

Responses from zavato

Speaker Cable Length Impact
No point, keep them as is, unless you are going to make a 6 foot pair and a 4 foot pair which you could use elsewhere 
Amplifier that visually matches Thorens TD-160
Someone else already mentioned Tandberg that was my thought too  
Pass Labs X260.8 owners please check in ....
I presently have an X250.8. It's excellent- 
Bryston or Pass Labs
I have a .8 series Pass amp (X250.8), and I used to own an earlier version of the 4B. Thus while this is not apples to apples, my preference is Pass, but I do have 2 thoughts. First, context is everything, so what's the rest of the system? Second,... 
ADCOM GTP 500 vs GTP 500 mk ll?
This takes me back years. I used to ow. A GTP500II. at the time I bought it the GTP500II just came out and the dealer still had stock of the GTP500. I called Adcom to ask about the differences. The only difference as I could recall was being told ... 
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
Years ago I asked a dealer how can I realistically compare cartridges and his answer was “you have to trust a dealer”The first cartridge I had on my table (LP12) was a Linn K9 which I liked. I later switched to a Rega Exact. Not thrilled with it a... 
Single Ended or Balanced -- a Difficult Choice
 My experience in connecting a Pass preamp to a Pass amp is that balanced is notably superior. Every setup though is unique and my experience is what works for me.  
When Money Is No Object -- You Buy Bose?
My view my be contrarian, but in a way, the 901’s May be a good choice for this room. If the owners don’t really care about sound quality but simply want broad spacious sound without a sweet spot, which is what I presume from having a conversation... 
How important is component “aesthetics” to you?
  lalitk said“I hear you....must be nice to own a piece of history. I believe MR78 is probably the best McIntosh tuner to date.”listening to my MR78 right now. Love having it. I had a magnum dynalab previously which I sold for more than the MR78 c... 
The longest you have owned any gear?
Optonica is a name I’ve not heard in quite a while! Its nice to go see that some people have gear that provided real long term satisfaction.  
AES/EBU cable length; CD to DAC- 1.5 m or very short?
Thank you Steve!  
How important is component “aesthetics” to you?
They can be 10” deep. I’ve been amazed how some relatively large piece of equipment are pretty empty inside.  
How important is component “aesthetics” to you?
Funny how in the right context a simple industrial design can be viewed as truly attractive. It’s almost that the more sophisticated the system, the less style seems to be in play. However, sometimes I also find very costl6 gear is overstyled. Mak... 
My new Idler - but is it an idler ?
Very cool 
Meridian 508 CD repair?
Too bad- the 508 was a nice machine in its day. Not surprising bough that it’s no longer supported- it’s a 20 year old machine. A Few companies continue to support 20 plus year old stuff. In hifi, I know Bryston does. In watches, a 20 year old Pat...