6H30 replacement

I have looked for a western replacement for the 6H30, but I believe the 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 would get destroyed because if the high voltage.

this is for a hybrid amp, Pathos Heritage. When I bought the amp, I was told that the voltage was low enough for 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 but now I am being told otherwise.

I just have no ears for the 6H30s and I want to get them out of my amp if at all possible.

thank you for your help.



Showing 7 responses by dekay

Have you tried other input/12ax7 tubes?

I’ve only used 12ax7’s in vintage line and phono stages, as far as HiFi goes, and for added warmth I usually ended up with Amperex or Mullard 12ax7 types over Telefunken.

I much preferred the earlier (17mm plate?) Mullards over the later short plate versions, but this was in vintage gear (might be different with modern gear).

However, Amperex was usually my first choice.

Read about 6h30 vs 6n6p and gather that substitution is a yes/no based upon the circuit bias.






I auditioned the ARC/BAT 6922 VS 6h30 preamps in 2002 I think (10 years before your model was manufactured).

This said, I preferred the older 12ax7 ARC based models to the (now old) 6922 based models.

Most of those present @ the audition were ARC owners and what I gathered was that also preferred the 6922 units to the then new 6h30 model.

I have not listened to ARC since then with the exception of an SP3a around 2010, or so.

Anyway, in my post I did not intend to diss your later model REF5se (which I have not heard, but most likely would not like;-).




No on the Mazda (not warm sounding).

Yes on the long plate Mullard.

Yes on the Amperex (Bugle Boy).

Never tried Brimar.

For a warmer sound I would avoid any Eastern European 12ax7 tubes (including Siemens).


Not certain what the 6h30 does in this unit.

The 12ax7 is used for input/gain and wonder if the 6h30 is somehow used as a driver for the SS amp section, otherwise I don't understand why it's even there.

If it's run @ a lower bias than spec'd for the tube, then 6n6p may be a candidate as others have used it successfully as a sub in DAC's and some preamps in which the the 6h30 is ran @ lower values.

Also confused as to why the manufacturer cannot answer (what would seem to me) a simple query.


Just noticed that Upscale Audio carries Pathos.

Had a bit of a hissy fit/kerfuffle with Kevin Deal years ago (here I think), but we were both under "extreme family matter issues/pressure" @ the time so I'm over it, and also not blameless in the altercation.

Anyway, although I assume that you did not purchase the amp from him, you might direct your 6n6p query to him (Kevin Deal).

He's seems to be knowledgable about the lines that he carries, especially so for tube based gear as he also supplies aftermarket tubes for them.



Understand that you have a plentiful supply of the Telefunken 803s's, but they are brighter sounding (less warm) than the 12ax7's I suggested.

As you are limited to only trying the DR 6h30 (or "perhaps" the 6n6p) you should be able to warm up the sound by using different input/12ax7 tubes.

If you are going to contact Brent Jessee ask him about warmer sounding 12ax7's.

This said, I've yet to hear a 6h30 based preamp that I cared for though I have not auditioned contemporary models.

Years ago I compared both ARC and BAT 6922 based preamplifiers to there "then" new 6h30 based preamplifiers and the latter for both companies were bright and bleached compared to their previous 6922 based versions.

The new BAT was a bit warmer than the ARC, but neither were "musically satisfying" to my taste.

Anyway, you have the option of trying numerous 12ax7's, which is not the case with the 6h30.

Also, the holy grail type (12ax7 in this case) may not be the best/desired sound for you, which Jessee (or any good tube dealer) should be able to help you with.

In my meager system my various/favorite 2a3/12au7/12at7 tubes vary from cheap as chips (even in the current market) to more than I paid for our latest used Honda Civic (Visseaux engraved base 2a3's would cost more).

