About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
Pat (quoting you)

One thing for sure, of all the fine folks I've met personally here at Audiogon I think I'm most like Albert. I bothers me NOT if a record is less than audiophile grade IF the music moves me. I demand my system to allow me to enjoy the music I love. When Bill Dillon was over and we listened to NY's Greatest Hits he remarked how listening catapults us to a different time and place. My brother called recently and he remarked how much he doesn't like music videos because it ruins the connection the mind makes with where you were when you first heard a song. I agree with him 100%. It's too bad I'm not more like Albert. If I were I'd have about a zillion tubes to roll and my system would have a dead silent background too. But then I'd also tell many really bad jokes too. As if that's a bad

That's one of the biggest compliments ever. Being compared to Lugnut and his love of music and praise of my system at the same time.

I wish I had the money to fly you back to Dallas to listen again, I have the new CSN&Y 45 RPM's and the new Neil Young releases from Classic Records. They are absolutely stunning !

Last week we played them all the way through and no one said a word. Wish you were here.
Doug, as long as you don't try to wear those little outfits yourself, you might be okay...

I play rock (and even some roll) alot when I'm driving. It keeps the energy and attention levels up. Classical is impossible to listen to in a car, or at least in my car. The dynamic range is too wide.

We recently acquired a (sealed!) copy of 'Trio', with Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt and Emmy Lou Harris (Warner Bros. W1-25491). Thanks to Swampwalker BTW for introducing us to it. Not rock and roll certainly, but also not classical. This is one amazing LP with three amazing singers. When Dolly sings "Wildflowers" the lyrics somehow bring Lugnut to mind:

The hills were alive with wildflowers
And I was as wild, even wilder than they.
For at least I could run, they just died in the sun
And I refused to just wither in place.

Just a wild mountain rose, needing freedom to grow
So I ran fearing not where I'd go
When a flower grows wild, it can always survive
Wildflowers don't care where they grow

And the flowers I knew in the fields where I grew
Were content to be lost in the crowd
They were common and close, I had no room for growth
I wanted so much to branch out

I uprooted myself from home ground and left
Took my dreams and I took to the road
When a flower grows wild, it can always survive
Wildflowers don't care where they grow

I grew up fast and wild and I never felt right
In a garden so different from me
I just never belonged, I just longed to be gone
So the garden, one day, set me free

Hitched a ride with the wind and since he was my friend
I just let him decide where we'd go
When a flower grows wild, it can always survive
Wildflowers don't care where they grow

Dammit. Now I'm gonna cry every time she sings that.

I will laugh though, whenever I put that record away. I own no other LPs with paperdoll cutouts of three skimpily clad ladies printed on the inner sleeve. There are even little garment cutouts to fit them. This is not a thing I ever expected to find in my music collection.

If Lance is starting in Northern California and going to D.C. then he just might come to Boise. There are several great bike races here and he'd be honored by we citizens if he did pass through. For sure, I'd get out to cheer at him.

The CDP may be a gift from heaven if I need to send the preamp off. I'd already considered the variable outputs.

And Alex, I'd really recommend you do go out and fish. About the only thing I can think of that I haven't done enough of is swimming. Now I wish I'd spent more time in the water. Simple things we enjoyed as kids are some of the best things we can do as adults. So much to do in a lifetime and never enough time.

Lou, Mary and I both are huge Neil Young fans so we always listen to his stuff when together. In the world of rock we both love the joint family tree that resulted from Buffalo Springfield and The Byrds. So many good groups and wonderful tunes came about as a result of those guys it still makes my head spin. You can imagine the vinyl I pull when we get on a roll. When my friends were here last week we pulled David Crosby's "If Only I Could Remember My Name". Man, I wish someone would find the master tapes and reissue this masterpiece to audiophile standards.

One thing for sure, of all the fine folks I've met personally here at Audiogon I think I'm most like Albert. I bothers me NOT if a record is less than audiophile grade IF the music moves me. I demand my system to allow me to enjoy the music I love. When Bill Dillon was over and we listened to NY's Greatest Hits he remarked how listening catapults us to a different time and place. My brother called recently and he remarked how much he doesn't like music videos because it ruins the connection the mind makes with where you were when you first heard a song. I agree with him 100%. It's too bad I'm not more like Albert. If I were I'd have about a zillion tubes to roll and my system would have a dead silent background too. But then I'd also tell many really bad jokes too. As if that's a bad thing.

Nate, I heard you laughing. And Doug, you know I love you but you need some rock 'n roll in your life while I need some more classical. Too bad we don't live closer so both could rub off of one another. Larry sent me some classical CD's I enjoy a lot.

FWIW, I can't figure this health stuff out at all. I felt like crap yesterday and today I feel really good. Go figure. I'm glad I'm feeling good today. One of my fellow club members is coming over this afternoon amd I'm betting he brings some vinyl that hasn't seen a stylus for years. And later we'll pick up Mary and probably go out to dinner. Barb and I haven't done that for quite some time and to think that was one of our weekly or bi-weekly dates. It would be nice for her to enjoy some small slice of the way things used to be with us. The poor woman might as well have the same thing wrong with her as I have. She's suffered right along with me and has remained cheerful in the process. Just for me. Bless her heart.

Denis, can't wait to get a report on your Sota. Please let us all know how it goes. Time to warm up some tubes and listen to The Waterboys again until my guest arrives. A good weekend to all.
Great news for a very deserving soul. I will continue my prayers for you, i still believe your going to beat this. I feel much to strongly your incredible journey has much more to experience. Keep giving yourself all the rest your body is asking for, you will be back!
Glad you are feeling better, Pat. One could actually feel the collective sigh of relief throughout Audiogon.... Enjoy your sister's visit.
Sota Cosmos should be here next week - apparently the motor alignment was so smashed in transport that there was no way, Kirk said, that I could have fixed it.........even with the help you so graciously offered.
Hi Pat, we're just back from our trip and I'm catching up here. (Missed entirely too much of the Tour de Lance while we were away, and what little TV coverage we did manage to catch was mostly in French [which is Greek to me] since we were primarily in Quebec - not that I'm complaining!)

For some reason, the first time I attempted to open this thread the other day it failed to display or indicate the existence anything beyond page 9 - making things appear as if there had been no new activity or word from you since I last had a connection, around mid-month. That really bummed me out; am I relieved to discover it was only a glitch! Not to mention that you've been feeling decent enough to enjoy what you're able to do.

I don't ever go fishing these days. It had seemed an essential part of my being during my teens and twenties (spin-casting lures only), but I think you've inspired me to get out there again sometime soon, all by myself, just for the contemplative succor it provides amid this world of crapola. (Hold that last observation - I just looked up as I write this and see that hummingbirds have returned to the yard during our absence :-)

Oh, love the pix - but then, I already knew that you were (a la lingua jazzbo) a beautiful cat!

BTW, if the preamp ever needs to come out of the system for service, the PSFM (Perfect Sound Forever machine) does have the ability of connecting directly to an amp from the optional variable outputs, with a useful measure of integral attenuation control (digital, but who's counting while we're at it anyway?) available via the remote.

I read that Lance will soon embark on a cross-country bike ride with around 100 other cancer survivors, I believe starting sometime in late August in northern California and finishing up here in DC in about early October or so (better check me on the specifics). Maybe if it's not scheduled to pass too far away - and if you're feeling up to it and want to do so - you could possibly go and witness this somewhere along the route? In any case, we'll plan to get down to the finish and give some big cheers just for you.
Pat, I'm glad to hear you are going to have a better than expected week and enjoy time with your sister. What "aged vinyl" does your sister like to listen to? I hope you do get those porch-view pictures at Ron's place and post them here.

All the best to you and don't bull too much and lose the light again. :~)

You seem to be in great spirits, Pat. Very glad to see that. Nothing like The Waterboys "This is the Sea" to give you some wings.
I wish there was a way to post how hard I was laughing reading the last two posts.

I was confused and bitter. Larry promised me I'd be sleeping with angels. Instead I found myself drinking with orcs.

If you would have mounted the cartridge right side up in Miami for Sleeps With Angels it would have sounded okay.
Pat, I'm glad you're in high spirits! Now you can enjoy your hobbies and have a nice time with your sister. Eat a big messy burger while you're thinking of us!
Pat, after we talked I went to pick up that LP. Wouldn't you know it, it was sold! Guess I'll have to pilfer yours.
Hi Pat,

So glad to hear you're getting a week's "vacation" from the chemo. Hope that gives you enough energy to have a really great visit with your sister.

I'm really glad to hear you say Neil Young is sounding the way you like him. It wasn't quite working for you when we spun him in Miami, but obviously something in your system or room makes a difference that counts. Enjoy!
Good morning everyone. Went to the doc yesterday and surprise!!! I get a week away from chemo. That's really great news to me on several levels. The biggest being that maybe I can shake off the fatigue a little bit. I am feeling better in regard to eating and processing of food and that's a very good sign. I don't want to overstate this however. I've lost more weight. I continue to have fluid buildup in my abdomen which is telling, in that it means I still have tumors irritating something. All in all I'm pleased with how things are going considering I didn't think I'd be this well off a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words.

J.D., No I'm not interested in the AI. The Syrah works well enough and besides my cartridge is low enough output (.24 mv) that it wouldn't work without a step up tranny anyway. The insane part about the Syrah is that the problem is very intermittant. The good news is the CDP Alex sent sounds very good if fed a nice recording. I'm slowly acquiring a nice selection of digital music for those times I just want to relax. So much good music is available only on CD. I can now say I've rejoined the ranks of perfect sound forever. LOL. My daughter Amanda helped me shift some vinyl around in the shelving while we listened to The Waterboys and Greg Brown. We both enjoyed these disks a lot.

Okay, Neil Young fans!! Bill Dillon brought over a copy of the new Greatest Hits double LP set as a gift. To die for. The original master tapes were used and Neil himself was involved in the final mastering. IMO, this is worthy of buying even if you already have it all on other records. The instruments and vocals are more fleshed out than on the originals and rivals the sound quality of my Natilus Harvest. I'm not in total agreement that this is the definitive greatest hits though. Missing in action is Cortez The Killer which I think is his best work. Like A Hurricane has equally moving guitar work but the singing isn't on a par with Cortez, IMO. Hey Hey, My My (Out Of The Black) is another included probably for the guitar work, and one I would have not included. Otherwise I'm in total agreement with the remaining playlist. This LP would also be a great primer for those wanting to become familiar with Young without buying a lot of different LP's. I was somewhat concerned about the flow from one song to another but this wasn't an issue at all upon first listen. This is a limited production run like all of his vinyl released since 1990. Buying it is also a good investment. If you simply check the prices of Silver And Gold, Harvest Moon and what other later vinyl issues are going for you'll see what I mean.

I agree that Lance winning #7 is pretty incredible. No doubt about his dominance of the sport. (Did I hear a collective sigh of relief from all the European riders? He he.) I'm very curious about his comments regarding entering the political arena. Hmmm. I hope he keeps in mind that if that pack wants to get you, it will. Still, I wish him good luck.

My sister, Mary, will be here tomorrow evening. Hopefully we'll be able to really enjoy our time together. If nothing else we'll rediscover some aged vinyl with a few new vintages thrown in for good measure. I'd like to take her out to Ron's place near the Snake River. (you know, the porch that makes me want to listen to Our House) When Mick and Steve and I went out there I took my camera to get a porch view shot. Unfortunately, as navigator I got carried away shooting the bull and we ended up driving about forty miles out of our way and losing the light to get a good evening shot of the mountains. Maybe this time I'll pay more attention, get the shot and post it here so you guys know why I love it so much.

Thanks to Cello I installed my new (and cooked) tonearm cable last week with the help of Mick and Steve. After about 12 hours of play it seems to have settled down into what its meant to be. I'm very happy. The Airy 3 and the cable have taken my system to a level where the only improvements that could happen require replacing of major components. Not to boast. Really. Just the facts. I do think my system is maximized with the exception of some electrical which might happen in the near future. It really is time to just sit back and enjoy and that's a very good feeling.

Bluebull, the jersey was worn on Monday in celebration of our team victory. Denis, I'll keep resurfacing. Best to all.

Pat, FWIW, Mick mentioned to me a couple of months ago that he had made arrangments for US repairs. Drop him an email. Hope your weekend turned out great. We had just the perfect summer New England weekend. 85 degrees, low humidity, gentle breeze, brilliant sunshine.

And as for Lance, not only did he win #7, but he smoked 'em. Steady, unrelenting pressure, took the lead as usual in the mountains and then finished 'em off in the time trial. Quite a feat. He's been at the top so long, its sometimes hard to believe that he is only 33. Superman, for sure.

Good "hearing" your posts. Perhaps Mr. Armstrong nailing down #7 will brighten your day a bit :)
We're not watching an impending train wreck -that's sudden, catastrophic, uncontrolled mayhem. If you have a mechanical simile, I think it is the USS Missouri - icon of the US Navy - retired and re-vamped, re-armed, re-painted and now part of US History at Pearl Harbour. Fought 3 wars - WW II, Korea, Gulf War and never gave up. Kept re-surfacing..... so now part of our lore. No, Pat, you're not a trainwreck.
Just a short note until things quiet down here in a few days. I have house guests and am thoroughly enjoying myself in spite of my limitations. A lot of locals are coming by today so this place is going to be a zoo. My sis will be here mid week too. My preamp has developed issues and this is driving me crazy. I don't have the time or the vitality to deal with it and hate leaving it for Barb to deal with. I'm very angry with Mick not having a US repair facility considering how many customers there are in the US. I'm pretty sure he's concerned about disclosing schematics to anyone but he should be smart enough to realize that these things are easy enough to reverse engineer by anyone determined to steal his secrets. As good as the Syrah can be mine is a real pain in the ass which I wish I'd never heard. Sorry to vent. At least that shows you I'm still alive. LOL.

Yeah, Jsonic I've been concerned about folks feeling like they are watching an impending train wreck. It's okay. I don't want any guilt here, just some little positive aspect to become a permanent part of you.

I'll write more later. Remember, I love your thoughts!!

Time to pull on that Springbok jersey again.We had an excellent victory over Australia ,yesterday.

Hey Pat,

I've been following this post since its inception. At times I feel guilty for being so encapsulated, like a passerby who stops to look at a car wreck. I don't know how you summon the strength to write about your life at this juncture with such grace and eloquence. I think you are more heroic than Lance as he carries on with cancer behind him. I admire you Pat. Though we've never met, I consider you a friend. Many of us have forgotten what it is to be human. Thanks for reminding us all.
Steve I recognize, but the other guy, didn't he used to make horror movies?!? : )
Hi guys,

Since you all liked the picture of Patrick, I thought I would move the ones I posted before to this page.

The first one is Barb and Pat

The second one is Pat with two mystery guests!

Some of you know who the other two are, I'm going to make the rest guess!

always wondered what you looked like!You sure look happy in that plane,thanks for sharing the photo!Go LANCE!!!
Good luck tomorrow Pat. It is nice to hear that there are some up days happening. Do let us know how it all goes.
Great post, Pat. Good luck tomorrow with the doc. Can't tell about the paving part, but the description of the fishing hole, etc. sure sounds like paradise. Maybe Idaho has gotten a bad rap as home of skin-heads; I know it was never on my top 10 list until now, even tho my Mom and Dad lived in Cour d'Alane for short wille about 60 years ago.

Go Lance, indeed!!
I'm glad you guys like that picture. I do too. It was taken the Sunday after Father's Day by my daughter Amanda. She and Barb had purchased a flight for me in the old Warbird. At the moment that photo was taken I was smiling at my grandson Scott who was being held by Barb. I hope the little guy has a small memory of that day and how much grandpa enjoyed the experience. I'm telling you guys, I could steal one of those old planes and fly it, no sweat. Thanks for posting it Joe.

I find myself staring at this monitor way too much without the ability to say anything to you guys. Speechless isn't a normal Lugnut condition. Fear isn't a usual part of my makeup either but I now fear the words I might write. I hesitate to say I'm getting a little better or a little worse. That part of living is very much like a yoyo. Up and down, over and over. I do feel better than a couple of weeks ago and can eat a real meal now. I consume a lot more fluids than before too. The unreal fatigue that goes along with this chemo hit me like a ton of bricks on Sunday afternoon. At this writing (Tuesday 7 a.m.) it seems to be lessening quite a bit. I'm hoping that I'll feel up to getting out of the house this afternoon with Barb. We both deserve a break from the confines of this house.

Tomorrow is my next scheduled doctor's appointment with chemo usually following. I've asked to postpone the chemo until Friday since Mick and Steve will be here on Thursday afternoon. That would work much better for our visit and I'd venture a guess that's what will happen. I can at least get the blood work and the doc visit out of the way so that Friday will be only a couple of hours for the infusion. I'll be really pissed if I can't have it my way.

For the sake of honesty I've decided to share with you what Jphii and I are doing. This is Lugnut at his best, IMO. Friday last Barb and I went to the crematorium to make my final arrangements. Everything is subject to change at Barb's desire but here are my plans. There will be no death notice. There will be no services in the traditional sense. I wish to leave this world in the same fashion I came into it, sans clothes. I'd feel best if one of my local friends were to witness my cremation. I'm not sure who to ask and even if it is appropriate to do so. I'm reaffirming here what I've expressed to a few, and that is I DO NOT wish to be baptized after death by the LDS Church. My belief system is based solely on the Holy Bible and have rejected Mormon beliefs while living and expect my wishes to be honored by them in my death. (Sorry about posting this but it is important to me) Anyway, Joe is making an urn for my ashes. The finished design isn't complete but let's just call it a rectangular box, about 3-4" deep. On the front there will be a recessed circle containing a vinly disk covered with gold leaf. The album label will have my name with appropriate dates and perhaps a song list of my top five picks. The photo Joe posted will be displayed below the record. So, old Lugnut's going to have his own Gold Record. I'll then reside in the music room as long as it exists.

This coming Saturday is the day previously scheduled to go fishing with Bill and Tom. I simply cannot do it but hope that Tom and Bill go together. I promise the fish will be biting just knowing that I should have been there. One of my favorite spots on the river is an eddy aptly named Osprey Hole because of the nesting raptor's that raise their young nearby each year. The river hits a rock face cliff, makes a hard right as a result but creates an incredible eddy about forty yards long at the cliff. A skilled oarsman can enter the eddy and with some effort hold the boat inside of it allowing the caster to fish to visible trout on the rise. I've caught some enormous fish there and just know that one is waiting to be caught in my honor Saturday. A big fish will work to escape the eddy if hooked and only a very skilled oarsman can get the boat out of there quick enough without capsizing to chase it downstream. That, audiophiles, is living exceptionally large. It is some of the best times you could possibly have. Maybe Mick, Steve and I could travel up there later in the day and share a campfire with Bill and Tom. That would be a hoot.

After writing about fishing I've been sitting here looking at this computer screen remembering how fortunate I've been to live where I do. Idaho is a national treasure that nobody seems to know about. Two thirds of it is public lands. Fish, wildlife, scenery to die for, historic places and unique people make up what I call home. I've said it before but feel compelled to say it again, Idaho is the most live and let live place I've ever been. It's beauty and charm will remain but it's changing so fast as to make my head swim. Where I live is growing at a pace that is truly frightening. Just like L.A., we have already peopled this valley beyond it's ability to sustain the masses with water. We've paved paradise and made it a parking lot.

Go Lance!

Hey Pat, WOW, what a great photo!

I really liked reading Wbdillon,s post. What a great friend, and for you guys to have been together for so long, that is something to really cherish.

Just wanted to let you know my Sunday school class (all men's class) we are praying for you, Barb and Amanda.

(Man, I am just staring at my comp) because I feel saddened about the recent developments, your chemo and all, and its difficult to express myself, please keep us informed about your condition and keep your post long rants they are the best ones.

and by the way

"You look marvelous"

Boy, that smile has mischief written all over it!

What kind of mid-air madness had Pat just accomplished? Been pulling aerial banners saying "Flip Flop Kerry"? Just drop fertilizer on your local "mary" field? Do a fly by and buzz your local Ida-ho brothel?

The only thing missing are his aerial victory markings on the side. Don't mess with the Bearded Baron!
Nrchy, the reason Pat wore that hat in Dallas was because I was the one driving.
Post removed 
The funny thing about that picture is that's the same hat he wore the whole time we were in Dallas!
Great idea, posting Lugnut's picture. We follow Pat's story on a daily basis, and while many AG'ers have had the pleasure of meeting Pat, most of us have not, so its really nice to be able to place a face with the person.

Also, what a great picture!
Go Pat!
Hi all,

Pat emailed me a picture he would like to share. It shows him with a honkin big smile on his face, having some fun. It's too big to insert here, so go to:


I'm gonna let Pat fill you in on the details.

As a man who has disability issues I cant comment to your exact challenge, but I can with out a doubt say that your mental state will go miles to help overcome physical problems from both what ails you aswell as treatment effects, I can feel your stronger will and, your improoved mental state is obvious and very good to see, stay strong and try to see the best in everything, nobody is promised tomorrow, some sadly just know in general when the lord will be calling. As always, blessings and know you are in my thoughts. Tomorrow is never known, and yesterday cant be had again, but today is a gift....thats why we call it the present! Chad

I do feel that the chemo and Nate's potion is helping the cancer. It doesn't take an overly sensitive person to be in contact with your body to the extent you can tell new sensations are part of tumor growth. I can say that some of the unwanted sensations are lessening. I now also have enough time under my belt with this drug to understand the daily side effects. Knowing what to expect helps even if you don't look forward to it. If you know what I mean. Eating is a little easier now than before I began this drug but it's still a challenge. Drinking enough fluids is the biggest challenge in all honesty. Every fluid I consume tastes bad and with just a few sips I've had enough, feeling like I'm full. Too much more than that and I'm ready to hurl. Day by day though I can increase my fluid intake a little which is a very good sign. My color has improved and I no longer have the look of death that I saw in the mirror last week. It will be cool if the fatigue that should start this afternoon is less this time than last. That's the source of this stuff working in a detrimental way on my mind. Previously I could motivate myself over the effects of the drug induced fatigue. Last week I could not with this new chemo.

It's nice having you guys for a cheering section. Thanks.
Pat my friend. Your doing great, I'm happy to here the symptoms are from the drugs and not the cancer. My prayers and far too many thoughts are with you.
Pat: I'm relieved you're taking the inclusion of the dreaded bit-reading player in stride, knowing how in easier times such devices were banished from your system. Although I wouldn't have been disappointed if you hadn't wanted to sully what you've labored so long to build by installing one even now, I really sent it mainly because I knew how serious you were about being able listen to more Coltrane, which made me glad that I could put together some music for you without worrying that I would be imposing my own predelictions upon a man who might have less good time to listen in than myself. Hopefully, being able to check it out through the big rig will help. But you bring up a good point - the last play the Adcom changer saw was when I used it to set up a little bedroom system for my late father, so we could load it up with with several Mozart and Beethoven disks he could listen to for hours aided by the remote, without unecessarily taxing his energy reserves (depleted from chronic heart failure). I wish you can continue playing all vinyl for as long as possible, but nothing would give me greater satisfaction than if you were able to employ this player in a similarly pleasureable manner anytime the going gets that rough for you. Enjoy!
Hi Pat,

I've always got time for a little DIY project, send it! I'm still screwing around with some solid surface/wood combo plinths. They have certainly been interesting, but still have not improved on the first one. I am doing a cocobolo clamp and motor housing, and still haven't finished the damn rack. But like I said, you need something, you got it. Let me know.

Great lyrics Mejames!! My memory kicked in this afternoon through a phone call. Some of my words were paraphrased back at me in a gentle way reminding me that the price I'm paying now with some fatigue may provide me with some really good days down the road, relatively speaking. The reality that I may get better is just as possible at this point as getting worse even though getting worse IS going to happen whenever it happens. It's time to just pay my dues and maintain a hopeful outlook. That isn't being in denial. I always knew it was going to get tougher and now isn't any time to cave in to self sympathy that would burn up good moments in waste. When the going gets tough audiophiles need to listen for the phone to ring. Thanks for calling me, my friend.
hello Pat thought these lyrics from David Gilmour's self titled album were appropriate?
There's no way I'm going to let go
There's no way, because it's my show
I'm hanging on for a little while
I won't go down easy, that's not my style
I'm all tied up, tied up in a knot
And I can't decide just what it is I've got
Did I get out of touch? Did I lose my way?
I've not forgot, no, not a single day
Now you might believe I'm not a happy man
Putting myself apart from the common clan
Well, the boat we're sailing, we have a leak or two
But I know it's sound, like me and you
I'm baaaaccckk. Kind of. My mind must be slipping. Today's visit was with a replacement since my doc is on vacation. Apparently all of my symptoms are drug (chemo) related, so in for another treatment I went. I'm too pooped right now to write much but in a few hours I'll be up for awhile on the steroid high, for what that's worth. By Saturday I'll be sleeping non-stop again. Hope to put some listening time in tonight while the getting is good.

Dean, I'm really thrilled about what Lance will likely accomplish. I love seeing history being made in front of my eyes. He probably wouldn't be the cyclist he is if it were not for his cancer. The chemo radically changed his body making him a better rider. For once now the false charges of doping aren't being leveled against him. I also agree with Gregadd. Somebody needs to challenge him hard to make this exciting. For sure Ray, if Lance were to drop by he'd get an earful. Whether it stuck or not would be determined by the sweet spot in his heart.

Joe, I have been thinking about you a lot wondering how your table is coming and if you have designed a better plinth. Let me know too if you can do a down and dirty little project for me. I've got an idea.

Just to let you all know that alternative medicine is beginning tomorrow thanks to Nate. His family has some personal experience with what he sent and I'm pretty excited to give it a try. Thanks buddy and sorry I missed your call when I was at the doctor.

So, what kind of folks do we have here? Zaikeman (Alex), as you can tell from his post had compiled a couple of CD's of Coltrane music for me. Well, I received them today and included was a CD player for those times when flipping an album isn't convenient. Alex, you must have been a mind reader! There are times I would like to listen but just don't have the energy to expend flipin' those darn albums. Thank you so much for this special kindness. Now, all I need to do is contact a couple of friends here locally and borrow some CEEDEE's.

You're an amazing bunch. "Miles of Smiles" Porter called last night and got me charged up. We've gotten to know each other really well and are kindred spirits. We both recognize fully the connection between music and the thoughts that are shared in this thread. Both of us have been "fix it" type guys our whole lives and Albert is perplexed as to why he can't come up with the fix for what ails me. Me too. Maybe there's some type of tube power supply or something yet to be tried that he will put together for my health benefit. I know this: if I can be fixed with tubes then Albert will figure it out.

Peace to all and Go Lance Go!

Just wanted to check in and say my thoughts and prayers are still with you. Hope everything goes well today.

barring crash or illness lance will win. if you notice he has been unable to give the yellow jersey away.
If Lance were to visit Pat he probably be a confirmed audiophile from that day on!Pat ,i hope your feeling well,,Ray
Pat my friend,

I know you're getting inspiration from Lance, and if he were lucky enough to know you he'd definitely be charging up the Pyrenees a lot harder this weekend.
