

Responses from zavato

The longest you have owned any gear?
Optonica is a name I’ve not heard in quite a while! Its nice to go see that some people have gear that provided real long term satisfaction.  
AES/EBU cable length; CD to DAC- 1.5 m or very short?
Thank you Steve!  
How important is component “aesthetics” to you?
They can be 10” deep. I’ve been amazed how some relatively large piece of equipment are pretty empty inside.  
How important is component “aesthetics” to you?
Funny how in the right context a simple industrial design can be viewed as truly attractive. It’s almost that the more sophisticated the system, the less style seems to be in play. However, sometimes I also find very costl6 gear is overstyled. Mak... 
My new Idler - but is it an idler ?
Very cool 
Meridian 508 CD repair?
Too bad- the 508 was a nice machine in its day. Not surprising bough that it’s no longer supported- it’s a 20 year old machine. A Few companies continue to support 20 plus year old stuff. In hifi, I know Bryston does. In watches, a 20 year old Pat... 
Wilsons are the best speakers in the world
I've heard a few Wilsons. I heard a pair of Sabrinas which were quite good but not really full range; for their price, I preferred Focal Sopra 1's. Good speakers, generally, but every time Ive listened to Wilsons I always thought better speakers w... 
Slipping Belt on Thorens TD-150
How old is the belt?  
Classe closes Montreal operations
Seems Classe has not been really relevant in quite a while. Moving production to China probably did not help. As a for instance, if McIntosh moved production of the MC275 to China, it would probably be a huge deal for devotees of the marque, who l... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
It's been a digital evening-  
Is this an ugly speaker? TAS cover 10/2017
I am going to provide a cynical response- no wife of any guy who buys a $685,000 pair of speakers is going to utter a single word of displeasure over any aspect of the speakers, unless she is solely the monied one in the marriage.  
Is it possible to buy a decent tube amplifier in the $2000-3000 range?
Rogue is a very good sounding amplifier. FWIW, I owned tubed gear for years- First a CJ amp, then Rogue. For the last 4 years I have owned Pass gear. Don't miss tubes one bit with the Pass stuff. Absolutely nothing missing musically. I do not agre... 
Focal sopra 2 or raidho d2?
Focal Sopra 2- I so wanted to like them but I did not. I preferred the Supra 1! Never heard the Raidho.  
What direction is VPI headed?
Perhaps VPI knowns how to create owner insecurity-  
Will preamp manufacturers tell you if the model is phase inverse?
So I’ve owned gear that inverted phase and the owner’s manual instructed that wiring to the speakers should be flipped. What i never understood is if the circuit inverts polarity why doesn’t a manufacturer simply reverse the leads heading to the c...