About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
John, I was hoping for a reaction like yours! I see it on my friends faces all the time and it's a hoot. Actually, I've grown it because my wife wanted me to. Hey, I'd do just about anything for more sex. Whoops, can I say that? In truth also, I've always been a visual non-conformist while clinging tightly to traditional values. This aspect of my personality has sure brought a lot of confusion to the table when meeting new people. Speaking of hair, when my wife and I first met she had so much of the stuff that I couldn't believe it. Her pony tail was about as big in diameter as my wrist. Incredibly thick stuff. About ten years ago she decided to get it cut and now spends about 500% more time on her hair than before. Recently she came back from the beauty parlor without the usual cut and announced she's growing it back for me.

Shventus, I'm going to send a pic of my wife and I to Joe and see if he can post it also for your pleasure. Barb is truly something else and I appreciate your jabbing me for not posting her photo as well.

Maybe we should all just stay behind our keyboards!!!!

LOL!! I have no room to talk, just having fun!

Pat, let you freak flag fly! Neil Young.
I cut my locks years ago, not in conformance, but for laziness. It's much easier maintenance short, as my wife will tell you also.

Thanks for the pic, it's nice to put a face with the names.

The T shirt is for Fat Tire Beer which is very popular in the Northwest. I won it in a drawing at my local blues bar. If I roll around on two tires it's motorized.

Joe, thanks for posting the photo. At least you guys now know what the three of us look like.
Thanks Jphii,

Say Lugnut, are you a cyclist too? Nice T. And where is the Mrs.? What; a nice rose couldn't squeeze in between the thorns - Ha! Keep the rubber side down, and the tunes spinnin, and may the wind be always at your back. All the best, my friend.
OK all, Pat emailed me the picture of he and Steve and Paul. I'm going to try and get a small copy here, and put a link to the full-size one. To quote Pat:

Steve (Vetterone) Dobbins is on the left side and is the tallest guy, I'm in the middle and Paul is one the left

And here is the link:

The Boys

Thanks Pat.
I've been touched by the posts about forgiveness. You started it, Pat ! Thank you so much for your own story. Amen, Jmcgrogan2, to "life's too short to be carrying around all that anger." It's taken me a while to accept that my story, with its consequences for the way I see things, is a mighty part of what makes me who I am.

Two writers and teachers who I feel have helped me are Byron Katie and the late Anthony de Mello.

One thing I've found is that forgiveness makes it easier to hear music...
Tireguy and Jmcgrogan,

This thread is amazing and I appreciate your talking about your father. Understand, I will try to outlive all the doom and gloom and don't put a lot of value in statistics. I'm not going to deny the inevitable if and when it comes though. I just don't think denial works in your benefit at that point. That's here for all of us to go through anyway. Nobody is going to escape these earthly bounds without going through death. Enough of this stuff for now. This is a time for living.

The un-amplified jazz was a mixed bag. Some of it was jazz standards, some original music and still some were from the latest top 500 Rolling Stone recommendations. It was fun. Steve mentioned that he felt the sax player was running out of air sometimes. Does anyone play sax? Is it harder on the lungs to play with a sock stuffed deeply into it to quiet it down? I didn't notice this myself last night but the comment has made me wonder if he was working harder than normal.

About this band. They gave me a DVD last night which I hope to pass around to everyone. You can copy it or simply view it and maybe we can figure out a way to pass it around. These guys are really, really talented. Unfortunately, they are professional people and won't be quitting their day jobs anytime soon, but if they did they could find permanent employment in Vegas. The trombone player is the mayor of my city, the drummer is a counselor at Mountain States Tumor Institute and I've known him since the late 80's when I was battling lymphoma. The sax player, who I believe is the finest musician in the band, is a nurse/EMT guy. The keyboardest owns a travel agency and ice cream shop. Everyone else is also professional in their employment as well. They are generally headliners on the West Coast large jazz festivals and the band name is High Street. They have a website and I'm sure it would be easy enough to Google. They have anual standing gigs in NYC but I don't know the particulars as I've never asked. Once a year a local travel agency books a cruise with this band being the reason for going. It always sells out early and is known to be a blast.

I still haven't found a knowledgeable volunteer that will post the photo of Steve, Paul and myself into this thread. I'd really like to see this done. So, if you can insert it please fire me off an email and I'll forward it to you. Thanks in advance.
Well, well, this thread is amazing, always with new plot twists, just like a good novel. Hello Mary, welcome aboard. Nice to hear from another of Pat's family members.
Pat, I can somewhat identify, as my mother went temporarily insane also. She had 9 kids in 7 years, after having 3 kids in 7 years myself, and seeing the pressure's that can place on one, I have more of an understanding why she 'lost it'. I cannot even imagine that many tiny, needy people all at once. She is much better now, but not fully recovered.
Her 'issues' is the reason I quit school and moved away from home. We're back on speaking terms now, but it will never be a 'normal' relationship. I have 8 sisters, 2 older, 6 younger, they kept trying to get me a brother, until they finally gave up. I also have a sister named Mary. She is the only one who still cannot forgive my mother. She hasn't spoken to her for over 20 years.
I've tried to talk with Mary, because I feel life is too short to carry around all this anger. I also feel that the only person injured by the anger is the one carrying it. It's not healthy, one must learn to let it go. I know that is easier said than done, but we must try, for our own sake.

Time to jump off the soapbox.

Pat, unamplified jazz, were they playing their own material, or covering old classics like Miles Davis, Coltrane, etc? That's my favorite genre. How was the sound?

Mary, I just happened to be spinning Neil Young's Harvest Moon last night! Has anyone heard Greendale yet? I've been thinking about ordering that one. Neil and Van Morrison are two of my favorite longtime male vocalists. Their songs really move me.

Best Regards,
This thread is unlike anything I have witnessed before, its amazing(that's hardly the proper adjective, but the best I can come up with). I want to share the short version of my father with Pat, he was diagnosed with a deemed terminal disease just over 8 years ago. At the time they gave him 5 good years, maybe less; well now its 8 years later and he's great. In fact right now we're planning how were going to get rid of all this snow we got in Albany, New York yesterday, the father/son snow removing team :)

Life throws curve balls at you, that's for sure, but the moments inbetween are what make it all worth while.
Well, well. It seems that my sis has chimed in. Thanks Mary. These foks deserve a pat on the back. Mary and I share a common demon that I'm going to deal with (well, hopefully) and maybe in my process she will be benefitted. Without going into too much detail we grew up with a mother that had severe mental issues but otherwise a decent person. She was very good at knowing the two of us would not tell dad, being the obedient kids we were. Dad was wonderful but kept out of the loop unless he conneceted the dots. We were good at hiding the dots from him. Upon leaving the nest neither could have asked for a better mother. Not that she was perfect. We would see the dark side of her but it didn't have the same impact as when we were under her control as kids so my adult years with her were great until after my father died. She then lost her mind and became the nightmare mom from hell stirring up all kinds of memories we had boxed away in the recesses of our minds. I'm not at peace with this issue at all and neither is my sister. I need to let it go, forgive mom and, if I'm lucky, show Mary the way. Wish me luck on this one because I've been trying for nearly a decade now. I do know this. Mom did the best she could do with the tools she had. I can't mimimize her early life as I know it was a true hell. She was one of nine children born to an American Indian father. A half breed during a time that society was....well, you know. Her folks died of tuberculosis when she was a teenager and she became infected also. My fathers family was opposed to the marriage because of the bloodline and I'm sure you can fill in the rest in your heads. Tough for poor old mom. Whatever she went through was certainly more than she dished out.

Here's a good piece of advice I offer if you guys find yourselves on the receiving end of chemo some day. Listen to the nurses that give you these drugs. They are way more street wise than any doctor you have. I went through chemo in the late 80's for lymphoma and was given more serious meds than I'm now getting. I developed some side effects back then but never experienced nausea, vomiting or the other nasty. So, in my infinite ignorance I didn't take those meds and spent a pretty miserable first night in the bathroom. Since that episode I've begun taking the meds and everything is fine.

Vetterone (Steve), Barb and I went to hear some pretty good un-amplified jazz last night with it ending early enough to go get some ice cream and get home early enough to watch some Saturday Night Live. For the record, I think Ludicris sucks and will forever do so. What a waste of broadcast time.

The pieces I'd sent in to be painted for my equipement rack were picked up yesterday. This is a very old project and the stuff was dropped off prior to all this stuff that has arisen in my life. Funny, but the color I chose for the shelves goes really well with the color Steve painted my music room. As soon as I take the time to put all of this in place I'll post my system as it now is and later after the upgrades so you guys can get a look. I'm really proud of how the room has shaped up. I still need to do a couple of acoustical treatments but the room is really excellent as it is, IMHO. Good dimensions anyway and enough stuff about to break up reflections.

Have a good Sunday and enjoy friends, family and music. That's my plan for the day.

Hi all,

I'm lugnut's sister, Mary. I just wanted to thank all of you for your words of comfort, concern and encouragement for Pat and Barb. What a wonderful group of people you are!! Pat has been blessed to have such very good friends.

This high end audio hobby stuff is way over my head, but I have to say I've always enjoyed and treasured the good times listening to albums at Pat's house. Pat and I share a love for the music of Neil Young. I'll never forget hearing Stars and Bars on Pat's stereo and how awed I was by it. The experience of the album just isn't the same on my little boom box..lol. Pat and I also saw Neil Young in concert on two occasions. We were fortunate to see Neil with the shocking Pinks and I'm still asking myself "what was he thinking"... You have to give the guy credit for thinking out of the box and not just getting by with the top 40 sound. I did very much enjoy that concert. The best concert tho was when he had the crew dressed up as "road eyes" with dark hooded outfits and glowing lights for eyes. I remember that concert well. We were seated in little metal folding chairs and Barb had gripped the chair seat and found a joint stashed under the seat. What a hoot.

You couldn't ask for a better brother and friend. We have shared the best of times and the worst of times. Pat knows me like no other person on earth. Barb is everything a person could ask for in a sister in law. She is kind and caring, sensible and nurturing.

I really feel like I'm a success in spite of all the mistakes I've made walking this path.

That's a great line--one in touch with the reality of life. A lot of people can't say that...

Yes, I've been watching, but as I told Frumkin, I've been in the abyss.

There's always tight jeans walking by and it doesn't hurt to look.

You're not doing *that* bad if your sex drive is still up!

With psychic power and primal intensity,
I'm writing this with tears streaming down my cheeks in happiness. This thread and the one I just read about my wife and myself today has moved me like I've never been moved before. My thanks to everyone that has the courage to read and follow all of the heartfelt expressions conveyed here so touchingly. You posters and private emailers are positively fearless. That is what a person in my position needs and I'm saddened that this outpouring isn't happening to every person in similar circumstances. I've been richly rewarded. Not that I don't appreciate the gifts and other acts of generosity but the fearless way you are facing this with me and the support offered is what gives me a measure of what my life has been. I thank you all so much. I really feel like I'm a success in spite of all the mistakes I've made walking this path. My promise to you is to post as long as I am able and to be brutally honest in the hope that perhaps you take more from this experience than the experience takes from you. I love you all.

So, here's my news for today. I called a friend I haven't spoken with for some time due to another persons callous remarks. I wanted to make peace and it came easily for us both. We went out to play pool and I marveled at the juke box and it's ability to nail a rim shot as good as I've ever heard while playing eight ball. Life just doesn't get any better. The lesson here is don't let the stupid stuff get in the way with good folks. They are hard to find. A couple of quarters in a bar table is good therapy. There's always tight jeans walking by and it doesn't hurt to look. Take a break from your troubles and get simple for a few minutes and life is put into perspective. Make peace with yourself and with all that you love.

Tomorrow morning is round one of chemo and I don't expect any negative effects but even if I have one or two I know that I'll be fine and get up and do life as it should be done even if I do it a little slower or rest a little while I'm doing it. The good news is that I probably won't lose my hair for a month or two so I get to keep all of these ugly locks to irritate my friends a little longer. One of the audio club buddies nick named me fuzzy since that's about what it is on top.

I do have a favor to ask of someone that has the ability. I have a photo of Steve Dobbins (Vetterone), Paul Frumkin and myself just prior to surgery and before (as we fondly put it) the last supper. I'd like all of you guys to take a look at us and see just who you are talking to. You might want to bail from this thread!!!!! Har har har. Send me a private email and I'll forward the photo.

Best to all and a heartfelt thanks to the owners of this site for letting such a subject run its course. In the end this is a higher calling than anything audio. It's about every one of us.
Hi Pat,
Well, I think about you every day and check this thread once or twice each day to see how you are doing or what friends have to say.
I am quite overwhelmed with your outlook and approach to life. I am quite impressed with the outpouring from so many here on Audiogon. I am quite pleased to have the good fortune to know you a bit and be around this great group of people on this site.
This thread has had me reach a good bit inside myself over the past few weeks and allowed me to more fully appreciate all that I have in my life. I suspect it has done the same for several more.
It has been very touching to hear what you value in life as you go through this tough stretch. I am quite grateful to you for sharing your feelings with us so openly.
Thanks for being you and giving a bit of yourself to all of us. My thoughts, hopes and best wishes are with you every day.
Warmest Regards,
Lugnut...Your last post proves once again that the world's most potent force is Love (that's right, it's not a SS-20 MIRV warhead!)

I remember vividly holding my mother's hand one last time 2 years ago. I'm still comforted by one thought: the love she instilled in me will last until my last breath...then the love I gave will live on through others. I firmly believe that.

When all is said and done, all there is is love. Everything else will fade. But not that love.

Many of us are thinking of you often- and yes, some even have you in their prayers. And most of us have never met you!

Maybe this world ain't so bad after all!
I must say that's the first time anything on Audiogon has made me cry. Pat you are a very lucky man, howver this may turn out. Best of luck with that orgasm.
Pat, if anyone can beat the odds, it's you.

I think she was 100% correct when she said that you have what it takes.
All of your friends here at AudiogoN (and there are many) not only are inspired by your words and spirit, but also can take comfort in knowing that you are able to maintain your wit, humor and positive outlook even in the face of darkness. I wish I had even an ounce of the kind of courage you have shown us.

My family and I hold you in our prayers and wish for you as much happiness and gentle care as is possible

It's inspiring to read your words, and being so honest is all the talent anyone ever needs to write as powerfully as you do. Your tribute to Barb is just as touching as anything you write, because it's clear that she has treated your relationship as though she would be allowed a mere minute of life to share with you. And she's managed to string together thousands of those minutes to the point of filling your heart with a towering compassion.

Keep it coming, Pat.

Pat, they may have removed part of your stomach, but thank goodness they left your sense of humor intact. A massive coronary in the throes of orgasm, indeed! I myself hope to go by gunshot wound ... from some jealous husband when I'm 93 years old.

You're usually right on, but you've got it wrong when you say that you're undeserving of everyone's support. Do you really think you've got it right and all these folks got it wrong? And you say that "all" you can do is offer your thanks. But that's all that anyone can ask for or need.

Hang in there, my friend.

Best regards,
Pat, she (your wife Barb) has as much as pleasure and satisfaction as you, in giving her love. Your happiness is her reward. Good Luck!
Thanks for the encouraging words everyone, both on this thread and in private emails. I know it's not easy responding to the depressing news I dropped in your laps. So, yesterday I had a follow-up visit with my surgeon thinking that our relationship would be ending. It seems that when she operated the method she used to tell the extent of involvment is by feel. Makes sense to me that small tumors can be felt. Anyway, she said that one area of involvment that was most pronounced was in the common bile duct and that whenever I start to turn yellow or feel pain we'll be getting together in a surgical suite again to put a shunt in place. One encouraging, but scary thing she said was that we will likely remove the feeding tube in my intestine and the drain tube in my stomach. The mods she did to my digestive system make it difficult for any tumor to interfere with the passage of food or liquid. Maybe I won't ever need to be pump fed again. I like that idea a lot but the removal is a permanent option that would be gone forever so I told her that she has to make that decision for me. The woman has huge balls and is a real person. She howled when I told her I was still holding out for a massive coronary in the throws of an orgasm. Anyway, she thinks I've got what it takes to make the statistics look silly after all of this is over. I also told her that since she was so good at modifications that she should get herself a good tube system and start studying electronics. Barb and I then went out for Chinese food, came home and fooled around. Now that made me feel like I'm getting better! I guess what made me weaken more than anything else is knowing that my life partner is having to go through this and it's so unfair to her. She deserves so much more. For thirty one years she has indulged my every dream. Never once has she complained when I wanted more, better, different gear. She helped me buy my Harleys. She encouraged me to buy my drift boat and build a trailer for it the last time I was battling lymphoma. She never complained when I spent way too much money and time building my hot rod Nova. When I suggested we move from the comfort and security of our Midwestern home to the uncertain future of living in Idaho just so I could be closer to trout fishing she didn't even hesitate one second. Whatever makes Pat happy has been her goal in life. I'm telling you guys, this woman deserves so much more than than this baptism by fire we're experiencing and my guilt is overwhelming. Sure, I know it's not my fault but still I'm sure you understand why I feel this way. I'm undeserving of the outpouring of support from everyone and all I can do to make up for it is say thanks. There's no way to pay back anyone. The most profound thing I've discovered during this insanity is that it's way easier to love and be nice than it is to be mean and nasty. I wish I could export some of this knowledge to the Mideast, inner cities and to all of humanity struggling with and concentrating on our differences rather than our shared humanity. If only I could, this world would become such a wonderful place in very short order. Perhaps there is a talented person reading this story as it unfolds that can put this whole thing into words to share with the world so that all the kindness here somehow can be passed on.

HI Pat,
Being in a family with full of physicians,i want you to know that doctor will tell you only theory that their insurance allow them to say.dont give up hope and keep fighting on.I am a pharmacy owner,i ran into many customer with many different illness.one of my closest customer is someone that his doctor told him that he have 6 months to live,and that was almost 7 years ago..hang in there buddy.
Goo luck, Pat. As you can see, we all think about you every day, and as hard as it may be, the personal contact is good for all of us. Hang in there, my friend.
It's good to hear from you, thanks for sharing the good/bad news. It sounds like the day was pretty good overall, take away the doc talk. Guess what? They're not always right anyway. I know, I got two ex- brother-in-laws that are doc's. They're as human as the rest of us. Now it's up to you to prove 'em wrong.

I went in the hospital for a procedure on my right knee just before Christmas. It called for local anesthetic. Well didn't the d@mn doctor start scrubbing up my left knee. I yelled out 'WHOAAAH NELLY!'. Then he started scrubbing up the wrong side of my right knee, his technician pointed this out. He finally did the procedure, and they cleaned up where they had gone in. When I got home I showed my wife, my left knee, and the outside of my right knee were still stained brown from the surgical scrub! They only cleaned up the third and final scrub, the place they went in!

Just a short story to let you know that doctors aren't infallable. Keeping your spirits up and staying positive is more important than letting some doctor bring you down. You need to live longer just to spite that SOB! That'll show 'em. They ain't God!

Give 'em hell Pat!

Best Regards,
Pat, I think it's safe to say we Audiogoners speak with one voice when I say how sad it is to hear this news. You're one of the good guys here ... actually, one of the best ... and we wish you could stick around forever. But none of us have a "forever" ticket in life, and the best we can do is to make the best of the time we are given ... short or long. As I see it, you've been doing just that, and I have little doubt that you will continuing doing just that.

Quite a few of us have pitched in with various contributions, which we hope will make your days a little more pleasant. (In a couple days, I will start a separate thread about that). This thread, the calls, cards and letters you've received, and the items you will soon receive, are a living testament to how much we all care for you, how much we wish you well, and how much we wish to brighten your days. If only a cure was ours to send your way, it would have already arrived on your doorstep wrapped in bows and ribbons!

Pat, I'm sure this news was not easy to share with us. Thank you for your courage. We hope that same courage serves you well in the days that lay ahead, and that in each one of them, you find enough that is good to keep keeping on.

With warmest regards,

Thank you for the update, and please never hesitate to share your whole story with your friends. That's what we're here for, even if we're sometimes too frightened to know what to say. Though it seems backwards and some might think it unfair, you actually have to be brave for us. Most of us have not yet walked the path you're on, so you have to show us the best way.

Get on the chemo and fight. Get on with enjoying the music too. And don't forget there are certain substances that reportedly can help you with both, even better than cheeseburgers and fries!

I know what you mean about live piano vs. recorded piano. That must have been quite a treat. We also have a friend with grand pianos in his home. I keep dreaming my system will someday fool me into believing I'm hearing one. Like Don Quixote, I'm tilting at windmills!

Hi Guys,

Well, this posting is hard to write. I've struggled with the fact that the truth is probably going to be hard to share and perhaps harder to digest on the receiving end but hey, this thread has been so honest I feel I must do it. You posters have not been bashful about embracing me from afar and I cannot begin to tell you how much it has meant.

Yesterday was a bad day, one that made me weaken. My oncologist says it would be rare for one in my condition to live a year and that is with the help of chemo. I'll begin treatment this Friday and continue every third Friday until it no longer helps. I'll miss my ugly long hair as well as my facial hair I've had for over 35 years.

But then the Lugnut spirit kicked in. My wife and I went out for cheeseburgers, fries and soft drinks afterward. It tasted absolutely wonderful and I had no ill effect afterwards. I realize that I'm in control of such things and that I'll continue this kind of behavior as long as I wish, doctors be damned.

Yesterday evening was very special though and I feel I must share this great experience with you. Our monthly audio club meeting was last night and I've been wanting to go but worried that I would make the other members uneasy by being there. Wrong. Everyone was very nice and the music took over. We were treated to a live performance by a local concert pianist. The instrument was a Steinway Concert Grand. We listened to Grand Canyon Suite while watching a very special slide show of Grand Canyon images timed to the five movements. It was absolutely stunning. It sure made any attempt at listening to recorded music afterwards pale in comparison.

Welcome home Pat.

It was refreshing to hear you sounding so good when we spoke a few days ago.

I'll be calling again soon, and we can catch up on all the stuff that happened since you got home.

Hope all is going well, you are in my prayers.

Ready to talk about that rack now?

Just got back on the boards - great to hear your home. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers my friend.
Patrick so how did rikki lee sound better than ever I suppose? Get well soon. Best regards.
aHOOOOOO! Werewolves of London.

Dogs also have a very keen sense of hearing!
They also get to walk around naked without being arrested.

Just two more positives for your dog analogy.


Part dog aye? Then come to Hawaii, I'm a veterinarian. We have all the best products for those pesky fleas & ticks, as well as de-wormers and preventatives for those internal parasites too. And if none of the 8 tons of dry kibble & canned food variety that we stock strikes your fancy, we have a lot of great restaurants here too, for those steaks, lobster, Mahi Mahi, etc. My two dogs would love to play with you, and will be happy to share their toys. We can unwrap a brand new chew bone to chew on, and wash it down with some Lagavulin, as we spin some LP's on my new TT. All the best my friend.


Woof woof !

So very cool to see you posting--

Looking forward to hearing more from you.


C'mon Patrick, don't shun hero status when it's bestowed upon you. 'Alexander' and 'The Alamo' failed miserably at the box office, so we're turning to you to lead the charge.

By the way, what type of dog are you? We have a Jack Russell and an English Mastiff, and I want to let them know about their new relative.

All the best to you,
Alright, I guess it's time to admit something that many of you may have already surmized. I am, in fact, part dog. Dogs don't ask too many questions. When you are with them they know that you CAN throw a ball or stick and that they LOVE to go fetch it. So, a dog might ask, why aren't you throwing a ball or stick yet?

Go to any dog's home and you'll find a box of dog toys that they will gladly share with you. Dogs never ask when is super. I doubt if they even ask if there will be super. But I'm pretty sure they do ask what's for super.

Dogs would never wish another dog to have fleas. Hell, they might not even wish that they didn't have fleas. But, I'm pretty sure that they might wish that fleas didn't itch so much. I know that dogs never ask "why me?"

Dogs are very good at accepting. Consider that they accept and appreciate that last bite of your cold hot dog as much as the fresh off the grill T-bone that fell on the ground during the 4th of July barbecue.

Me brave? I don't think so Paul. Like a dog I accept whatever life brings me, especially at times like this. What I have trouble accepting is all this generosity. It's a shame too as that makes me only part dog.
Welcome back, Patrick! I'm sure it's a comfort, for both you and Barb, for you to be back home. I'm surprised -- happily surprised -- that you've been discharged: just yesterday you had so many tubes stuck in you that you looked like you got nailed in an explosion in a manicotti factory.

Pat, I hope you don't mind my sharing this with our Audiogon friends, but guys, the truth is that no one knew for sure what would be the outcome of the surgeon's "look-see" and surgery. No one knew if Pat's entire stomach would be removed. There was a possibility that Pat would never be able to eat normally again, but that he would have to be fed through a feeding tube inserted into his intestines. So too, it was possible the surgeon would see such a mess that she would just close Pat back up and tell him to say his prayers. That's how serious this was.

Indeed, the surgeon did not want Pat to travel far from emergency medical care facilities because the surgeon was concerned that Pat could bleed out at any time ... and obviously, that could have happened during the surgery. Plainly stated, Pat's surviving the surgery was not a sure thing. Again, that's how serious this was.

Had it been me, I would have been a freakin' mess. They would have had to tranquilize me to near the point of unconsciousness. The mere thought that I might never again eat normally would have completely freaked my cookies. I would have totally lost it.

But not Pat. Friends, let me tell you that not once did Pat express pity for himself, or even fear for himself. Not once did fear express itself in an angry outburst. The man did not even once complain. Pat, his wife Barb and I discussed his last wishes ... and the man made humorous comments. I was there when the hospital chaplain "just happened" to show up to talk with Pat. I was with Pat and Barb until they took him back for the pre-op preps. And again, not once did Pat express self-pity, despair or fear.

I tell you all of this so that when I say that Pat is the bravest man I've ever known, you'll know these are not just words but truth. This thread is replete with stories of Pat's generosity, his helpfulness, his willingness to go out of his way to help others, and of his integrity. To these we can now safely add his bravery. In short, Pat is a man ... the kind of man I can only hope I would be under even far less trying circumstances. Thank you, Pat, for showing me how a man should face life's most challenging moments.

Thank you, too, for your kind words for Steve and me. But just wait until you see what your wide circle of Audiogon buddies have been cooking up for you! (More on this later).

An hour before Pat had to report to the hospital, we stopped at Pat's favorite haunt -- the Nampa new and used vinyl store. I spied a Mo-Fi Rickie Lee Jones that was graded mint, and I quietly took it out of the bin and up to the cashier. A few minutes later we were at the hospital, and I pulled Ms. Jones out of the bag. I told Pat that he better come back to us, or I was going to keep the album. Pat, I'm so glad Ms. Jones is yours.

Warmest regards,
The very best to hear from you personally, Pat. Hang in there, we're thinking about 'ya!
Lug-man- Glad to hear you are well enough to come home, although maybe you should be thankful they did't do it in the drive-up lane ;~). Really, good to hear from you. Heal fast. Your friends are thinking about you often.
Hey Pat!
Great to hear from you! You didn't happen to buy a new car, did you?? Don't laugh too hard, you'll pop a stitch.

Seriously, thanks for taking the time to chat. It can be uplifting in difficult times, even if it's just cyber-chat.

Spin some vinyl, relax, and get plenty of rest. Let your body heal.

In trying times having friends like Steve and Paul is priceless.

We all should appreciate the finer things in life, like a walk on a sunny day, and a good, true friend.

At times like this we realize that AudiogoN is really about community and friendship, not just electronic equipment and licorice pizza.

Keep in touch, and I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.


John McGrogan
Pat, great to hear from you!

I'm surprised you're home so soon and well enough to defend your Audiogon honor, heheh. But you ARE one tough ol' bastard. Did they stick a Whipple in ya so you'd have enough energy to type today?

As you can see, you've got a lot friends...Everywhere.

Now go listen to Rikki and relax. :•)
Hey guys,

I just got home about fifteen minutes ago and wanted to catch up on this thread. Wow! How the heck can I not get better with all this wonderful sentiment passed my way? You guys are the best. Honestly.

I'm doing very well considering the horrible assault attempted on my body. There were no pain meds powerful enough to stop the pain of laughter and thanks to a lot of you guys I've kept laughing while in that rotten environment. Yeah, I know, it's where I needed to be but this is where I want to be. The preamp is heating up as I write and I'll be listening to one of Paul's Mofi's he left behind shortly.

Forgive me if I'm making some erros while I type this but other than having my IQ lowered by some meds it seems my eyesight has changed for the better during this time. My glasses make it impossible to focus on the screen and I can see nothing without them. It's sure a good thing that I took typing long a go and don't have to hunt and peck.

A lot of kind words have been written about me and I'm moved by what I've read. I must single out Paul and Steve as being some of the nicest people the world has ever had roaming on it's face. These guys helped make this a huge positive experience for me. These guys are better than friends and closer than brothers. I'm honored to call them my friends. The stories I could tell, but unfortunately I'll have to save those for another posting. Writing at this time is just too much work.

Now, time to listen to Rikki Lee.
I'd like the name of that dealership for the purpose of transferring my Irish wrath upon them and saving Pat the energy. What some folks won't do to make sales. Just disgraceful, in every way.
Pat was solicited while still in his hospital bed after major surgery?! That's pretty slimey.

I'm sure what pissed off Pat the most was that that Boise dealership's car didn't even have a Whipple Supercharger application for it.
Hey, Pat's really into cars, though probably not the dealer-sold kind. He actually built his own street drag racer basically from the ground up.

I can't believe a hospital allows that, in a surgical recovery ward?! I'd be beyond livid. Go get 'em Pat!