6H30 replacement

I have looked for a western replacement for the 6H30, but I believe the 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 would get destroyed because if the high voltage.

this is for a hybrid amp, Pathos Heritage. When I bought the amp, I was told that the voltage was low enough for 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 but now I am being told otherwise.

I just have no ears for the 6H30s and I want to get them out of my amp if at all possible.

thank you for your help.



Just noticed that Upscale Audio carries Pathos.

Had a bit of a hissy fit/kerfuffle with Kevin Deal years ago (here I think), but we were both under "extreme family matter issues/pressure" @ the time so I'm over it, and also not blameless in the altercation.

Anyway, although I assume that you did not purchase the amp from him, you might direct your 6n6p query to him (Kevin Deal).

He's seems to be knowledgable about the lines that he carries, especially so for tube based gear as he also supplies aftermarket tubes for them.


The 12ax7 is used for input/gain and wonder if the 6h30 is somehow used as a driver for the SS amp section,

you are spot on, the X7 has a max gain of around 100 , runs at low current, (us around 1mA) and therefore has very poor driving ability, the 6H30 has a theoretical gain of around 16 and runs at a much higher current (us 15+mA), conferring excellent driving ability. It may even be configured in a cathode follower configuration, which sacrifices gain (only 0.9) for even greater grunt.. The max power dissipation of the 6H30 and 6N6P is 8watts both plates driven for both tubes, so I wouldn‘t be concerned about catastrophic failure if you made a substitution. The plate curves are somewhat different though, and the biasing would not be optimal, although the outcome might sound fine (you might still be in a fairly linear area of the plate curves).

A schematic would be great, and I would really pressure the manufacturer to get one.

to be honest, if it is a nice, expensive piece of tube gear, and the manufacturer or dealer won't give straight answers about how the tubes work in the circuit, and speak to reasonable substitutes (or lack thereof), it would be enough for me to move on to something else

Not certain what the 6h30 does in this unit.

The 12ax7 is used for input/gain and wonder if the 6h30 is somehow used as a driver for the SS amp section, otherwise I don't understand why it's even there.

If it's run @ a lower bias than spec'd for the tube, then 6n6p may be a candidate as others have used it successfully as a sub in DAC's and some preamps in which the the 6h30 is ran @ lower values.

Also confused as to why the manufacturer cannot answer (what would seem to me) a simple query.


Pathos will not give me any technical information, beyond saying that the amp is designed for the 6H30. 

6n6p specs look similar to the uneducated eye. 

@mulveling What do you think about 6n6p as a direct replacement for the 6H30? 

I have been reading in the ARC forums that some use them and like the dynamics and not as in your face. 

Victor Khomenko (BAT), commented in a forum they are not exactly and might not last long so to buy a lot of them.... :) 


Any thoughts?


Hi Mike - I have been thinning the herd, i am down to just 2 turntables…ha.

I ordered a pair of curve tracer matched Mazda from Brent to roll into the Herron. We shall see…..or hear…




@mulveling or the Mule as i have taken to calling him has a LOT of tube knowlege…in addition to others this very informative and civil thread - thanks to all…tuberolling is like winetasting…..


If necessary I could live for a good while just by selling off extra gear, but it would be like cutting off a piece of flesh each time. Inevitably I’ll decide I NEED something right after I just sold it.

And tuberolling is very much like winetasting! Sometimes I find that I’m just looking for a change. A tuberoll can easily impart that, but its positive effect might not last more than a few days before wanting A DIFFERENT change. That can be fun at first but it gets old. If you don’t find yourself settling down on a tube set, it’s probably best to re-examine the bigger component matches and setup.


@tsushima1 he sold them to someone else although we had agreed.

maybe it is for best, something else will show up.


@astolfor … pleased that you went for the French guys DR’s , they seemed at least reasonable in an unreasonable market for NOS DR’s 


” If anything the gold pins make the sound slightly warmer by a fraction of a percent, but it’s really splitting hairs.“

My findings also in the last ARC gear incumbent in my system REF 10 into REF 250SE altho the Electro Harmonix that I tried were Cryo’d as well as gold plated pins.

 Were I to rate the variants with NOS DR’s as a 10 imho 

DR’s - 10

Elecrto Harmonix Cryo Gold pin’s - 7.5

Current production Sovtek  - 7  


@mulveling or the Mule as i have taken to calling him has a LOT of tube knowlege…in addition to others this very informative and civil thread - thanks to all…tuberolling is like winetasting…..



@mulveling I went to Kevin’s site and did not see a video where he talks about 6H30s. Would you kindly share the link?

It’s not from a video. It’s Kevin’s written description under his sales page for Sovtek 6H30 tubes:

There are two types of 6H30 tubes currently being produced. The Sovtek brand which have the chrome pins (listed here), and the Electro Harmonix Gold pin. They are the same tube from the same factory. Don’t get your panties in a bunch over which is better, as the gold plating is laid over the chrome plating. They are both terrific. What is most important is how they test

I’ve been buying 6H30 tubes from Upscale for years, both kinds, and that description has been up for a while. If anything the gold pins make the sound slightly warmer by a fraction of a percent, but it’s really splitting hairs. So, Kevin is right-on on this one.

i am lost all of a sudden

op was asking for 6h30 equivalents for a pathos unit

how come we are talking about 12ax7’s now?

It looks like OP also has an input slot that uses 12ax7. I don’t know if it’s in the same Pathos unit or elsewhere. I really like that mix - 6H30 for clean line stage (or driver) slots, and 12ax7 for MM phono stage gain. That affords both lots of rolling opportunities and some classic tube sound via 12ax7, while imparting some of the great clarity & linearity of the 6H30. 12ax7 can also be a great input tube, but it can impart a LOT of gain.

The Mazda silver plate 12ax7 indeed has a bit of extra "zing" on top, but it’s not analytical nor sterile like a lot of tubes with a hot top end. It has a beautiful, liquid midrange and incredible bass. Gobs of detail and dynamics. Clarity for days (maybe so the French could call in their surrender loud and clear? 😂). But you DO need to avoid the 5751 variant of this tube - that’s just outright BRIGHT! Ugh, I got suckered into buying that one.

No on the Mazda (not warm sounding).

Yes on the long plate Mullard.

Yes on the Amperex (Bugle Boy).

Never tried Brimar.

For a warmer sound I would avoid any Eastern European 12ax7 tubes (including Siemens).


Hello @jjss49 some here suggested to also change the other tubes in the Heritage, and I will try different tubes there.

I have some EH gold pins and DR coming.

This weekend match a few Telefunken that my dad bought many many years ago, and I am shipping them to USA so a colleague can swap the ones that came with the amp and power on the Heritage for a week or so to bring to life the tubes.


@mulveling I went to Kevin's site and did not see a video where he talks about 6H30s. Would you kindly share the link?

Thank you!

i am lost all of a sudden

op was asking for 6h30 equivalents for a pathos unit

how come we are talking about 12ax7’s now?


The Mazda silver plates are absolutely amazing, and the best 12ax7 I've ever heard as long as you're not depending on this 12ax7 to be a source of warmth. 

When I get back to the USA to receive my TT, I will have the Telefunken and EH 6H30s with me.

I also talked to Andy, Brent and Jesse and since I have the Telefunken the common tubes they recommended are:


12AX7 Mullard LONGPLATE, Square getter, 1950s.

12AX7 Amperex Bugleboy type, long narrow plates, foil-strip D-getter, 1950s codes.

12AX7A / CV4035 / F6057 RARE Brimar box plate military type.

I have a few amps/preamps I could use these so it will be fun.

As for the DR, I am in touch with a French dealer and he has some so I will probably get one pair and see if I like them, he will put on hold another for 30 days so I can a pair for replacement. 


If you have a specific  12AX7 you love, I would love to hear.

Thank God we all have different tastes, no offense taken @dekay . What a bore it would be if everyone owned ARC….

Best to all, happy Sunday


@mulveling you are talking about the key issue.

6h30 is a very strong horse,and very difficult to ride in the pre.

Once they are going to  ride, doesn't not say they can ride  good.

Very few companies have the ability to ride this strong horse  in the pre. However, 6h30 in the power amplifier as drive tube is very good as itself is so strong.


@pesky_wabbit said "It might suit Victor’s business interests to do the opposite. Who knows ?"

I think when Victor had the company, the DR variant was more readily obtainable. He had a pretty good stash too. (My most recent NOS quad of DR 6h30s were originally supplied by him to a former BAT owner). 

I was a long time ARC owner/user from the early '70s until around 1990. I liked the brand, the fact that they delivered modern tube sound and supported it. The newer stuff is different and in some ways better but it is not euphonic at all. In fact, it is the perfect example of how modern tube designs and good solid state have converged. 

The Veloce I use is an oddball and sadly, no longer marketed although Vytas, the designer,  has supported it. It really pronounces the difference among the types of 6h30. His prior version, which I heard in my system and did not feel compelled to buy, used a combination of 12ax7 and 12au7. I gather than Vytas found the 6h30 better -- though he certainly didn't offer it with DR tubes. If ARC sounds good with the Sovtek or EH, that's a bonus. Unfortunately I can hear a marked difference with the vintage DR in my system- more ambience, more body, more air. Perhaps that's a shortcoming of the design, depending as it does on a now rare tube. 

We are in a funny place as tube audiophiles, given that the old classic tubes are very hard to find as true never used NOS. I don't want to go on my usual rant about "pulls" but will tell you that having used many so-called NOS Tele 12ax7s in my Lamm ML2, the amps are far more stable in terms of bias using truly never used old 12ax7s (which I found after a wait and/or paying the tariff for true NOS). 

In the ARC Reference 6, they sound neither exactly like traditional tubes nor solid-state, but actually sound more "right" than either (including excellent tubes like 6SN7 and 6922).

As I said, I think AR have found a way of voicing their amps to sound fine without resorting to megabuck NOS variants of the 6H30. It would be marketing suicide if they produced amps which sounded like cr** unless the supplied tubes were replaced with vintage candy.

It might suit Victor’s business interests to do the opposite. Who knows ?

Personally I think the 6h30 is a fantastic tube. In the ARC Reference 6, they sound neither exactly like traditional tubes nor solid-state, but actually sound more "right" than either (including excellent tubes like 6SN7 and 6922). Rogue Audio’s old top 6h30 preamps, Athena and Hera, have some similar sonic qualities to the Ref 6, just not as good overall. If I heard a 6h30 based component that didn’t sound excellent, my inclination would be that the stuff around the tubes is at fault. But perhaps I am just so positively biased towards this tube. I think it’s great!

I don’t have experience with the DR version, but have used sets of both the modern Sovtek and EH gold pins over the years - they’re extremely close in sound, and like Kevin of Upscale advises, "don’t stress over the difference". If you don’t like your gear with one version, you probably won’t like it with the other. If I have to order a replacement set tomorrow, it's literally 50/50 which I'll choose. 

When a relay switches and agitates a 6h30 it makes a "ping-tassshhhhhhhhh" sound like no other tube, that feels like audiophile home to me 😂


I auditioned the ARC/BAT 6922 VS 6h30 preamps in 2002 I think (10 years before your model was manufactured).

This said, I preferred the older 12ax7 ARC based models to the (now old) 6922 based models.

Most of those present @ the audition were ARC owners and what I gathered was that also preferred the 6922 units to the then new 6h30 model.

I have not listened to ARC since then with the exception of an SP3a around 2010, or so.

Anyway, in my post I did not intend to diss your later model REF5se (which I have not heard, but most likely would not like;-).




Contact Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Also, Upscale Audio has Electo - Harmonix Gold Pin tubes and Softek. You can call there too.

indeed jim...

one person’s bright and bleached is another person’s transparent and extended

one person’s luscious and romantic is another’s muddy and homogenized

one person’s lively and fast is another’s strident and zippy

this hobby is about defining and realizing one’s personal happiness with the music played, one’s own notion of ’just right’

@tomic601 I like my seats in the middle center, maybe a touch forward than back, I like to feel the music and look at the musicians expressions. 

I will look at the 12AX7s, after this roll to my Telefunken 803s  and Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold Pin ARC from Upscale.


I have some Millard Blackburn AX-7 60’s UK product I got from Brent, very sweet sound in my  system. Definitely farther back in hall vs Tele or Amperex…

My REF5se is anything but bleached :-) … well at least to my ears…


There is a genuine Reflector Corp pair described as NOS on Ebay … seller in France and not crazy money


Victor Supertubed the thing up so much (after he cornered he market) it went stratospheric very quickly.

I’ve gone down the 6H30 my replacement road. The Reflector is about the only vintage option - but the prices are astronomical and matched tubes are scarce. I don’t know your amp specifically, but anything with a 6H30 is not a great tube rollers amp. 


Understand that you have a plentiful supply of the Telefunken 803s's, but they are brighter sounding (less warm) than the 12ax7's I suggested.

As you are limited to only trying the DR 6h30 (or "perhaps" the 6n6p) you should be able to warm up the sound by using different input/12ax7 tubes.

If you are going to contact Brent Jessee ask him about warmer sounding 12ax7's.

This said, I've yet to hear a 6h30 based preamp that I cared for though I have not auditioned contemporary models.

Years ago I compared both ARC and BAT 6922 based preamplifiers to there "then" new 6h30 based preamplifiers and the latter for both companies were bright and bleached compared to their previous 6922 based versions.

The new BAT was a bit warmer than the ARC, but neither were "musically satisfying" to my taste.

Anyway, you have the option of trying numerous 12ax7's, which is not the case with the 6h30.

Also, the holy grail type (12ax7 in this case) may not be the best/desired sound for you, which Jessee (or any good tube dealer) should be able to help you with.

In my meager system my various/favorite 2a3/12au7/12at7 tubes vary from cheap as chips (even in the current market) to more than I paid for our latest used Honda Civic (Visseaux engraved base 2a3's would cost more).



good tip on talking with Andy, duly noted and filed away for future reference and use…..

Laminar flow, neural network, metaversical, nano technology, quantum tunneling, silver unobtainable virtue vanes…..

actually you don‘t replace sockets at all. You just re-wire them. Which is entirely reversible, if you employ a good tech who knows how to solder/desolder neatly and quickly.

love those finger slicers - tres chic

and so much more elegant than a cage..

@pesky_wabbit  the adapter route would not work because the very tight space in the tube sockets. the tubes are 3/4 of the way down the chassis. The last thing I want is to start replacing sockets in the amp...😶

Pesky, while the specs look close, the 5687 is not pin compatible with tbe 6H30

I‘m pretty sure you can get adapters though. I know there were ones that let you use 6N6Ps in 5687 apps. If not, it‘s pretty easy to make yr own. I never let pinouts stand in the way of subbing - it‘s too limiting: if it works and I‘m happy I just re-wire the socket. Easy.

As an aside, AR seem to have voiced their latest amps to sound pretty decent with readily available examples of the 6H30. I don‘t think they would have made a commitment to this tube if their amps only sounded good when fettled with very costly unobtainium variants.

Post removed 

Pesky, while the specs look close, the 5687 is not pin compatible with tbe 6H30.


@dekay  I have the Telefunken ECC803S-diamond mark-gold-pins, which are magic, I just checked and I have over 40! not 20 as I thought. My father was a tube madman so the Heritage will get a pair of them in the input sockets.

The thing I want is to get the Sovtek replaced for something that sounds better and it appears to be that I can either get the DRs, for which I have yet to find a reputable dealer, of go with Upscale

the question would be are the Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold Pin superior to the sovtek? I know they are from the same factory

If you must go western, the 5687 is far closer to the 6H30 than the 6DJ8 family of tubes and would be my personal preference. J8‘s will burn up in no time at anything like the bias h30‘s generally run at. Again I have used these in my builds, and in the right application they are a fine tube.

From the jacmusic site:

It is found in many amplifiers, such as: Audio Note M3, Manley Jumbo Shrimp,Ayon CD player, Audio Note DAC 5 Signature and Audio Note amp kits, M5 preamp, M9, KR Enterprise 32BSI integrated SET amp, Modwright 9.0 and Modwright Sony and Denon modded CD players, Modwright Sony NS999ES CD player, Opera Audio Consonance Cyber 800, Zanden, Manley amps, LUX 300B amp,Kondo M1000, Artemis Labs linestage, Emotive Audio Sira, Ray Samuels B52 and Raptor, Audio Tekne TFM-9412, Sonic Frontiers Power 2 Amps, Audio Experience BALANCED A2 preamp (YS-AUDIO, HONG KONG), Ongaku, Audio Note, New Audio Frontiers Legend II preamp, Loth X JI300,Audio Thrills, Mastersound, Sophia Electric KT88 Tube Amplifier, Icon Audio PS3 phono power supply, Almarro.

I think the difference depends on the vintage of the DR tube as well as the circuit in which it is used. My line stage, a Veloce, uses the 6h30. When I bought it new, I got NOS DR Reflectors and ran them for over 5 years-- I heard a noise in one channel and eventually traced it down-- it was not one of those tubes (thankfully, I kept them). Using the Electro-Harmonix version as a stop gap, the system sounded lifeless, sterile, no ambience or air.  I was told the Sovtek is more punchy sounding but still the same "quality" as the E-H compared to the DR. Found a replacement quad of the DRs- from '77 if memory serves. Never used. Back in business. 

I've seen comments by others using ARC equipment that using the recherché DR variant made little difference. 

Not an easy tube to find, particularly from most tube dealers we rely on; Andy did not want to even talk about that tube when I last spoke to him about it. 

It is a big negative in my estimation that the rolling options for this tube type seem to be so limited. I am no tube guru, so have no idea of a direct equivalent. Interested to learn what you find. 

Good hunting. 

I am far from a tube expert. But I have a CJ preamp which uses the 6H30P. I have been told that there are no replacements for that tube. So, indeed, if one is available, I'd love to know about it. I've also read that the DR's offer a subtle change but nothing drastic.I'd hate to pay $400 or more to find out I got $2 worth of improvement.