

Responses from signaforce

The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
Several great concerts! Mine are: Johnny Winter opening for Rod Stewart & the Faces opening for 3 Dog Night. 1969 Olympia in Detroit. My first major concert! Another for Stevie Wonder opening for the Stones. They jammed together at the end. ... 
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?
My local store, Audio Advice stated recently that the vast majority of sales are home theater, not high end audio. Audio Advice has big beautiful stores in Raleigh & Charlotte & and a large online presence. The majority of HT sales vs audi... 
DAC break-in question
+1 @audphile1  Confirmation bias is real, but used too many times subjectively.   
DAC break-in question
@mgrif104 Wow! I’ll bet it sounds magnificent!  
DAC break-in question
@mgrif104 Which DAC did you buy?  
DAC break-in question
Interesting. I can absolutely attest that my new BHK pre to my new Focal Clears required significant burn in before I enjoyed the sound.   
DAC break-in question
OK, so follow on question… do each of the inputs & outputs need to be burned in? IE: new pre… separate burn in required for phono line in, DAC in & HT in? Separate burn in for output to amp & headphones? Same question for a DAC, stream... 
An IEC with grip
I am a little confused, and maybe it is just me. I have never had the male side of a power cord pull out, but have on several occasions had the female (component) side of a power cord come loose… particularly with upgraded PC with harder / larger ... 
Hearing Aids
I am in the market for new aids. Currently demoing current TOL Oticon’s. They are very good & superior to my 4 year old TOL Signia’s. I plan to demo Widex.  They all have music programs which primarily eliminates noise reduction. Good luck fin... 
Hearing Aids
@curiousjim I have found hearing aids help with tinnitus, however not through their tinnitus programs. Some suspect tinnitus is caused by your brain trying to hear ‘better’. I have pretty constant tinnitus. Many times, my tinnitus goes away with H... 
Streamer Recommendations
Aurender N150. Great brand, app, support, sound & footprint. Lightly used, well within your price.   Add an internal SSD, and enjoy.   
Hearing Aids
I was the OP on a hearing aid forum similar to Audiogon, looking for the best HA for audiophiles. Very interesting observations. Worth the read for hearing aid users.  https://forum.hearingtracker.com/t/audiophile-hearing-aids/98343/70  
12au7 tube?
@audiojan Nice selection of tubes. Enjoy!  
12au7 tube?
I love the Brimar CV4003 from Upscale. $300. I own Tele red medicals from Brent, Siemens nickel plates & currently prefer the Brimars. To be honest, I haven’t tried my Tele’s yet in my new BHK pre. They were my least favorite in my old Rogue. ... 
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore
Rap. IMHO it is music… just not mine. The Super Bowl music should appeal to the masses, not something so controversial as Rap. I do enjoy Rap’s beat. Something like Raye. A beautiful voice both singing and talking, with a Rap like beat.    My dau...