2 way, which are the best designs?

I've been looking for what is considered the epitome of the 2 (or 2.5) way design loudspeaker.
Be it active or passive!
I'd like to get some tips, please chime in
Preferably would be stand mount monitor, but floorstanding would be ok to.
(Today i use Barefoot Sound Micromain 27)
I have Sierra2ex and I really like them. I’ve heard people say they are “too neutral” but I pair them with a tube preamp and a couple of SS monoblocks and it sounds pretty rad.
I’m listening to a pair of $600 Vanatoo Transparent One Encore active speakers in our 12x12’ sunroom with vaulted ceiling and Gotta say in there these sound about as good as most any stand mount monitor speaker I have heard at any price. That includes some very popular brands in these parts. I can’t hear where they really lack anywhere except in that they do not do the bottom octave much but even with well recorded organ music, I don’t feel you are missing much at least in that room which has seen many speakers come and go in it. Very impressive!
Check out the Spatial Audio M Sapphire series. I don’t know that they’re the "best" (best is subjective). However, their predecessors, the M4 Triode Masters, were one of the best values I’ve encountered, easily competing with speakers of 2X their price.
You can say whatever you want.

I am only saying it about the Fritz speakers.

See the difference?

Fritz  speakers are NOT efficient.  They present an easy load to drive by design, no tricks.  You are confusing two different things. 
even a few watts of tube power can do very well with excellent bass extension for the size and few if any other high quality speakers this size can do this particular trick
The keyword here is trick. It is indeed a trick. There is no way to increase sensitivity unless you accept poor bass. You cant have high sensitivity, small size and window rattling bass down to 20hz its just not going to happen. 

1) Best of show sound when I heave heard them and that includes soundstage and imaging
2) Unique crossover design that provides an easy load to drive.....even a few watts of tube power can do very well with excellent bass extension for the size and few if any other high quality speakers this size can do this particular trick
3) Only high quality third party parts used and yes also high quality cabinet.
4) These can deliver a lot of top notch sound especially for smaller monitor speakers off most any amp.
5) Top notch sound + top notch quality + relatively small package for all that = top notch value.
you can say that about every speaker. 
So you have auditioned them and came to this conclusion or is this just another kenjitism?  It's all crap because you say so....
i have auditioned plenty of speakers. Most of them are wooden boxes. I am sick of wooden boxes. What more do you expect out of a wooden speaker? How many more horrible wooden boxes do we need on the market before somebody realizes we have reached a limit with what you can achieve out of wooden boxes?
I was thinking more of speakers offering full range.
Like Escalante designs Fremont.

Fritz speakers are top notch, very high quality. Could very well be my next pair of speakers when the time comes. Please be advised to ignore Kenjit on matters regarding quality of speakers where he only offers up an ax to grind.

Reasons why:

1) Best of show sound when I heave heard them and that includes soundstage and imaging
2) Unique crossover design that provides an easy load to drive.....even a few watts of tube power can do very well with excellent bass extension for the size and few if any other high quality speakers this size can do this particular trick
3) Only high quality third party parts used and yes also high quality cabinet.
4) These can deliver a lot of top notch sound especially for smaller monitor speakers off most any amp.
5) Top notch sound + top notch quality + relatively small package for all that = top notch value.
Kenjit wrote:
"and how are you supposed to decide which is the best between ATC and Magico?" 

- by using your ears, in your system, in your room.  It really is that simple.

"Fritz are not very good as they are just expensive drivers in cheap mdf boxes. Anybody could do that."

- So you have auditioned them and came to this conclusion or is this just another kenjitism?  It's all crap because you say so....
Audio Note only makes 2-way speakers and they sound wonderful, running a pair of AN-J's myself.
Fritz are not very good as they are just expensive drivers in cheap mdf boxes. Anybody could do that.

Hi @Kenjit,

You talk a lot about speaker design, you have called crossover components, and I quote "mumbo-jumbo", you have denied that science or engineering plays any part in speaker design, and yet you have never, not once, published anything showing you know how to make a decent speaker.

Please show your work.



Easy, Kenjit!  We already learned from you that ATC has crappy envlosures and the magnets are too big.

So I’ll inform you, since you seem to really really need it.  A lot more goes into making a good sounding speaker other than slapping some drivers in a crappy box.  I think it is hilarious that you have no clue about crossover design, how that crossover will interact with certain drivers, how those drivers interact with the speaker enclosure, and how all the parts add up to a whole.  
I find it incredibly ignorant on your part to continually spew out misinformation based on your opinions which are formed with no science or experience on your part.

Do you honestly think you can buy any spec capacitors and resistors and just blindly pair them with any speaker and then just throw them in any enclosure?  That’s complete stupidity.  
If you haven’t noticed, no one really cares about your idiotic theories.  There are companies pushing the boundaries of speaker building, while you are at home telling us that the best sound is in an anechoic chamber, or that you should just mount your speakers in your wall, and cut out the siding, framing, insulation on the wall so as to not have any back wave

You are absolutely nuts and I’m sure, an absolute peach to be around.

Go back to your cheap earbuds, bose wave radio, sonos system and report back about how its your reference

and how are you supposed to decide which is the best between ATC and Magico?
Fritz are not very good as they are just expensive drivers in cheap mdf boxes. Anybody could do that.
For value, the Fritz monitors are outstanding.

Compare them to Wilson or Gamuts.