power conditioner, for example, call them and go over your system. They'll make 4 or 5 recommendations and send them to you all at once. Listen to them for a couple of weeks and only make a purchase if you find something that's worth paying for.

One thing I can tell you for certain is you have a fairly complicated system. You're mixing HT and 2 channel, and from a power standpoint, you're going to have some surprises. For example, you may think a new conditioner is going to make a big difference only to find out a power cord for your DVD player does the most good. That's why you have to try everything first.


@carlsbad2 Thanks. OK, you certainly have credibility. I figured you were an engineer by your directness. 😀 I am not a form over function guy, (maybe function & form) but when you truly don’t have the space… I would have a bigger amp IF there were space. I did come in with a set of ideas, but I am never absolute & am changing my plans real time based upon the outstanding input from this thread. So, if you have any other recommendations… please. 
@jea48 I powered down the circuit which includes my system. It includes all electrical in my Bonus Room… all outlets & 4 switches. On the outlet side, the only thing plugged in (aside from my system) is an LED bulb floor lamp, which I generally don’t use. One switch for the ceiling fans, one for the ceiling fan lights. The other 2 are for spots I don’t use.
Of a potentially more problematic nature, the Bonus Room leg on the fuse box includes 2 furnaces, 2 AC’s, 2 refrigerators. Looks like I need dedicated lines wired to the other leg. Thanks!