

Responses from zavato

Analysis plus ova 9‘S vs. Kimber cable 8tc’s.
I have the newer version of the oval 9’s. I think they are great. I owned Nordost speaker cables previously and in every way the oval 9’s do a better job for me. I’ve had the Kimber in a bedroom system years back and thought they were good too, bu... 
Magnepan 20.7 and Subs
The obvious answer is start with one and if that does the trick you’re done. If it doesn’t, then get a second. Many years ago I had a pair of MG2.6’s and one subwoofer worked wonderfully  
Ugrade-itis - is there a cure?
I am very fortunate in that I am entirely satisfied with my system which incidentally has seen no changes since 2015 aside from a repair and software update. I have no plans to change components and figure that one day I’ll have to replace my deca... 
A DAC that can make digital sound analog?
Bricasti M1. It doesn’t merely sound great ‘for digital’. It sounds great with no qualifiers at all.  
Component isolation
I’m curious, and I should have mentioned, all gear is solid state 
What is the BLUE JEANS equivalent for Power Cables?
Also a fan of Cullen  
Could-care-less Manufacturers and Authorized Dealers Bash
Fortunately I’ve not had any bad experiences with audio gear that needed repairs. I’m super impressed that McIntosh still makes glass for my 1970’s vintage tuner.  
Unbalaned to Balanced
There’s no point 
Pass Labs AMP’s- What is the best Pass Amp Sound for You from past 10 years
Well, I’ve had an X250.8 since 2015 and think it is fabulous! I run it with an XP-20 preamp and use balanced cables between the 2.i had an X150.8 previously. The X250.8 is much more than simply a more powerful version of the X150.8. The X250.8 has... 
Personal Tuner Evolution
These days the only tuner I have is a beautiful MR78, which was recapped in 2017. Wondering- if I want to fool around with a reasonably priced tube tuner with good sensitivity, what's a decent recommendation?  I've already been down the FM-3 road ... 
Interesting vintage find
Unfortunately, the owner is now quite elderly and isn't well. At one point he also had a Marantz 8, but one of his kids sold it.  
Interesting vintage find
Fast forward 5 yrs and 3 months- the system is still intact (I saw it a few weeks ago), but the gentleman that owns the system hasn't turned it on in years. Of all the pieces there, I wouldn't mind having the tuner and the turntable.  
Ferrite install on appliances AC cable
Until I put a Ferrite core on my antenna lead to my tuner, my tuner was unlistenable with my kitchen lights on. My kitchen lights are all LEDs and must be putting out a lot of junk.  
Is there an rca input selector box audio only 2ch in 1 out?
About 4 yrs ago I built one myself. Used an ALPS switch, high quality RCAs, OCC hookup wire, in a powder coated steel box. Works beautifully. Easily spent over $100 on the parts alone but I have no regrets as it was a good project. Since then I bo... 
What is the best sound system you ever heard?
Having heard systems of price ranges going well into 6 figures, got to say it's still a remote facsimile of live. Moving beyond that, I think my system is pretty excellent.