14 Year Old Female Drummer

Not sure if you guys have seen any of these, but this chick can really play the drums!




FYI - She starts classes at The Drummers Institute in Dusseldorf on Friday September 1.

Anyone who wishes to help support her can donate on her Patreon page. 
There is a difference between "everyone gets a trophy" and the ususal cyncisim found on the net.   It nice to see the latter called out every so often.
C’mon you guys, let’s try and maintain some perspective and not distort some of the comments. Stereo5, I never said she was a "one trick pony" nor that she has never played with other musicians.

There is always room for constructive and tactful criticism. As a teacher to many young musicians over the years I can tell you that the students who don’t reach their fullest potential are the ones who DON’T receive constructive criticism so as to have a good understanding of what is possible and what true excellence is. More and more these days youngsters are only and blindly told how wonderful they are. Thoughtful criticism should be part of the mix. A sign of "lack of maturity" on the part of the adult? To the contrary. Not to mention that opinions expressed by adults in this thread can hardly be considered "criticism" that will have any impact on the subject in question.
Agree mewsickbuff, and you use the term "adults" loosely.  I have another name for them.  

Youthful talent at any age deserves praise and encouragement to continue to evolve to the next higher plain. Adult criticism (especially when the criticizer can't do better) shows a lack of maturity. To each of the youngsters I say keep up the marvelous work and strive to be the very best you can be.Thanks for sharing mofimadness!


If you read deeper into her Facebook page, you would have seen  she has done work with other musicians and has an album out.  Sina is definitely NOT a one trick pony.

Very talented young lady and as has been pointed out young musicians like this deserve a lot of support and tremendous credit for all the hard work that it takes to get to that point; and I particularly like her relaxed playing attitude. The fact that she is playing an instrument that is usually a male’s purview makes it even more deserving of praise. However, I think it should be kept in the kind of perspective that any young player her/himself needs to always maintain in order to achieve her full potential; and this is not meant to take anything away from her obvious talent. For starters, playing along with a prerecorded track with a set and unwavering groove is not the same thing as driving and interacting with a live group of musicians; the latter poses a much bigger challenge. If this is "special" what does one call the fact that the great Tony Williams was part of Sam Rivers’ Quartet at age 13 and Miles Davis’ Quintet at age 17?


No disrespect to Sina but it seems that someone is trying to market her via a series of YouTubes rather than give her decent drum lessons. The rock songs she's playing along with are so basic that most student drummers can get to this level in 3 - 4 months.

You want to see amazing, check out Senri Kawuguchi here, 

She's 19 in this YouTube but has had these kind of chops for many years. For you drummers out there, check out all the various time signatures Senri leads the band through. 
I think that is an amazing display of talent, love it, thank you for sharing, gotta love great drums, shes a future Buddy Rich! :)
I think she's does a fantastic job! Best ever? Probably not but she's does fantastic in her own right and I tip my hat to her.

I personally think it's a lot more difficult
If you think sina is good,  check out A-yeon,  her timing and style is impeccable! 
@mofimadness, I had to laff because I have always said that the only instrument I can play is a radio and can't sing a note. My 5 year old grandson and I were singing along with James Brown and I was telling him what a nice voice and great moves he had, told him I was a terrible singer and he came over, hugged me and said but I was a great grandpa.
@fourwnds...excellent. Thanks for the link. She is 12, here is a 10 year old:


Watch it all the way through.  She does a Led Zeppelin cover.

I so wish I had even a lick of musical talent. But alas, the only instrument I can play is my stereo...thank God for high-end audio!
I started looking around on YouTube thanks to thread and saw this one.


I guess I haven't been paying attention to female young musicians but I am surprised by the interest in metal and older rock stuff as well as inspired by the genuine feel and excitement on  their faces. Gives me hope. 
tooblue....*L*  'And now a word from our sponsor....'

Y'know, sometimes the obvious escapes us....it does me, and I do try to keep my eyes on the ball lest it hit me upside the head.

I'd like to see these 2 ladies jamb together and become the 'next big thing'....and hope they can avoid the pitfalls that the pop music machine has a nasty habit of grinding talent up with...

Shadorne, no argument from this source....it takes practicepracticepractice and a whole lot of commitment and energy to be able to play like that.

I recognise talent...SOL on being one myself.  Never had the muscle memory or the time to devote, always had to get my butt up and make a living instead of 'maybe git a blister on my finger'.  I'd like to see talent cherished instead of becoming a parody....


...this kind of abuse, which clips us all to some degree...

I didn't say she was no good, I said "nothing special", there is a big difference.


While I agree there are many talented youngsters out there it does not diminish the fact that this talent requires 1000’s of hours of work. As a musician myself I would never be disrespectful of ANY of these youngsters. If anything, responsible adults should be encouraging them - some of these youngsters may grow up to be the next Joe Bonamassa and that is good for all music lovers.

If this is so "ho-hum" then please post a video of yourself playing Tom Sawyer perfectly.

Nothing new under the the sun, y'all....the kids, and the 'young women', have 'got chops' too...and they're just as talented.  Any surprise on your part is due to you not paying attention....

To quote the Chump, 'Sad'....;)
Sina is very talented, I'm a fan already.  Very impressive to say the least.
She also plays Piano, Guitar and Bass for Giggles.  I just ordered the Hi-Res version of her Album.  Thanks for the heads up.
Wait a minute, not only is she a "Chic", she is a COOL chic. Love them cool chicks, married one.
Sorry, I knew when I wrote that I shouldn’t have called her a chick. I meant no disrespect.

Here's her Bio:


Wow. Thanks for sharing this. Fantastic musician - I did not realize that this was a trackless drum track until some of the fills halfway through. Brilliant.

However, I don't regard a fantastic talented MUSICIAN, whose name is Sina, as a "chick". There are 1000's of hours practice behind skills like that.

Why is it that men who can play are amazing talented musicians while a girl is a just a "chick who can really play!"

Sorry but men have to get with the times. This young lady deserves respect. I am also not saying men and women are equals in everything as I truly believe a men and a women are complimentary in skills.