

Responses from zavato

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Kind of Blue  
linn sondek tt
I bought my LP12 in 1998 so I’m happy to say that as of Tuesday I’m into 21st year of LP12 ownership. I have heard a lot of tables over the years. None are perfect but I’m pefectly content with my LP12 and have zero desire to change tables. It’s u... 
Mystery switch
My mid 70’s Pioneer receiver also had switchable Dolby demphasis but that was a dead end  
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
“Just wondering whats the problem with the Pass 250.5 I have the 250.8 and think it's awesome.”My question as well. The 250.8, with my speakers, is Ah-May-Zing!  
new york city audio show 2018
Truth is we don’t have the dealers in NY these days as compared to say a decade or more ago. I live 45 minutes outside of NYC. Years back, with a 45 minute radius and without going into NYC, I had at least 10 hifi shops I could go to. Now 2 are le... 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
Most welcome and good luck. I’ve had good results with Belden 19364, and as it is 14 gauge, I would be reluctant to use it with high power amplifiers.  
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
A few thoughts- you can make very good DIY power cords. I like shielded cable, and I use good quality plugs. Finish it off with some tech flex and shrink-wrap, and you have a nice power cord. You will save money but as already noted, resale value ... 
Speed accuracy- how accurate is accurate?
The table is rock steady- how much effort am I will to put in? Considering everything sounds right, not much  
What is the most important component in your system.
While I’ve learned that a preamp can make or break a system, I am reluctant to say any one component is most important. I do think the key is a well balanced system.  
First Foray into XLR
I run a Pass preamp and a Pass amp- using this gear, XLR interconnects proved to be noticeably quieter than RCA interconnects. In my book, quieter is better.  
First Foray into XLR
Best super low priced XLR cable- Mogami I’m quite pleased with Acoustic Zen XLR cables  
How To Field Questions About Your Audiophile Lifestyle...
Someone asked me if my system was better than Bose (look at my profile and decide). My answer was "I think so" 
Luxman vs Pass Labs
I have a Pass amp (X250.8) and a Pass XP-20 preamp. The XP-20 is the finest pre I've ever owned and that list includes a CJ Premier pre. I used to own an XP-10 but the 20 is definitely a cut above. 
Yanni or Laurel?
On the link above, through a Mac Book Pro, Laurel. On a car radio, Yanni.  
Great Customer Service From Simaudio
I've had good experience with Simaudio when a piece of equipment developed a fault. Other companies that also were excellent to deal with have been Pass and Bryston.