

Responses from zavato

Why do McIntosh come with cheap plastic remotes?
NATO straps from OMEGA are a lot. Go to Watch Prince- $20! Any NATO strap is really a cheap thing. Some cost a lot, though.  
Fuses fuses fuses
Al, thanks- I had seen the thread you linked to but only glanced at it.Are any of these aftermarket fuses UL listed and do any manufacturers install these in their gear straight from the factory?  
Cable manufacturers?
By manufacture, I mean their own wire 
Most aesthetic classic turntable
Mikelavigne- OMG- beautiful.  The nicest 301 I saw was a Shindo version 
Most aesthetic classic turntable
I don't think of a table from the 80's as old enough to be a "classic" maybe that's because i am ancient 👍However, I think classic tables, and two come to mind- Garrard 301 and Thorens 124. Throw on an SME arm, and we are done  
Magnepan upgrade
The OP has to listen the the two Maggie's side by side. I suspect that the 3.7i's will do just about everything better but you may also come away thinking just how good the 1.7's are. I knew someone that considered going to the bigger Maggie's and... 
Why do McIntosh come with cheap plastic remotes?
Long lived thread1- earlier comment about an expensive Omega watch with a cheap strap? Uh, yes. NATO straps 2- I have 3 remotes in my system 2 metal, one plastic. Battery replacement- plastic remote is easy- slip off battery door. Metal remotes? O... 
Why do some tube-based power amps have back-panel replaceable fuses and others don’t?
Only time I ever needed to replace a fuse was in an Adcom GFA545 and that was in the early 90's. Had to lift the lid to replace the fuse.  
Dedicated lines in ABQ
I guess I got lucky- when I ran a dedicated line I had no issues and the price was under $200 total. That was just about the best $200 I ever spent on my sound system.  
Finally absolutely satisfied with my system
Always nice to hear when someone gets off the equipment roller coaster, and is settled with their system. I've been settled in without any competent change since 2015, and I have zero desire to change anything. I continue to keep my fingers crosse... 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
Revel Studio 2 and Salon 2 
RMS Power?
While it's interesting that the term RMS power is a misnomer, it is at least consistent. We are still at least comparing apples to apples. I suspect that's all most consumers care about. As long as I know everyone is using the wrong term in the sa... 
More curious than a real question- remote trigger? Anyone use it?
I hadn't suggested it affects sound, but I was simply curious about usage. Thanks all!  
Fm tuner
I've owned the following tuners- Onkyo T9090II, Dynaco FM3, Magnum Dynalab MD105 and McIntosh MR78. I also had an MR71 in my home for a few days but it wasn't working right.The T9090II was the most sensitive, somewhat dry sounding, the FM3 the lea... 
More curious than a real question- remote trigger? Anyone use it?
"my friend just hooked up his Pass X250.8 and XP-20 that way, and is quite happy with it..."Nice!